On: What you are up against

By |2017-05-10T02:18:47-04:00May 10th, 2017|English|

What we know Dear One, that you might not, is that the only force in the universe that is capable of preventing you from doing, being, having, accomplishing, creating, or completing anything that you want, is you.

On: What do you believe?

By |2023-06-06T22:04:07-04:00May 9th, 2017|English|

You can choose to believe anything that you want Dear One.

Your beliefs are not like the color of your eyes or the length of your pinky toe.

They are not assigned to you, or determined for you, by genetics or some other external force in the universe, like a parent, a teacher, or a book.

(Although we know that sometimes it can feel that way)

They are a very personal choice that you make every single day.

And if yours are causing you to feel anything other than strong, empowered, and  good about yourself, please remember that it is well within your power to change them anytime you would like.

On: When to lighten up

By |2017-05-07T02:49:28-04:00May 7th, 2017|English|

Now is the time to lighten up Dear One.

It really is okay to not take it all so seriously – whatever it is – even the really, big, important, seriously scary stuff.

We say this to you not to disrespect, trivialize, dismiss or belittle whatever very difficult, important or challenging situation, circumstance or event you might be dealing with at the moment.

We say this to you to help you to remember that you can choose to approach it, deal with it, and move past it with ease, grace, joy, confidence and levity just as easily as you can with intensity, struggle, stress, drama, fear, and doubt.

On: Achieving the impossible

By |2017-05-06T02:37:26-04:00May 6th, 2017|English|

We are not going to try to encourage you, convince you or teach you how to achieve the impossible Dear One.   That would be a waste of our time and yours.  By definition, the impossible cannot be done.   We would never encourage you to pursue that which you are convinced you can not do.

Instead, we are going to encourage you to dream bigger and focus your attention on that which you believe is possible, on those things that you believe can be accomplished.

Set out in pursuit of those things Dear One, and accomplish them.

Feel that satisfaction that comes along with completing a task, with accomplishing a goal.  And then, when you have sufficiently built up your confidence, when you are feeling good about your self and your abilities, we want you to revisit, re-examine those things that once seemed impossible to you and see if your perception of them has changed at all.

If it has – Wonderful!  You will then be ready to take them on.  And if it has not, then we would like you to go back and repeat the process.

Remember Dear One, something is only impossible when you believe it is.  Therefore everything is impossible and nothing is impossible. And the best part is – you get to choose which is true for you.

So, what’s it going to be today?

On: Honoring your teacher

By |2017-05-05T02:57:49-04:00May 5th, 2017|English|

The more you respect and honor your teachers Dear One, the more you will learn from them, the more you will grow with them, the wiser you will become.

And one of the greatest teachers that you’ve got, that is available to you at all times, is your intuition.

And the best way for you to honor it, to show your respect, and strengthen the connection between you, is to listen to it, trust it, and take action on its behalf, as often as you possibly can.

On: Approaching a bad day

By |2017-05-04T03:03:03-04:00May 4th, 2017|English|

Having a bad day  Dear One?

Trust us, it won’t last.  Experience has already taught you that it won’t, it never does.

The quicker that you can remember that, that quicker that you can get back to focusing your attention on that which is working, on those things that you love, that bring you joy, that make you laugh, that inspire you, that trigger in you feelings of gratitude, hope, excitement, love, and anticipation, the quicker it will pass.

How long will that take?

Well, that is entirely up to you.

On: Turning it up a notch

By |2017-05-03T03:01:13-04:00May 3rd, 2017|English|

Your heart does not have an off switch Dear One.  It is always on.

It is always talking to you. It is always guiding you. It is always showing you the way.

When you can’t hear it, and all you can hear is the voice in your head, the voice of fear, insecurity, doubt, judgment, concern, guilt, lack, or despair, it is does not mean that your heart has shut down, is unavailable, or that it does not have wisdom to share with you.

It simply means that in that moment you are choosing to focus your attention elsewhere.

The voice that you give your attention to Dear One, is the one that you will hear the loudest.

If you want to turn the volume back up on your heart, so that you can hear it loud and clear, so that it is the dominate voice within you, simply choose to give your undivided attention to it.

Do this and it won’t take long before all of the other negative rumblings within you coming from the general vicinity of your head, become nothing more than a faint and distant murmur in the background.


On: Being in a committed relationship

By |2017-05-02T14:18:26-04:00May 2nd, 2017|English|

Yes Dear One, being in a committed relationship is absolutely essential to living a happy life.

If you are not already in one, we suggest that you get yourself into one ASAP.

We want to see you make an authentic, joyful, loving, passionate, compassionate, forgiving, life long commitment to someone.


It will be the most important, sacred and fulfilling committment you will ever make.

We promise you that.

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