On: Why risk failure?
Try and fail Dear One, and you will still be better off than if you had never tried at all.
Try and fail Dear One, and you will still be better off than if you had never tried at all.
What thought could you think right now Dear One, that would bring you the greatest amount of joy, the greatest amount of pleasure, the greatest amount of happiness to think?
Are you thinking it?
Well, we will tell you.
We want you to trust in well-being, in a universe dominated by well-being.
We want you to trust that well-being is not something that you must work to create for yourself, but something that you must learn to allow for yourself.
We want you to trust that when you let go of negativity, that when you stop trying to control the outcome of every single experience, situation, and relationship, that when you stop taking a defensive stance against life, that well-being, balance, abundance, joy, love, light, laughter, and renewal will rush in to take its place.
That would be a really good place to start.
Whether you are painting pictures, writing poetry, baking bread, balancing spreadsheets, fixing cars, teaching Spanish, selling stocks, playing the flute, designing skyscrapers, or sketching tattoos – what you do today Dear One, is of less importance to us than how you feel while you are doing it.
No hay fuerza alguna en el universo que pueda cambiarte, Querido, si no estas listo para cambiarte a ti mismo.
Pero una vez que hayas decididi que lo estás, no hay furza alguna que pueda impedirtelo.
How do you know if what you are feeling is your intuition telling you beware, proceed with caution, or turn around and run, or if what you feeling is nothing more than your own habitual fears and resistant patterns acting up on you again?
When trying to discern the difference between the two Dear One, remember this:
Today, right now, in this moment Dear One, you are as good as you are ever going to get.
You can never, you will never, be any better than you are right now.
How can that be so?
Learning, growing, creating, becoming wiser, and more trusting, acquiring new knowledge and experiences makes you smarter, more creative, wiser, more knowledgeable and experienced, it does not make you better.
Who you are right now, exactly as you are, is absolutely perfect in the eyes of spirit.
Just because there is more for you to learn, figure out, do, and become, does not mean that you are lacking, broken or deficient in any way, shape or form.
Las cosas son como son porque tú piensas como piensas, porque tú actúas como actúas, porque tú hablas como hablas, porque tú elijes como elijes, porque tú vives como vives.
Las cosas no son así por algo que nosotros te hemos hecho. Y no son así por algo que ellos te han hecho.
Ojalá que estas noticias te sean un alivio porque esto significa que si las cosas no te gustan como son, tú siempre tienes el poder de cambiarlas.
Not now, not today, not ever Dear One, will you ever be in a position where your options, your choices, your possibilities, are controlled, dictated or determined by anyone other than yourself, at least not without your permission.
Please try to remember that the next time you look around and find yourself feeling as though your options are limited.
If you want things to be different Dear One, you’re going to have to start choosing differently; different thoughts, different words, different beliefs, different actions.
There really is no other way.
Are you ready?