
On: The gratitude cycle

By |2013-10-30T23:22:01-04:00October 30th, 2013|English|

Smile Dear One.

Something wonderful is going to happen to you today.

And when it does, you should remember to smile and say thank you.

If you do, there is a very good chance that it will happen again tomorrow.

And when it does, you should remember to smile and say thank you.

If you do, there is a very good chance that it will happen again the day after that.

Are you getting the idea here?


On: Getting there in a hurry

By |2013-10-29T23:49:58-04:00October 29th, 2013|English|

You should know that you won’t get there any faster Dear One, by rushing.

(And there aren’t any shortcuts either.)

But if you remember what we keep telling you, if you remember to make happiness your priority, who cares how long it takes you to get there, if you are enjoying yourself along the way, right?


Before you answer, you should also know that you travel at a much quicker rate towards that which you are wanting, that you function most efficiently and effectively, when you are happy Dear One, then when you are anything else.


On: Why risk it

By |2013-10-29T00:56:49-04:00October 29th, 2013|English|

Here is the thing about taking a risk Dear One.

Success is not determined by the outcome that is generated as a result.

Success occurs the moment that you take action, the moment that you leap, jump, step into the unknown, and prove to yourself that can do it.

Because once you do, you will ever be the same again.



Tema: Cosas por las cuales vale la pena luchar

By |2013-10-28T10:10:58-04:00October 28th, 2013|Español|

Estén seguros hacia sus convicciones queridas, ya que hay cosas por las cuales vale la pena luchar. Estas requieren luchar para alcanzarlas.

Pero es importante saber por lo que uno está luchando. La lucha casi nunca es en contra de una causa o una injusticia o un individuo o un aparente desprecio que te motiva a actuar, a enojarte o a confrontar. Es una lucha en contra de ti mismo y tu habilidad para encontrar una resolución mas directa a una situación. Deben resistir querer culpar a alguien o algo por la situación en la cual se encuentran. Deben resistir esperar que alguien los rescate. Porque aunque los rescates a veces ocurren, deben tomar responsabilidad por si mismos, por lo bueno y por lo malo. Ya que después de todo, contribuimos a crear nuestra realidad.

Es importante ser responsable. Y aprender a ser responsable puede tomar toda una vida. Pero como todo lo bueno en la vida es un proceso que toma tiempo. Así que ábranse y acepten este proceso. Les aseguramos que vale la pena luchar por ello.


On: Joining in

By |2013-10-28T00:05:42-04:00October 28th, 2013|English|

We can see that you have a strong desire to live a more authentic life Dear One, and yet… you don’t.

You allow your fear of rejection, being alone, being wrong, being made fun of, disappointing, being less than perfect, or failing, stop you from trying, stop you from speaking up, stop you being the real you.

Well, its time to put to an end to that Dear One.

It’s time for you to join the ranks of the fallible.

  • It’s time for you to allow yourself to join those who make mistakes, who fall down, who fail, who don’t always do the right thing at the right time, who sometimes get hurt, and who sometimes, despite their best efforts, hurt others.
  • It’s time for you to allow yourself to join those who knows that if they fall, they can get back up, that if they fail, they can try again, that if they get hurt, they will heal.
  • It’s time for you to allow yourself to join those that know that playing it safe, that not trying, that not speaking up, that not being your authentic self, is and will always be a far more agonizing, frustrating, painful , disappointing and damaging experience in the long run, then not trying ever will be.




On: What counts

By |2013-10-27T00:29:48-04:00October 27th, 2013|English|

You are a vibrational being Dear One, and as such, you are quite literally connected to everything and everyone around you.

Everything that you do, think, feel, say, act out, choose, create, or destroy, has an impact on your world and everything in it, has an impact on your body and every cell in it.

It all counts Dear One.

So the question to ask yourself today is not “Do I want to try and make an impact on the world around me?”.

The question to ask is “What kind of impact do I want to make”.




On: Staying on course

By |2023-06-06T22:04:13-04:00October 26th, 2013|English|

Don’t you worry about it Dear One, you have most definitely not fallen off course.

How could you?

You are the captain. You are the pilot. You are the one and only designated driver.

You are the creator of your course Dear One.  You are the one mapping it out, with every choice that you make, and every action that you take.

Wherever you go, whatever you do, is your course.

If you love it, great!  If don’t, change it.

It is well within your power to do so, at anytime that you would like.

But know that no matter what you do Dear One, you can’t fall off it.


On: The power of neglect

By |2023-06-06T22:04:13-04:00October 25th, 2013|English|

What is the best way that you can think of Dear One, to lose a relationship with someone or something that you love?

What has experience taught you?

We’ll remind you of just a few:

  • You can ignore it
  • Disregard it
  • Take it for granted
  • Stop respecting it
  • Stop engaging with it
  • Withhold your whole heart from it
  • Remove your attention from it
  • Quit putting time and energy into it

If you did all or even some of these things in a relationship with something that you cared for, be it a person, a pet, a hobby, a talent, a project, a job, your health, etc., experience has taught you that over time the result would be that your connection to it would fade.  And if you did it long enough, your relationship with it would eventually end altogether.

Well, the same holds true for relationships with people and things that you don’t love, that you don’t care for, that you don’t want in your life anymore too.

You don’t have to fight, struggle, work or try as hard as you’ve been trying to eliminate those things in your life that you don’t want there anymore Dear One.

Simply start neglecting them and it won’t be long before they will leave on their own accord.


On: Why you are hurting

By |2013-10-23T23:05:12-04:00October 23rd, 2013|English|

You have come to this place to heal this place Dear One.

You did not do something wrong.You are not being punished.  You are not being tested.  You are not being taught a lesson.

You are being given an opportunity to heal.

Take it.


On: We know

By |2013-10-22T23:49:29-04:00October 22nd, 2013|English|

We know who you are Dear One.

And we know why you’re here.

We knew who you were you before you decided to incarnate into this physical reality.

And we remember why you decided to do so.

  • And it had nothing to do with winning, proving a point, achieving success, or gaining control.
  • And it had nothing to do with being right, famous, rich, popular or thin either.

Do you want to know who you are Dear One?

You are a powerful a creator with the ability to manifest anything your heart desires.  You are an essential part of all that is.  You are eternal. You are divine. And you never can and never will be anything less. You are someone who is deeply valued, cherished, loved and adored.

Do you want to know why you choose to be here ?

To enjoy it.


Now you know too.

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