On: When you are hurting

By |2018-03-11T22:17:18-04:00March 11th, 2018|English|

You have come to this place to heal this place Dear One.

You did not end up here because you did something wrong.

You are not being punished.  You are not being tested.  You are not being taught a lesson.

You are being given an opportunity to heal.

Take it.

On: It’s completely up to you

By |2018-03-09T23:08:09-05:00March 9th, 2018|English|

This is your life Dear One.

  • Love it
  • Hate it
  • Enjoy it
  • Waste it
  • Share it
  • Expand it
  • Embrace it
  • Fear it
  • Trust it
  • Celebrate it
  • Worry it away

Whatever you choose to do with it, is totally and completely up to you.

On: Practicing joy

By |2018-03-09T09:22:37-05:00March 8th, 2018|English|

Choose joy today Dear One, every chance that you get.

  • Choose to think joyful thoughts
  • Choose to speak joyful words
  • Choose to want, do, and plan for things that will bring you joy

Be vigilant about it.

Practice it, a lot.

Practice it until you get really, really good at it.

Practice it as if your whole life’s future happiness depended on it.

Because it does.

Tema: Acelerando el paso

By |2018-03-08T07:25:23-05:00March 8th, 2018|Español|

¿Quieres saber la manera más rápida de ir de donde estás a donde quieres ir, Querido?

No corras tanto.

Practica la paciencia.

Cuanto más enfocado y más concentrado estés, más claridad tendrás. Tus acciones serán más deliberadas, te sentirás mejor y serás más efectivo.

Cuando uno está estresado, frustrado, apurado es dificil sentirse asentado, bien basado, centrado, enfocado, y cuesta moverse con intención.

Practica la paciencia, Querido, muévete con deleite, claridad e intención, no con velocidad, y verás como la distancia entre donde estás y a donde quieres ír se reducirá a la velocida del pensamiento.

On: Your education

By |2018-03-07T22:27:57-05:00March 7th, 2018|English|

Yes, it is true, you are a student Dear One.

There is still much that you don’t know. There is still so much more for you to learn.

But don’t let this knowledge distress you.  Don’t let the fact that there is more for you to know make you feel badly, frustrated or ashamed of where you are now.


When you begin your formal education in grade school, are you any less valuable, any less significant, any less important, or any less divine on your first day of class than you are on your last?

Of course not.

Your education, your learning, your knowledge does not increase your value, your importance, or your significance in this world Dear One. Regardless of what you know, you are and always will be divine.  It simply changes, enhances, and expands your experience of it, your interactions with it, and your conscious influence on it.

On: Help remembering

By |2018-03-06T21:11:49-05:00March 6th, 2018|English|

You are not here to become anything Dear One.

You are already everything that you are ever going to be.

You are divine. You are powerful. You are limitless. You are eternal.

You are here to remember that.

And we are to help you.

Let us.

On: Figuring it out

By |2018-03-05T22:33:59-05:00March 5th, 2018|English|

No one has it all figured out Dear one.

No one.

Not even us.

So let yourself off the hook today and stop trying so hard to be the one to do it.

On: The truth

By |2023-06-06T22:04:05-04:00March 4th, 2018|English|

Why pray for, hope for, speak of, seek out change Dear One, if at every possible opportunity to embrace it you choose that which is known to you, that which is comfortable, that which is familiar, that which feels safe, over that which is new, different, unknown, uncertain or unpredictable instead?

Praying for, hoping for, talking about change is a  good start, but it’s not enough.

If you really want it, you’re going to have it prove it, to both the universe and to yourself.

And the only way you can do that , is to choose it.

So why not start by choosing to believe that everything is going to be okay, and act accordingly.

Because the truth is Dear One, that it really will be.

On: When to just take it

By |2018-03-03T22:44:27-05:00March 3rd, 2018|English|

If you come across an opportunity to be kind today Dear One, take it.

If you come across an opportunity to be gracious, take it.

If you come across any opportunity in your day to be compassionate, generous, forgiving, loving, supportive, encouraging, or strong Dear One, we implore you to please take it.


Because it is the very best way we can think of to demonstrate to you just what a powerful creator you really are.

On: Dealing with a difficult situation

By |2018-03-02T22:53:23-05:00March 2nd, 2018|English|

You cannot control your feelings Dear One.

But you can choose to think a different thought and change them anytime you would like.

Some may call this a denial of what is.

But we would call it, getting yourself into a better feeling place so that you can more effectively deal with what is.

There is no rule anywhere Dear One, that says that you have to feel badly when dealing with a difficult situation.

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