On: You’re going to have to choose

By |2016-04-11T00:08:32-04:00April 11th, 2016|English|

You can’t punish yourself for making a mistake Dear One, for taking a misstep, for falling out of alignment, and correct it, come back into alignment, make it right again at the same time.

You’re going to have to choose, one or the other.

You’re going to have to decide which is more important to you; returning to well-being and restoring balance, or remaining self-critical.

What’s it going to be?

On: Your life

By |2016-04-10T00:10:49-04:00April 10th, 2016|English|

This is your life Dear One.

  • Love it
  • Hate it
  • Enjoy it
  • Waste it
  • Share it
  • Hoard it
  • Embrace it
  • Fear it
  • Celebrate it
  • Worry it away

What you do with it is totally and completely up to you.

How you respond to the events in it is totally and completely up to you.

How you react to the people in it is totally and completely up to you.

Not them Dear One.


Just you.


On: No BS

By |2016-04-08T01:03:03-04:00April 8th, 2016|English|

The universe has no ego Dear One — unlike you.

It has no physical, emotional, social, spiritual, or financial agenda for your life either —unlike you.

The universe just tells it like it is, no BS.

You live your life, you make choices, you feel, you create, you vibrate, you send your energy out into the world, and the universe reflects it back to you, objectively, with no judgment, no distortions, no illusions, and no expectations.

The best way to know for sure how you are flowing your energy Dear One, is not by trying to be more conscious of the way that you feel while you are flowing it, while you are putting it out there (although that is important) – it is by becoming more conscious of how you feel, what you see, and what you get when the universe reflects it back to you.

On: Avoiding pain

By |2016-04-06T01:03:53-04:00April 6th, 2016|English|

As hard as it might be to believe Dear One, pain is not a punishment.  It is a teacher, a guide, a friend to you.  Its purpose in your life is not to hurt you, harm you, discourage you, frighten you, or weaken you. Quite the contrary actually.

Pain Dear One, is a call for love, is a call for attention, it is a call for healing, growth, and expansion.  Pain is a teacher with a valuable message for you and it is not something to be avoided.  It is something to be acknowledged and embraced.

Run from pain and you will spend an eternity pressed up against an all too familiar wall that you are quite capable of walking around, climbing over, or breaking through.

On: Regaining control

By |2016-04-05T00:27:02-04:00April 5th, 2016|English|

Do you want to know how you turns things around Dear One, how you get it to stop feeling like things are spinning out of control?

We’ll tell you.

Remember that you are the creator of your world. Remember that you are the one in charge, the one deciding, choosing, attracting, and manifesting all that you’ve got, all that you are experiencing, all that is headed your way.

If you want to slow things down, slow them down, if you want to speed things up, speed them up, if you want more or less, bigger or smaller, lighter or darker, (you get the idea) create it, choose it, make it so.  It’s just that simple.


Stop reacting and start creating.

Align your thoughts, energy, words, deeds, and beliefs with what you want Dear One, instead of with what is, and you’ll see what we are talking about.

Tema: Consejos

By |2023-06-06T22:04:08-04:00April 4th, 2016|Español|

Cada minuto de cada día te estamos hablando, alentándote, guiándote hacia lo que tú quieres para ti mismo.

Para recibir y entender estos consejos sería bueno que entiendas porque lo hacemos. No es para decirte lo que tienes que hacer, ni para dictar tus opciones o crear tu futuro. Esas son cosas que solo tú las puedes hacer y nunca te sacaríamos el poder decidir y descubrir por ti mismo. No nos importa el color de tu camisa pero si queremos que te sientes bien en ella. No estamos sugeriendo que quieras a una persona mas que a otra pero sí intentamos que experiences en tu corazón el amor verdadero con una alma que este tan o más abierta que tí a compartir tal amor. No nos preocupa que carrera elijes pero queremos que sepas que como tú usas tu tiempo y energia para servir a los que te rodean sí es importante. Te guiaremos para que encuentres sastisfacción en tu trabajo y queremos acercarte a lo que te trae placer, sentido y una conección auténtica a los que te rodean haciendo uso de tus talentos. Alentaremos lo que desplege tus limites y tu experiencia del mundo, las cosas que te traen la maxima alegría. Sea pintando cuadros, cambiando bombillas de luz o enseñando a un niño como leer… no nos importa tanto lo que haces, sino como te sientes al hacerlo.

Tu contribuyes a la creación de tu mundo constantemente – con cada opción, pensamiento y acción que elijes. Queremos que te acuerdes disfrutar todo lo que haces – pare que tus creaciones tengan alegría, satisfacción y optimismo. El hacerlo es beneficioso para tî y para todos los seres que comparten este mundo contigo.

On: The right thing to do

By |2016-04-03T23:14:47-04:00April 3rd, 2016|English|

The right thing to do cannot be determined by thinking it through Dear One, no matter how much time you dedicate to the task.  Thought will always be limited by experience.

And the right thing to do is rarely the logical choice.  As we are sure that you have learned first hand by now, logic can be grossly deceptive.

If you want to know how to figure out what the right thing for you to do is Dear One, we’ll tell you.

The right thing for you to do, is always going to be, whatever it is that your heart is telling you to do.

So save yourself a lot of  time, energy, and frustration, and trust it.

On: When to stay away

By |2016-04-02T13:54:51-04:00April 2nd, 2016|English|

If you are feeling badly Dear One, because they are hurting, if you are feeling sad for them, if you are hurting for them, feeling their pain, and wanting desperately to help in any way that you possibly can, our advice to you is this – DON’T.

Don’t try to help. Don’t try to fix it. Don’t try to make it all better. Don’t start looking for answers. Don’t try to come up with brilliant solutions. Just don’t.

Here’s what we want you to do instead.

Focus on feeling good. Focus on feeling better. Focus on whatever it is that you need to focus on to release your sadness for them and come back into alignment with your higher self, with your connected self, with your confident, all knowing, and joyous self that has absolutely no doubt at all whatsoever that everything is going to work out for the best.

Once you do that Dear One, once you are in a place where your vision of what’s possible is stronger than your vision of what is, then, and only then will you be in a position to help in a way that will make a significant difference.



On: Changing your beliefs

By |2023-06-06T22:04:08-04:00April 1st, 2016|English|

You can choose to believe anything that you want Dear One.

Unlike the color of your eyes, the size of your feet, or the distance from the tip of your nose to the top of your head, your beliefs are not assigned to you at birth, determined for you by genetics, or handed down to you by some external force in the universe.

(Although we know that sometimes it can feel that way)

They are a very personal choice that you make each and every day.

And if yours are causing you to feel anything other than strong, empowered, connected, worthy, and good about yourself more often than not, please remember that it is well within your power to change them anytime you would like.

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