On: How to move past it
How do you move past it, Dear One? How do you let it go once and for all?
The answer to that is easy.
You don’t.
You move past it one day, one choice, one moment at a time.
How do you move past it, Dear One? How do you let it go once and for all?
The answer to that is easy.
You don’t.
You move past it one day, one choice, one moment at a time.
A dark, cloudy day holds just as much potential for you to witness something beautiful Dear One, as a bright, sunny one does.
You have just conditioned yourself to look for it more in one than in the other.
The trick to overcoming this is simple.
Believe us, and start looking for it in both.
Once you do, once you discover for yourself that what we are telling you is true, your experience of darkness will never be the same again.
¿Quieres saber como tener un buen día, Querido?
Haz decisiones que te hacen sonreír.
Do you believe yourself to be a victim of the circumstances of your life Dear One, or the creator of them?
Take a minute to think about it before you answer, because your reply will pretty much determine the course of the rest of your day, your week, your month, your year, your life.
Treat yourself well Dear One; with kindness, love, honesty, flexibility, generosity, compassion, forgiveness, and respect.
Because they’re watching and are taking their lead from you.
If you can’t find a way to feel good about the situation you’re in Dear One, to feel hope, see potential, or the light at the end of tunnel, stop.
Just stop.
Don’t try and fix it. Don’t try and change it. Don’t try and fight it, avoid it, get around it, or out of it. Don’t do anything.
Not until you find something about it, or anything else that you can feel good about first.
Feel good, and then take action. Always in that order.
To do it any other way is only asking for trouble.
Clinging to fear when you are in uncertain or unfamiliar circumstances Dear One, will serve you in much the same way that turning off the faucet will when you are most in need of a drink.
Fear cuts you off, from your source, from well-being, from the support, guidance, energy and wisdom that you need, just when you need it the most.
Trust in a universe that exists to support you, opens you up and connects you to your source, connects you to the unlimited support, guidance, energy and wisdom that is available to you at all times.
Fear cuts you off, and holds you in darkness. Trust opens you up and lets in the light.
The more you allow yourself to trust in the face of fear Dear One, the more you will be opening up the faucet. The more open your faucet is, the less you will have to be fearful of.
When choosing your travel partners Dear One, whether it be those that will walk with you for a moment, a mile (or many) or a lifetime, remember this – No one can propel you forward or hold you back, but you. So you can now officially take that responsibility off of their shoulders.
You and you alone are responsible for the direction that your life is headed at any given moment. So you can stop giving them all the credit, or all the blame for the direction you now find yourself moving.
Others can influence you, encourage you, assist you, teach you, inspire you, order you, belittle you, frighten you, attempt to weigh you down or manipulate you even, to move you in this direction or that direction – but the choice for which direction you choose to travel is ultimately yours and yours alone.
Always has been. Always will be.
If you are still giving your attention to the problem Dear One, the solution will continue to elude you.