
Tema: Ya es hora.

By |2015-08-31T11:31:02-04:00August 31st, 2015|Español|

Tú eres divino, Querido.
Tú eres poderoso sin comparación.
Tú eres una parte esenciál de todo lo que existe.
Atravez de tus pensamientos, creencias, preferencias y acciónes, tú eres el creador de tu mundo.
Ya es hora que dejes de pretender que eres algo menos.

On: The root of insecurity

By |2015-08-31T01:04:11-04:00August 31st, 2015|English|


The root of your insecurity is not your height Dear One. And it is not your weight, hair, job or clothes either. It is not how you were raised, how much money you have, where you grew up, where you live now, or how much you think you are loved. It is not your siblings, your spouse or ex-best friend, and it is most definitely not your mother.

The root of your insecurity Dear One, is your head.

You head will tell you stories. It will tell you that something is wrong when it is not, that something is missing when it is well within your reach, or that something is about to disappear that is rightfully yours forever. It will tell you that if you are not careful, if you do pay attention and play by the rules that you could lose all that you have, never get all that you want, and end up with everything that you fear and despise.

Do you want to know how to put an end to it, and rid yourself of all of your insecure thoughts?

Ask your heart Dear One. It will only ever tell you the truth.


On: Why forgive yourself?

By |2015-08-30T00:32:28-04:00August 30th, 2015|English|

Forgive yourself Dear One, for whatever it is.


Because you can’t beat yourself up and heal, make amends, or move forward and create in any positive or useful way until you do.

That’s why


On: No cursing

By |2015-08-29T00:39:01-04:00August 29th, 2015|English|

Celebrate, embrace, and take advantage of the contrasts in your life Dear One, don’t curse them. They are a gift.

Without them you would have absolutely no way of knowing just how far you’ve come or in which direction you were headed.


On: Why work?

By |2015-08-27T23:49:18-04:00August 27th, 2015|English|

The idea is not to work yourself to the point of exhaustion Dear One.

The idea is to work yourself to the point of exhilaration.

If you work and work and work and at the end of the day, feel worse than you did than at the beginning, you may want to spend a little time reevaluating what it is that you are really working for, what it is you are really working to create for yourself.


On: Forever

By |2015-08-25T23:34:33-04:00August 25th, 2015|English|

Everything that you are wanting Dear One, is available to you in the present moment – joy, health, love, laughter, change, abundance, freedom – all of it.

Choose it in the moment and it will be yours, right now.

Continue to choose it over and over again, and it will be yours forever.



On: A sacred union

By |2015-08-25T00:28:56-04:00August 25th, 2015|English|

Love is a choice Dear One.

The experience of it, the giving and receiving of it, does not just happen. You have to choose it, you have to choose to open yourself up to it, to allow it.

When two people make the decision to choose to experience it together, to give and receive it openly, freely, and confidently, to open themselves up to an experience of the divine and let love flow to them and through them, that is a sacred act, that is an example of a sacred union; a merging of you, them and the energy of all that is.

A holy man, a place of worship, a ritual, a doctrine, a document or a vow is not the force that makes the union sacred Dear One, you are.



Tema: Reconociendo la belleza verdadera

By |2015-08-23T23:05:44-04:00August 23rd, 2015|Español|

La belleza no es algo que vez con tus ojos Querido, sino algo que sientes en tu corazón.

¿Entonces como sabe uno lo que esta mirando, si lo que estas viendo es verdaderamente bello o simplemente una ilusión, un juicio o tu imaginación?

Cierra tus ojos.

Si desaparece, entonces lo sabrás.


On: Consent

By |2015-08-23T22:57:44-04:00August 23rd, 2015|English|

Nothing happens in your life without your consent, without your permission, without you either consciously or unconsciously agreeing to it, allowing it, inviting it in. Nothing.

You want to have a different experience Dear One?

Stop consenting to this one.

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