On: The importance of practicing joy

By |2016-10-20T03:25:31-04:00October 20th, 2016|English|

Choose joy today Dear One, every chance that you get.

  • Choose to think joyful thoughts
  • Choose to speak joyful words
  • Choose to want, do, and plan for things that will bring you joy

Be vigilant about it.

Practice it, a lot.

Practice it until you get really, really good at it.

Practice it as if your future happiness depended on it.

Because it does.

Tema: El prestar atención

By |2016-10-19T13:11:23-04:00October 19th, 2016|Español|

¿Para que darle tu atención a lo que esta mal, a lo que no funciona, a lo que no haz alcanzado, a lo que te hace sentir mal Querido, cuando hay tantas otras opciónes más agradables, gratas, productivas y divertidas de las cuales puedes elejir?


On: Being self-destructive

By |2016-10-19T03:08:43-04:00October 19th, 2016|English|

We are not going to try and stop you from making self-destructive choices Dear One, repeating self-destructive patterns, or engaging in self-destructive relationships.

This is your life and you are free to choose to live it any way that you please.

But what we are going to do is try and help you to become more aware of the fact that you are doing so.

We want you to think about and be conscious of every single choice that you make.  We want you to choose purposefully, deliberately, and with intention.

If you are making choices that are harming you, we would like for you to be fully aware of the fact that you are doing so.

This is your life Dear One, and you are free to make any choice that pleases you.

If, however, the choices that you are making are not pleasing to you, then we are going to do all that we can to encourage you to start making different ones.

On: Throwing a pity party

By |2016-10-18T02:01:47-04:00October 18th, 2016|English|

You should know Dear One, that it is perfectly okay for you to choose to throw yourself a pity party, if that is what you genuinely feel like you need to do.

But just remember, that every minute that you are choosing to invest in feeling sorry yourself, is a minute that you are not investing in doing something more productive, positive, or pleasurable for yourself that just might help you to start turning things around.

Have your party if need to Dear One, if you think it will help, if you think it will make you feel better.

Just don’t let it go on too long, okay?

On: Not trying so hard

By |2016-10-17T03:44:04-04:00October 17th, 2016|English|

Don’t try so hard to do, be and have it all Dear One.

  •  Just keep choosing the things that you want over the things that you don’t want.
  • Just keep choosing the things that you like over the things that you don’t like.
  • Just keep choosing the things that make you smile over the things that don’t.
  • Just keep choosing the things that make you feel good over the things that make you feel badly.

Just keep choosing the things that make you happy over the things that don’t, and you’ll soon come to find Dear One, that one decision at a time, you can do, be and have it all.

On: Making the right decision

By |2016-10-15T03:15:05-04:00October 15th, 2016|English|

Did you know that any decision that you make confidently, joyfully, with an open heart, from a good feeling place, regardless of how impetuous or how well thought out it may be,  will always bring you closer to that which you are seeking than any made from a place of tension, stress, confusion, turmoil or emotional distress?

It’s true!



On: Why you can’t quit

By |2016-10-14T02:14:00-04:00October 14th, 2016|English|

You can’t quit Dear One.

  • Not because you shouldn’t.
  • Not because you couldn’t
  • Not because it’s a sign of weakness, failure or an admittance of guilt or incompetence if you do

You can’t quit because whatever it is you are trying to get away from by quitting is not going to go away until you deal with it, confront it, face it, handle it, learn from it, address it head on.  It will keep coming back, in one form or another, again and again and again, until you do.

When it comes down to it, quitting really is nothing more than a delay tactic.

It is a defeatist act rooted in frustration, desperation and a belief in powerlessness, and it resolves nothing

But making a conscious decision to walk away, choosing to make a different choice, an empowered choice, now that is an entirely different story altogether.

On: Feeling overwhelmed

By |2016-10-13T02:22:03-04:00October 13th, 2016|English|

Feeling overwhelmed Dear One?

You know there is a relatively simple solution that can help you to not feel that way anymore.

Instead of focusing your attention on feelingoverwhelmed, focus it on an activity, thought, or belief that makes you feel empowered, balanced, peaceful or some other desired emotional state instead.

We said it was simple Dear One, we never said it would be easy.

Tema: La ruta más rápida

By |2016-10-12T14:09:01-04:00October 12th, 2016|Español|

¿Quieres saber cual es la manera más rápida para ir de donde estás a donde quieres ir, Querido?

Reduce tu velocidad. No te apures, no te estreses ni corras en tus acciones.

Practica la paciencia.

Cuanto más enfocado y centrado estés, cuanta más claridad tu tengas, cuanto más deliberadas y seguras sean tus acciones, mejor te sentirás de tí mismo y más eficáz serás.

On: Defining the moment

By |2016-10-12T03:15:15-04:00October 12th, 2016|English|

Don’t make NOW the moment that you gave up Dear One. Don’t make it the moment that you failed, or the moment that it didn’t work either. Don’t make it the moment that you didn’t get it done, that you didn’t measure up, that you could’t make it work, or that you realized that you were just too far off course to ever get yourself over to the place where you really want to be.

Make NOW an empowered moment, an powerful moment, a triumphant moment.

Make NOW the moment that you turned it all around instead.

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