On: It’s not them, it’s you

By |2016-08-11T02:57:43-04:00August 11th, 2016|English|

  • You are the only one choosing the thoughts that you think.
  •  You are the only one choosing the actions that you take.
  • You are the only one choosing the beliefs that you hold, the words that you speak, and the attitude with which you approach your life and all of the people in it.

It’s all you Dear One, not them.

So why not decide that starting today that you are only going to choose the supportive ones, the positive ones, the loving ones, the confident ones, the compassionate, forgiving, and inspired ones that make you feel good instead?

On: Choosing your view

By |2016-08-10T03:21:04-04:00August 10th, 2016|English|

Why choose to focus your attention on the circumstances, people, projects, events, and details in your life that you don’t like, want, need, or enjoy Dear One, when you can choose to focus it on those that you do like, want, need and enjoy instead?

(Just a small reminder that you are the one who gets to decide where your gaze will fall)

On: True beauty

By |2016-08-09T02:18:52-04:00August 9th, 2016|English|

Beauty is not something that you see with your eyes Dear One, it is something that you feel with your heart.

So how do you know if what you are looking at, if what you are seeing is truly beautiful, or if it is simply an illusion, a judgment, a product of your imagination?

Close your eyes.

If it disappears, then you know.

Tema: Porque así lo decimos nosotros

By |2016-08-08T12:40:49-04:00August 8th, 2016|Español|

Que tus acciónes hoy sean motivadas por el amor, más que por cualquier otra ¿Porque?

Porque así lo decimos nosotros.Y porque al hacerlo te sentirás mucho mejor que al no hacerlo.


El elejír moitivación positiva y consciente evitará que tus acciones sean motivadas por las negativas e inconscientes, tal como el miedo, la desconfianza, la culpa, la tristeza, la venganza, etc.

On: Being accountable

By |2023-06-06T22:04:08-04:00August 8th, 2016|English|

We think that it’s time you started holding yourself more accountable for your actions Dear One.

Celebrate your victories.  Acknowledge your accomplishments.  Praise your successes.  Honor your abilities.  Each and every one of them, big and small, everyday.

When you don’t, when you dismiss them, belittle them, or simply gloss right over them and immediately shift your attention instead to that which remains undone, to that which you have not yet achieved, not yet completed, or not yet mastered, you are doing yourself a greatdisservice.  Not only are you cheating yourself out of a wonderful experience, but you are tossing aside a potentially life changing moment.

Stop doing that.

One good feeling is all it takes to turn anything around.

Celebrate, acknowledge, praise and honor your accomplishments today Dear One.  It is the surest thing that you can do for yourself to guarantee that there will be more of them tomorrow.

On: Anger

By |2016-08-06T03:23:16-04:00August 6th, 2016|English|

If you are angry Dear One, know this, they are not to blame.

Regardless of anything that they might have said, or done to piss you off or hurt you, they are still not to blame.

No one can make you feel something that does not already exist within you.

They can inspire you to get in touch with your anger, they can serve as an instigator, their actions can draw your anger up to the surface, but nothing that they do can inject anger into your heart.

Isn’t that great news?

Now you know Dear One, that when you are angry and you are ready to deal with it, that you don’t have go back and deal with them in order to do it.  You only have to deal with yourself.

On: What you just don’t understand

By |2016-08-05T03:05:38-04:00August 5th, 2016|English|

If you truly understood Dear One, just how extremely powerful, amazingly precious, uniquely gifted, and absolutely essential you are, just as you are, you would never again speak another unkind word, think another unkind thought, or do another unkind thing to yourself, ever again.

On: No worries

By |2016-08-04T02:27:21-04:00August 4th, 2016|English|

You can’t worry your way to health Dear One.

You can’t worry your way to success, abundance, joy, security, or love either.

No matter how much of your heart you put into it, no matter how deeply you commit yourself to it, worry is never going to get you to where you want to go.

We are not telling you this to encourage you to ignore your feelings Dear One.

We are telling you this to remind you that focusing your attention on something more productive might be a much better use of your time.

On: Cleaning house

By |2016-08-03T02:47:54-04:00August 3rd, 2016|English|

Clean up Dear One. There is an abundance of “clutter” around you that quite frankly, you would feel so much better without. There is an excess of uncertainty, restraint, and frustration in your life.  There is too much self pity, self-doubt, fear and need for approval.  It will be much easier for you to create the life that want for yourself when your space is not full of all of the things that you don’t want.

Are you ready let go and be rid of these things?  It is easier to do then you might think.  Here is the trick:  Do nothing.  That’s it.   That’s all.  Do nothing and all of the excesses in your life will fade away, diminish, be gone.

Do nothing to acknowledge them.  Do nothing to feed them.  Do nothing to indulge them or justify them or explain them or rationalize them.  Do not apologize for them.  Do not track how long you have had them.  Do absolutely nothing to, or for them anymore……and they will go away.

As soon as you stop feeding, fueling and acknowledging that which you longer want, that which no longer serves you, it will cease to be.  It is your attention to something that causes it to grow, that gives it energy, that attracts more of it to you.  So instead of giving even the smallest amount of your attention to that which is unwanted, try instead, to give it only to that which is wanted.  And then watch those things begin to take on a place of dominance in your life.

Clean up your thoughts Dear One and you will begin to clean up your life.

On: Changing old patterns

By |2016-08-02T04:04:56-04:00August 2nd, 2016|English|

When you decide that you want to change Dear One, that you want to let go of old patterns, and all (or at least some) of the things in your life that you know just don’t serve you anymore, try not to look at it as if you are making some dramatic decision that you suddenly have to give up something that love, like, or just have grown accustomed to.

Because we know, just as well as you do, that that can be really, really, really, hard to do.

So instead, trying looking at it from a different perspective –  trying seeing it for what it really is.

And what is that?

Deciding to make an empowered choice to pick something new, something healthy, something powerful that will serve you, heal you, and strengthen you, body, mind, and spirit.

Do that Dear One,  focus on what you will gain from making a change and not on what you will be giving up, and you just might find the whole experience to be far simpler and much more pleasant than you ever imagined it could be.




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