On: It’s not you

By |2023-06-06T22:04:10-04:00October 5th, 2015|English|

Think about what motivates your own poor, rash, unkind, thoughtless, fearful, impulsive, or aggressive behavior Dear One.

Is it an intentional desire to hurt, upset, inconvenience, or distress those around you?

Or is it something else?

Please try and remember that before you take their words, actions, or behaviors personally.

On: What if

By |2015-10-01T23:54:16-04:00October 1st, 2015|English|

What an enormous waste of your precious time to spend even one more minute of it wondering  “what if” Dear One.  Who cares about what could have been?  It didn’t happen!  It wasn’t!  All of the wondering in the world is never going to change that – ever – regardless of how much of yourself you choose to sacrifice to the idol of regret.

What a shame it would be to miss out on something really fantastically wonderful in the moment because you were wasting your time looking backwards at your past.

It’s time to let go of the disappointment.  It’s time to let go of the notion that you lost out or missed out on something.  Because you haven’t.  Trust us.  Everything that is meant to be, will be.

Let it go – release yourself from the prison of “what if” and join us once again in the present moment of “what is”.  You’re the only one that can free yourself.  You are the only one with key.  Use it.  We promise you, you won’t be sorry that you did.

On: Creating abundance

By |2015-10-01T00:39:15-04:00October 1st, 2015|English|

Abundance is a mindset Dear One.  It is not an actual physical state of being.

Acquiring abundance, acquiring more joy, success, love, wealth, comfort, health, more anything, more everything in your life is not actually a journey of accumulation, but one of release.

The more you let go of your belief that you live in a universe of limited resources, the more you let go of limiting thoughts, beliefs, actions and behaviors, the more abundance you will allow, the more abundant you will be.


On: The greater good

By |2015-09-30T01:02:48-04:00September 30th, 2015|English|

Do you want to serve the greater good today Dear One?

Do you want your thoughts, words, actions and deeds to serve the best interests of yourself and those around you?

Then do what makes you happy.

Make choices that make you feel better, that make you feel more open, grounded and connected to your source in each moment, and you will be doing exactly that.



On: Getting rid of it

By |2015-09-29T00:47:55-04:00September 29th, 2015|English|

If you don’t want it anymore Dear One, if it is your intention to be done with it forever, to remove it from your life because it no longer serves you, contrary to what you may believe and what prior experience may have taught you, you don’t need to exert a great deal of effort to rid yourself of it, to eliminate it from your experience.

In fact, you really don’t need to exert any effort at all.

You simply need to stop choosing it.

How do you do that?

By not giving it even one more minute of your attention.

There are so many beautiful things that you want for yourself in this life Dear One.

Why waste even one more second of your time focused on anything else?

On: Choosing one or the other

By |2015-09-26T01:03:07-04:00September 26th, 2015|English|

You can’t punish yourself for a mistake, misjudgment, or misstep Dear One, and rectify it at the same it.

You’re going to have to choose, one or the other.

You’re going to have to decide which is more important to you; returning to a state of balanced well-being or remaining self-critical.

So, what’s it going to be?



On: Taking turns

By |2015-09-25T00:01:31-04:00September 25th, 2015|English|

  • We forgive you  Dear One, for not always trusting your instincts
  • We forgive you for making careless mistakes because you were not paying attention
  • We forgive you for being exceptionally hard on yourself in response to both of the above
  • We forgive you for resisting change, even when you know it will serve you well
  • We forgive you for being afraid
  • We forgive you for being critical, judgmental, and dismissive of yourself and those around you in response to insecurity
  • We forgive you for not acting from a place of clarity and certainty even when you are clear and certain
  • We forgive you for not allowing yourself to shift easily into the place of well-being that you know that you are being guided towards

We forgive you for all of these things and more – done yesterday, today and even those that you will do tomorrow.

Why?  Because we feel nothing but love for you Dear One.

Now it’s your turn.

On: What’s in a name?

By |2015-09-24T00:43:49-04:00September 24th, 2015|English|

Friend, boyfriend, lover, wife, spouse, partner, neighbor, sister, brother, cousin, best friend, confidant, significant other, soul mate, buddy, companion, associate, cohort or chum. 

You have lots of ways of defining, categorizing and labeling your relationships Dear One.  And we realize that these measures can be greatly varied, intricately complicated, highly emotional, and hold a great deal of significance for you.   We know that they strongly influence and in some cases totally determine how you act towards someone, how you think, feel and react around them, and your expectations of them.   We get it. We really do understand.

But from where we are standing there truly is only one measure by which all relationships are defined, categorized and labeled — and that measure Dear One, is the amount of love shared.

As we see it, how you choose to define a relationship is so much less significant than the amount of love that you choose to bring to it and allow yourself to experience within it.

So, what is in a name Dear One?

As far as we are concerned, as long as there is love there, not a whole hell of a lot.

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