On: What are you working towards?

By |2017-06-06T21:29:37-04:00June 6th, 2017|English|

The idea is not to work yourself to the point of exhaustion Dear One.

The idea is to work yourself to the point of exhilaration.

If you work and work and work and at the end of the day, feel worse than you did than at the beginning, you may want to spend a little time reevaluating what it is that you are really working for, what it is you are really working to create for yourself.

Tema: Como encontrar dirección

By |2017-06-06T12:58:20-04:00June 6th, 2017|Español|

No te falta dirección, Querido. De eso tienes de sobra.

Lo que te falta es confianza en tí mismo para creerlo y proceder cuando la recibes.

En vez de pedir y buscar más dirección – permiteté tener la valentía de proceder de acuerdo a lo que ya sabes es la verdad.

La claridad viene con la acción, Querido. Nunca sabrás por seguro hasta que pruebes.

On: Staying safe

By |2017-06-06T02:34:06-04:00June 6th, 2017|English|

We can understand your desire to want to protect yourself Dear One, to want to keep yourself safe from harm, to want to do all that you can to avoid injuring yourself, both physically and emotionally, and to want to keep others from doing the same.  And you should know that we want that for you too.

You should also know that nothing makes you more vulnerable then cutting yourself off from your source, than shutting down your heart, ignoring your intuition and holding yourself back because you are afraid.

The more you trust Dear One, the more you open up, the more you allow yourself to love, connect, and move forward with an open heart, the safer you will be!

On: Why make it worse?

By |2017-06-05T01:14:29-04:00June 5th, 2017|English|

Why struggle, when you can trust Dear One?

Why pretend when you can be yourself?

Why fight when you can accomplish so much more by allowing?

Why be hard on yourself, when you can choose to be loving, caring, nurturing, and supportive of yourself instead?

You can’t stop all hurts from ever reaching you Dear One, but you can stop making them worse for yourself when they do.

On: It’s time to start

By |2017-06-04T01:59:10-04:00June 4th, 2017|English|

Don’t wait until everything else is under control Dear One, before you start taking better care of yourself, before you start making yourself a priority, before you start spending your time doing more of what you love.

Those people over there, the ones you are envious of, the happy ones, the rested ones, the ones that are feeling good, enjoying themselves, having a great time doing all of the things that they love to do…. they didn’t wait.

And that, Dear One, is the only difference between them and you.

On: Living responsibly

By |2017-06-03T02:23:23-04:00June 3rd, 2017|English|

With power comes great responsibility, Dear One.

But you should know that the opposite is also true.

With responsibility comes great power.

The more you take responsibility for your life—your choices, thoughts, words, actions and reactions—and accept that you are the one responsible for creating, attracting, and allowing every experience that you have, the more powerful you will be.

On: Don’t. Do. Anything.

By |2017-06-02T02:25:14-04:00June 2nd, 2017|English|

If you don’t like something the way that it is Dear One, don’t do anything.

That’s right. You heard us correctly.

Don’t try to change it. Don’t try to fix it. Don’t try to fight it, repair it or make it better.

Don’t exert your very valuable energy trying to twist it, turn it, mold it, or fold it into something else, into something new, into something that you want it to be.

Let it be Dear One, just as it is.   Let that which you don’t want be exactly as it is.

Decide to let it go and instead make the choice to start again with a clean slate, with a new mindset.  Decide to exert your energy, your time, your heart and your soul into creating that which you do want instead of changing that which you do not.

Trust us. It will be a much more effective, efficient and pleasurable use of your time.

On: Things you know

By |2017-06-01T02:35:08-04:00June 1st, 2017|English|

  • You know you don’t have to wait until you are sick to take time to heal Dear One.
  • You know you don’t have to wait until you are in trouble to ask for help.
  • You know you don’t have to wait until you are lonely or afraid to invite someone to keep you company.
  • You know you don’t have to wait until you are perfect to be worthy of love.
  • You know you don’t have to wait until the end to decide to begin again.

Don’t you?

Tema: Como amar la vida

By |2017-05-31T12:32:08-04:00May 31st, 2017|Español|

Estas aquí para amar tu vida Querido, y no para simplemente tolerarla. No es una experiencia para solo aguantarla.
  • Te hay una cantidad infinita de opciónes disponibles.
  • Te hay una cantidad infinita de experiencias que puedes elejír.
Por lo tanto, ¿porque no elejir las cosas que tú quieres, las que te interesan, las que te inspiran y te conmueven, las que te motivan, las que te agradan y te alivian, las que te dan satisfacción o alegría?

Esta vida no te permite decidir todo lo que te toca, pero puedes decidir mucho más de lo que tú crees.

¿Entonces, que es lo que te estamos tratando de decir?
No te conformes.

On: Something is coming

By |2017-05-31T04:06:47-04:00May 31st, 2017|English|

Something is coming Dear One.
Something wonderfully unexpected is headed your way.
Something that will delight, excite, and thrill you.
Something that is going to make you very happy, and bring you lot and lots of joy.

Get excited, feel excited, be really excited about it Dear One, because it is almost here!

And once you are there, once you are in that place, once you are in a state of glorious, giddy, delightful anticipation, stay there, until it arrives.

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