Tema: Algo muy importante
Necesitamos que seas verdadero, auténtico, valiente, sincero, dispuesto, curioso, conciente, tonto, miedoso, inseguro, incierto, defectuoso.
Necesitamos que seas verdadero, auténtico, valiente, sincero, dispuesto, curioso, conciente, tonto, miedoso, inseguro, incierto, defectuoso.
When it hurts Dear One, when you find yourself in place where you feel as if you have been emotionally batter, bruise, tossed about, and mixed up, remember this;
You are here because you are being given an opportunity to heal.
Take it.
Making tough decisions is a part of life Dear One.
Living is choosing. You know this very well.
You are forced to make tough decisions everyday, and today is no different.
So there you have it.
Does this help to make your tough decision a little less so?
We hope so.
You decide what comes into your life Dear One, and you decide what goes.
And how you do it is no great mystery.
It’s just that simple.
So what are you giving your attention to right now Dear One? What are you spending the majority of your time thinking about?
Is it something that you just can’t wait to have more of in your life?
If your answer is not a resounding YES, we think that you know what it is that you’ve got to do.
Meeting the deadline, finishing the job, maintaining the relationships, finding what’s missing, fixing what’s broken, cleaning up the mess, etc. If you view all of these things as nothing more than tasks that need to be completed throughout your day, your week, your life Dear One, then that is all that they can or ever will be to you.
But the truth is that they hold the potential to be so much more than that.
The truth is that the completion of every task that you take on, big or small, important or mundane, forced or chosen, is an act of creation/creativity, and every act of creation/creativity is a sacred act.
This is your life Dear One, and these are the events in it.
You should know that you are truly missing out on something potentially amazing if all you are doing is enduring them.
Holding on, staying small, keeping quiet, playing it safe, maintaining the familiar is not going to protect you Dear One, is not going to serve you, is not going to lessen the pain, frustration, confusion, discomfort, or lack of abundance in your life.
Open your heart, open your mind, open your eyes, open your mouth.
Open up wide Dear One, wider than you ever have before and let in the light, make room for something new, create space for something different.
Listen to what we are telling you Dear One.
It really is the safest, most effective and most pleasurable route out of any undesired state or situation there is.
At long last, here is the answer that you have been looking for Dear One.
How to make them all happy, in two easy steps:
Make yourself happy, do that which brings you happiness, because you can’t share something with someone else that you don’t first possess yourself.
Teach them by example what it looks like to take responsibility for creating your own happiness, because in the end, if they really want to be happy, they are going to have to learn how to choose it for themselves.
Never feel guilty about taking care of yourself Dear One, for putting yourself first, regardless of what anyone else has to say about it.
Those that give you a hard time just don’t yet understand how vitally important it is for you to do so – for you, for them and for the rest of the world.
If you are not healthy, happy, balanced, and strong, you will be of little or no use to anyone, including yourself.
Someone’s got to teach them Dear One. Someone’s got to show them how it is done.
Why not you?
You asked for our help Dear One, and we want you to know that it would be our great pleasure to give it to you. And we will start by asking you a question in return.
Do you truly believe that you are unable to help yourself in this situation, or is it that you are simply unwilling to do so?