Tema: Esto no es una prueba

By |2017-08-01T11:00:58-04:00August 1st, 2017|Español|

Esto no es una prueba Querido. Tampoco es un rompecabezas. Los retos no son tribulaciones.

Esta es tu vida. TU vida, para vivirla como quieras.

No hay obligación a vivirla de una manera u otra. Tu y solo tienes que elejir como vivirla.

On: Appreciating disconnection

By |2017-08-01T03:12:00-04:00August 1st, 2017|English|

Don’t regret any state of disconnection that you may be experiencing Dear One.

Once you are aware it, choose take advantage of it instead!

The experience of reconnecting with your source, with the divine, with others, with yourself, with nature, with all that is, is a sacred one, a powerful one, an empowering one, an exciting, engaging, healing and joyful one.

When the opportunity presents itself for you do so, why not allow yourself to enjoy it!

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