Tema: Cuando parar

By |2017-09-19T13:16:09-04:00September 19th, 2017|Español|

Si no puedes encontrár como sentirte mejor de la situación en la que estas Querido, si no puedes sentír la esperanza, ver la posibilidad, o la solución, pará.

Simplemente pará.

No trates de arreglarlo. No trates de cambiarlo. No trates de pelearlo, evitarlo o rodearlo. No hagas nada.

Primero sienteté bien y luego toma acción. Siempre en ese orden.

Si lo tratas de hacer on otra forma no servirá.

On: Getting rich, quickly

By |2017-09-18T14:42:35-04:00September 18th, 2017|English|

Do you want to know how to get rich in a hurry Dear One?

We’ll tell you how it’s done.

Celebrate joyously, gratefully, enthusiastically, and unabashedly all that you have right now, all that you are, all that you see, all that is already in your possession, and all of the abundance that surrounds  you each and every day.

Give all of your attention to that Dear One, and to little else, right now.

That is how it’s done.


On: How to contribute

By |2017-09-17T02:55:07-04:00September 17th, 2017|English|

All of the imbalance that exists in world Dear One, is simply a reflection of the imbalance that exists within each and every one of you.

If you would like to see, feel, and experience more balance in the people, policies, and practices around you, do you part to contribute to it by restoring balance to yourself.

On: Daily stretching

By |2017-09-16T02:07:12-04:00September 16th, 2017|English|

You did not come forth into the cutting edge of reality Dear One, onto the cutting edge of thought, creation, of all that is to stand still. Did you?

You did not come into being at this time, in this play to stay put, to play it safe, to experience as little growth, movement, change and expansion as you possibly could. Right?

Just something to keep in mind while you are making up your mind about what it is you are going to do today.

On: Not waiting

By |2017-09-15T10:03:53-04:00September 15th, 2017|English|

Don’t wait for them to decide Dear One, before you make your decision.

Release your dependency on them, and your expectations of them.

  • Let them follow their bliss, and you follow yours
  • Let them move at their pace, and you move at yours
  • Let them decide what is best for them, and you decide what is best for you

Because in the end your happiness is not determined by what they think, what they say, what they do, what they choose, or when they choose to do it.

It is determined by how you do all of those things.

On: Just a thought

By |2017-09-14T04:18:15-04:00September 14th, 2017|English|

What thought could you think Dear One, that would bring you the greatest amount of joy, the greatest amount of pleasure, the greatest amount of happiness if you were to think it right now?

Have you got it in your mind?


Tema: ¿Quién esá encargado?

By |2017-09-13T13:07:10-04:00September 13th, 2017|Español|

Contrario a lo que tú crees, y como aparenta a veces Querido, ten en cuenta que sin excepción, eres tú; tus pensamientos, tu forma de pensar, tu corazón, tus creencias, tus elecciónes y tus acciones que estan comandando las fuerzas del universo.

Definitivamente no es al revés.

On: A challenge for you

By |2017-09-13T14:25:13-04:00September 13th, 2017|English|

We have a challenge for you today, Dear One.

We would like for you to make a commitment to yourself to only speak your truth all day long, and to take notice of how it feels to do so.

What does that mean?

  •  That you will remain conscious and think before you speak
  • That you will only answer questions from you heart, and not from habit, obligation, insecurity or fear
  • That you will only say what you really mean, and not what you think you are supposed to say, what you think they need you to say, or what you think they are expecting you to say.

Taking this one on will require you to be vulnerable, courageous, thoughtful, honest, and trusting.

What do you think?  Are you up for it?

On: Either/Or

By |2023-06-06T22:04:06-04:00September 12th, 2017|English|

EITHER choose to get excited, be excited Dear One, for the arrival of that which you are wanting most.

Don’t give up on it. Don’t give your attention to its absence. Don’t stand still and wait for it to get here.

Keep moving, keep choosing, keep putting one foot in front of the other, with excitement, anticipation, confidence and certainty – towards it, consciously and enthusiastically holding it as your dominant point of attraction.

OR you can choose to move forward with longing, apprehension, worry, doubt, frustration, and fear instead – and make that your dominant point of attraction if you would like.

The choice is yours to make.

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