
On: Taking charge

By |2019-02-28T22:21:45-05:00February 28th, 2019|English|

There are many things in this world that you can’t control Dear One.

But your thoughts are not one of them.

If the one that you are thinking right now is not pleasing to you, does not feel good, is not causing you joy,  we want to remind you that you can take charge, and choose another.

Some thoughts can be so overwhelming, so all encompassing, so powerful that it can be easy to forget that you are choosing them.

But make no mistake Dear One, you are.


On: Going home

By |2019-02-27T23:17:26-05:00February 27th, 2019|English|

Remember Dear One, whenever you feel scared, chaotic, lost, or out of control, that your center, your home,  is always only ever one slow, deep breath away.


On: Trusting

By |2019-02-26T23:11:51-05:00February 26th, 2019|English|

Stop struggling, stop putting so much of your energy into trying to figure out whether or not you can trust them Dear One, whether or not you should trust them, whether or not they are trustworthy.

To trust them or not to trust them.

That is NOT the question.

The question Dear One, that you really need to know the answer to is do you trust you?

  • Do you trust your instincts?
  • Do you trust your judgment?
  • Do you trust your ability to read people and accurately assess a situation?

Put your energy, put your effort into learning how to trust you instead.

Once you do, once you trust yourself, the question of their trustworthiness, the question of whether or not you can, or should trust them, will never again be an issue for you.


On: Picking up the pieces

By |2019-02-24T23:50:11-05:00February 24th, 2019|English|

Leave it all alone Dear One. Forget about trying to pick it all back up.  Truly.  Just let it all lay there exactly where it is for the moment.

And only when you are ready – start to pick back up the pieces – but selectively this time.  Choose intentionally.  Choose consciously.  Choose wisely. Pick up only those pieces that you truly want, that you truly desire, that you know will contribute to feelings of joy, love, laughter, connection and happiness in your life.  But do so, one-at-a-time.

If you keep on trying to carry the whole load with you everywhere that you go, you will only find yourself needlessly bogged down, yet again, incredibly overwhelmed, yet again and in a prime position to drop it all, yet again.

Do just one thing at a time Dear one, joyously, with an open mind and an open heart, and you will be right back on track – aligned with your life’s mission – to complete nothing and experience everything.

Remember, you never get it done.  You’ll never be finished. There is no finish line you are racing towards.  If you don’t remember to enjoy yourself along the way, then you will be missing out on the very best part of being alive, of existence.

Your life is meant to be a joy Dear One, and if the things that you are doing, from day-to-day-to-day, are no longer bringing you joy, then it is time to let them go.  Simply put them down or leave them down, and step away.


On: Honor

By |2023-06-06T22:04:02-04:00February 24th, 2019|English|

There is no honor Dear One, in remaining loyal to that which is hurting you – truly.  Be it a person, an idea, a set of circumstances, a set of beliefs – anything.

We don’t want to see you honoring unhealthy, abusive or painful commitments out of some sense of loyalty, or some sense of community or to maintain a dynamic that is familiar to you.

We want you to know that we will never see honor in remaining in a bad situation – not in the name of spirit/god/divinity – not because of a promise that you made – not because of a goal that you set for yourself – not in the name of love – regardless of how strongly you once believed in it.

NOW is the only time that matters.  NOW is the only moment that really counts. By letting go of unhealthy commitments that are causing you pain, you are freeing up your energy for more worthy pursuits – that will serve not only you, but the greatest good of all.

The universe wants you happy and smiling and content and grateful and joyful and creative.  And anything that stands in the way of you having or being all of these things is something that you can and should let go of.    Honor THAT.  Make THAT the new commitment that you will hold on to –  and remain loyal to –  and never let go of.  And let all of the others fall away.


On: Know-it-alls

By |2019-02-22T22:43:44-05:00February 22nd, 2019|English|

You have come here to learn Dear One, to evolve, to discover who and what it is that you really are, and just how much you can do, achieve, create, and impact the world around you.

You didn’t come here knowing it all already, and neither did they, oh by the way.

Please remember that the next time you are judging yourself (or them) harshly for not having it all figured our right from the start.

Figuring it out is exactly what you are here to do.


On: The designated driver

By |2019-02-21T22:12:46-05:00February 21st, 2019|English|

Life is change Dear One. There is nothing you can do about that.

But there is much you can do to impact/influence the direction of that change.

Up. Down. Left. Right. Backwards. Forwards.

So many choices.  So many possibilities.

And the best part is, you get to decide which direction is right for you.

Remember Dear One, that regardless of where it is that you choose to sit, you will always be the designated driver in your own life.


On: The way out

By |2019-02-20T23:23:05-05:00February 20th, 2019|English|

Hiding, shutting down, running away, giving up, playing it safe, or acting out, is not going to protect you Dear One, is not going to lessen the pain, frustration, confusion, discomfort, or lack of abundance in your life, is not going to make it better, or help you in any positive way.

But opening your heart, your mind,  your eyes, and your mouth will.

Instead of closing yourself off, open up wide Dear One, wider than you ever have before and let in the light, make room for something new, create a space for something different, for a new possibility, for a new outcome, a better outcome.

Listen to what we are telling you Dear One.

It is the safest, quickest, most effective, efficient, and pleasurable way out of any undesired state or situation there is.


On: Achieving Mastery

By |2019-02-19T22:21:50-05:00February 19th, 2019|English|

Mastery is not about perfection Dear One, or doing, being or creating something that is the best or better than anyone else.

To achieve mastery is to achieve a state of being fully present, of being fully aware of what is happening around you and within you, and what is available to you in each and every unique moment of your life, acknowledging it, taking it in, allowing it to inspire, inform, motivate, shape, and influence your thoughts, actions and beliefs from moment to moment.

Masters are not superior beings Dear One, they are not better people than everyone else.  They are simply more practiced at living in the now and taking advantage of all of the gifts that are available to them in the present moment.

They don’t try to create exceptional, superior, or richer work, but being fully present, they have  a deeper, richer, more connected productive and fruitful experience of each moment, and that experience gets expressed, gets translated into all that they do.

If you want to achieve mastery Dear One, don’t try to be better at what you do, try to be more present while you are doing it, and you will be on  your way.

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