
On: Faith

By |2012-07-20T22:27:17-04:00July 20th, 2012|English|

Faith is faith Dear One.   Either you have it or you don’t .

You can’t have just a little bit of faith.  It really is an all or nothing type of thing.

So, which is it?

On: Speed

By |2012-07-19T22:36:15-04:00July 19th, 2012|English|

Do you want to wade out in the river of life slowly Dear One or do you want to jump in feet first?

You can take it fast or you can take it slow.  It depends entirely on the experiences that you are looking to have.  There is no need to rush.  You need not be in a hurry, as there will be time enough for you to get to it all – you are eternal after all.  And there is no need for you to take your time either.  Big jumps and big changes cause big splashes and great leaps can be great fun too.   What matters most is your experience of each.

Fast or slow – the choice is entirely yours.

We just want to encourage you to get off the shore, get wet and keep moving forward – at whatever pace brings you the greatest amount of joy.    

On: Holding on

By |2023-06-06T22:04:16-04:00July 18th, 2012|English|

You must be willing to let go and allow change happen Dear One if you truly want to have an experience of change in your life.

Hoping, wishing and praying alone are just not going to do it.  If you want it, you have to allow it.

How can you expect to experience movement if you are resistant to it – if you are holding on to that which is known, familiar and comfortable to you, as tightly as you can with both hands?



On: Regret

By |2023-06-06T22:04:17-04:00July 17th, 2012|English|

Only the truly brave are able to recognize their misjudgments, learn from them, forgive themselves and continue on with their journey – whole – without leaving a  piece of themselves behind – without paying the price of regret.

Regret is an easy emotion to embrace.  Costly, but easy.  It serves to keep you rooted in the past, attached to a moment that has come and gone.  It maintains the familiar, regardless of how uncomfortable, painful or damaging it may be.

But Forgiveness – Forgiveness takes courage because it moves you beyond what is known to you, beyond what is familiar to you. Forgiveness releases – allows – heals.  It serves you in the present and frees you from emotions, thoughts and connections that are keeping you tethered to the past, be it 5 years ago, 5 days ago or 5 minutes ago.

Regret holds on, and keeps you in one place.  Forgiveness releases, and allows you to move forward.

Are you feeling brave today Dear One?  Are you ready to let go?

On: Chance

By |2012-07-16T22:43:34-04:00July 16th, 2012|English|

Don’t leave it all up to chance Dear One.  There is no need for that.  Start today – Right now, creating the future that you want – aligning yourself with those things that you desire most.

Go there in your heart first and your physical reality will follow soon after.  See it – feel it – anticipate its arrival with certainty, excitement and enthusiasm.  Be as certain as if you successfully placed your order online and are simply waiting for your package to arrive right to your front door.

Don’t take a chance Dear One by not setting a clear intention, by simply waiting and seeing what shows up for you.

You don’t need to wait and see to know what it is that you are wanting most.  So why just wait and see if what you are wanting most will show up for you – especially when you have the ability to create it for yourself.

On: Jealousy

By |2012-07-15T21:07:22-04:00July 15th, 2012|English|

Sometimes it takes witnessing someone else’s success to gain clarity on your own desires Dear One.

Condemning others for getting there first will never serve you.  Jealousy or envy won’t ever help to bring you closer to that which you are wanting.

But an open mind will – Gratitude will – Enthusiasm will – Joyous anticipation will – Positive action will.

Let the lives and successes of others inspire you, motivate you, show you what’s possible.  Be grateful to those who have gotten there first.  Express gratitude towards them for paving the path and showing you the way.

Gratitude and joyous anticipation will help you reach your goals at a much faster rate than frustration and jealousy will Dear One, and they make for much more pleasurable travel companions.

On: Peace

By |2012-07-14T23:54:23-04:00July 14th, 2012|English|

Allow  yourself to be at peace in the present moment Dear One –

And you will be at peace  for all of eternity.

On: Taking Chances

By |2023-06-06T22:04:17-04:00July 13th, 2012|English|

Taking a chance is meant to be an exhilarating, exciting, even thrilling experience Dear One. It is meant to be unnerving, uncomfortable and maybe even a little bit scary. It is meant to take you beyond the edge of what is known and familiar to you.

It is not about certainty, safety, security or limits. Those are very different experiences all together. Not better or worse. Just different.

If you want to have the experience of taking a chance, don’t wait until you are certain, don’t plan out all of the details – – enjoy the exhilaration of the unknown – the thrill of stepping into who knows what.

That is the point after all, isn’t it?

On: Expectations

By |2016-04-19T03:31:50-04:00July 12th, 2012|English|

Your expectations are a moving target Dear One.   They shift as frequently as your needs….. as your moods.

When you need more – you expect more.

When you need less – you tend to expect less and be much more forgiving.

Expectations change – often.  So be careful not to put too much emphasis or importance on having them met.

Eliminate them all together and you will be eliminating one of the greatest sources of disappointment from your life.  Just something to think about.

On: Pretending

By |2016-04-19T03:32:01-04:00July 12th, 2012|English|

You know you don’t have to try so hard to be nice and accommodating to others Dear One if you are not feeling nice and accommodating.  Yes, of course you always want to be respectful, courteous and accepting of others.  But know that there is no less courteous an act then that of being inauthentic, false or phony.

Don’t pretend to like something that you don’t.  Don’t pretend to agree when you disagree.  Especially if you are doing so out of respect.  Because we can assure you that there is nothing respectful about being inauthentic Dear One.

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