On: Making it go away

By |2016-02-18T00:40:51-05:00February 18th, 2016|English|

You should know Dear One, that as soon as you stop feeding it with your thoughts, acknowledging it with your attention, strengthening it with your words, and telling everyone that you can get to listen about how much you wish it wasn’t so, that which no longer serves you, that which you longer want, will begin to go away.

On: How to approach a bad day

By |2016-02-16T22:52:10-05:00February 16th, 2016|English|

The best way to approach a bad day Dear One, is this —  to remember this one very important thing — that no matter bad things look, no matter how bad thing appear to be, no matter how hopeless you think the situation is — it won’t last.  As experience has already taught you time and time again, it never does.

The quicker that you can get back to doing/choosing/focusing your attention on those things that are going right, those things that you love, those things that bring you joy, that incite laughter, that inspire feelings of gratitude, hope, creativity, excitement, levity, anticipation, and excitement within you, the quicker it will pass.

And just how long will that take?

Well that is entirely up to you.




On: Some relief

By |2016-02-15T22:32:38-05:00February 15th, 2016|English|

We’ve got some great news for you Dear One!

Your success is totally and completely dependent on you, and you alone.

Abundance, happiness, love, creativity, inspiration, well-being can all be yours, anytime that you would like.

You can allow them into your life whenever you want them.

You don’t need to wait for someone else to give them to you.  You don’t need to ask for permission to take them.  You don’t need to rely on someone else to create opportunities for you or unlock doors for you.

You do not need to wait for anything or anyone Dear One.

All you need to do is remember that you are worthy, that you are deserving of all of these things, and open yourself up and receive them.

Isn’t that a relief?

Tema: la decisión correcta

By |2023-06-06T22:04:09-04:00February 15th, 2016|Español|

Haste un favor y deja de constantemente tratar de hacer la decisión correcta, Querido. Creenos.

La decisión correcta no es la que necesitas hacer.

Para decidir cual es la ‘correcta’ necesitas juzgar. Requiere que examines a una persona o situación y que la juzgues como correcta o equivocada, en vez de aceptarla así como es. El juzgar solo te desconecta, te separa de tu mas mayor fuente de fuerza, inspiración y alegría – tu conección a todo lo que es.

Por lo tanto, hoy en vez de hacer la decisión ‘correcta’, Querido, ¿porque no elijes algo mejor para tí y haces una decisión de amor, una decisión de compasión, una decisión honorable y generosa, bondadosa y alegre?

On: An alternative to regret

By |2016-02-14T22:59:19-05:00February 14th, 2016|English|

If you don’t feel good about the decisions you make yesterday Dear One, if you are unhappy with the choices that you made, know that you don’t have to regret them.  You can choose to accept them, learn from them and choose differently today instead if you would like.

No matter how badly you feel, no matter how badly you made them feel, no matter how much you punish yourself, or those around you, regret will not solve, fix, change or improve anything in any way, shape, or form.

It never has and it never will.

Regret won’t help you or them to forget, forgive, connect, improve, repair, restore, heal or move on Dear One.

But forgiveness will – change will – hope will – courage will – faith will – strength, love, kindness, and compassion will.



On: How to spend your time

By |2016-02-13T00:12:32-05:00February 13th, 2016|English|

Here are 3 things that you should know about time Dear One.

  • No one can take it from you.
  • No one can spend it for you.
  • What you do with it is totally and completely up to you.

We know that it doesn’t always feel that way, but  it is that way.

If you don’t like the way yours is being spent, do something about it.

You’re the only one who can.

On: Creating your experience

By |2016-02-11T01:03:10-05:00February 11th, 2016|English|


In this moment Dear One, you have the ability to make a different choice, to have a different experience.

You can choose to love a little more and judge a little less, to forgive, to be kind, to show compassion, to stand up for yourself, to walk away, to be brave, to take a risk, to let them in, or let them go.

Now, in this moment –  you can choose to be confident – you can choose to take care of yourself – you can choose to impact the lives of others – you can choose to trust and try and trust and try again.

So, what’s it going to be?

Tema: La Perfección

By |2016-02-10T09:00:03-05:00February 10th, 2016|Español|

Nadie, pero absolutamente nadie es perfecto. Y aún todos somos perfectos. Esto no es simplemente una de esas contradicciones de la vida que uno debe acceptar. Es una asunto que tiene dos puntos de vista. No podrás alcanzar la perfección si tratas de ser perfecto como ser físico. La gente trata de convencerse que es posible pero no lo es.

Pero cuando elijes alinearte con tu ser espirituál, tu ya eres completamente perfecto. Cada uno de Uds. es una alma perfecta, una chispa gloriosa de la divinidad y parte de todo lo que és.

Tu eres espiritual y fisico al mismo tiempo. No trates de mantener estas dos partes separadas. Ábrete para que puedas ver, compartir y experienciar estas dos realidades simultaneamente – tu perfección espirituál y tu imperfección física. Eres espectacular no importa como te veas. Permite que estas dos cualidades resalten y vive tu vida auténticamente y completamente despierto. Aceptalas ahora y verás como te surge un nuevo mundo. Tus fronteras cambiarán y tus limitaciones desaparecerán.

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