On: The reality of fear

By |2017-06-17T02:59:48-04:00June 17th, 2017|English|

Fear exists nowhere Dear One, except within your mind.

  • Does that make it any less real?
  • Does that make it any less powerful?
  • Does that make it any less of a limiting or destructive force in your life?

The truth is that yes, it does, if you decide that it does.

Tema: ¿Necesitas ánimo?

By |2017-06-14T13:06:35-04:00June 14th, 2017|Español|

Hoy haz todas tus decisiones Querido, como si alguien estuviera a tu lado, teniéndote de la mano, alentándote, amándote, adorándote, creyendo en tí, apoyándote en cada paso de tu avance.

¡Porque lo hay!

On: Growing Pains

By |2023-06-06T22:04:06-04:00June 14th, 2017|English|


You don’t only hurt when you are injured Dear One. You don’t only feel discomfort when something is broken.

Sometimes you hurt because you are in a space that no longer fits you, that is too small for you, that you have outgrown.

This may be one of those times.

How do you know?  If you believe that feeling better will require you to move backwards, to undo something that has already been been done, to take back something that has already been said, you know.

If that is the case Dear One, don’t try and fix it.  Don’t try to stop it, bandage it or cure it.  Don’t spend your time running around looking for a remedy that will help you to restore what was, that will allow you to move yourself back into the place that you were before, back into that space that felt safe, familiar and comfortable to you.

You don’t belong there anymore.

Just let it be.  Allow yourself to feel the unease, to feel the tension, to feel the discomfort that comes from being in a place that doesn’t fit.  Allow it to inspire within you a desire to move forward, from where you are now to someplace new, to someplace larger, more spacious and wide open.

And then when that inspiration strikes Dear One, when you see an opportunity that will allow you to move ahead instead of back, take it.

Yes, sometimes you hurt because you are injured and you need to retreat, rest, and allow what was to be restored.

But only you can know for sure Dear One, if now is really one of those times.

On: The benefits of neglect

By |2023-06-06T22:04:06-04:00June 13th, 2017|English|

What is the best way that you can think of Dear One, to lose a relationship with someone or something that you love?

What has experience taught you?

We’ll remind you of just a few:

  • You can ignore it
  • Disregard it
  • Take it for granted
  • Stop respecting it
  • Stop engaging with it
  • Withhold your whole heart from it
  • Remove your attention from it
  • Quit putting time and energy into it

If you did all or even some of these things in a relationship with something that you cared for, be it a person, a pet, a hobby, a talent, a project, a job, your health, etc., experience has taught you that over time the result would be that your connection to it would fade.  And if you did it long enough, your relationship with it would eventually end altogether.

Well, the same holds true for relationships with people and things that you don’t love, that you don’t care for, that you don’t want in your life anymore too.

You don’t have to fight, struggle, work or try as hard as you’ve been trying to eliminate those things in your life that you don’t want there anymore Dear One.

Simply start neglecting them and it won’t be long before they will leave on their own accord.

On: It’s so over

By |2017-06-12T02:45:01-04:00June 12th, 2017|English|

The time for believing yourself to be weak, incapable, powerless, unworthy, unimportant, unoriginal, or anything less than you really are, is so over Dear One.

On: How to not want to quit

By |2017-06-11T03:36:30-04:00June 11th, 2017|English|

When is it that you typically start thinking about quitting Dear One?

What we have witnessed is that it is usually when you find yourself in a situation experiencing something that makes you feel as if you are not succeeding, as if you are failing.

You typically want to quit when you think that you can’t finish, win or cope, or when you do not see enough evidence of success.

Well you should know Dear One, that the only time that you will ever find evidence of impending failure is when you go looking for it.

So don’t!

On: Finding your way back

By |2017-06-10T03:33:27-04:00June 10th, 2017|English|

It is so very easy to get lost Dear One, or to feel disconnected from your source of well-being.

And it is so very easy to become frustrated by this feeling of loss and disconnection.

But you should know that it is also so very easy to reconnect again.

There is an equal amount of effort required to lose a feeling of connection as is required to gain one.

Try not to get too caught up, discouraged, or intimidated by the effort that you think it will take to get back on track –  as little effort is required when you choose to simply reconnect in the present moment.

How little?

As much as it takes for you to change your mind.

On: Not doing what’s right

By |2023-06-06T22:04:06-04:00June 9th, 2017|English|

Do yourself a favor Dear One, and stop trying to do the right thing all the time.

Trust us.  The right thing is not what you want to be doing anyway.

Figuring out what is “right” requires you to be judgmental.  It requires you to look at a person, an event, a situation, and judge it as right or wrong, instead of just accepting it for what it is.

Judgment only serves to disconnect, to cut you off, to separate you from your greatest source of strength, inspiration, and joy — your connection to all that is.

So today, instead of trying to do the right thing Dear One, why not do better than that for yourself, and do the loving thing, the compassionate thing, the honorable thing, the generous thing, the kind thing, or the joyful thing instead?

On: When you messed up

By |2017-06-08T02:45:22-04:00June 8th, 2017|English|

Why trouble yourself so much with should-haves, would-haves and could-haves Dear One, when you know very well that in the present moment, anything is possible?

But just in case you had forgotten, it would be our great pleasure to remind you that what you didn’t do then, is and always will be of so much less significance than what you are going to do now.

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