
On: Honoring your feelings

By |2015-10-31T01:03:40-04:00October 31st, 2015|English|

There is nothing wrong with feeling badly Dear One.

And there is nothing wrong with feeling sad.

There is nothing wrong with feeling angry, jealous, mad, frustrated, judgmental, insecure or uncertain either.

If that is where you are at, if that is what you are genuinely feeling in your heart, then yes, by all means, you should honor those feelings and allow yourself to experience them fully, to learn from them and understand what they are trying to teach you.

BUT, we want you to know that it is also honorable for you to choose not to.  It is also honorable for you to choose to prioritize your desire to feel better over whatever bad feeling you may be experiencing in the moment.  It is honorable Dear One, for you to decide to not give your attention to things that don’t feel good to you and choose instead, to give it only to things that do.

Make sense?


On: Why now?

By |2015-10-29T23:57:49-04:00October 29th, 2015|English|

Why are we always encouraging you so strongly to be fully present in the moment Dear One?

We’ll tell you.

  •  Now is the only place you can heal.
  •  Now is the only place you can grow.
  •  Now is the only place you can create.
  •  Now is the only place you can laugh.
  •  Now is the only place you can feel pleasure.
  •  Now is the only place you can have an intimate connection with someone.
  •  Now is the only place that you can fully enjoy the experience of being you, of being alive.

That’s why.


On: Getting ahead of yourself

By |2015-10-28T23:23:18-04:00October 28th, 2015|English|

Do you feel good about the choices that you made for yourself yesterday Dear One?

We hope so. They were yours to make.  No one else did or could have made them for you.

But if for some reason you don’t, do you think that you’ll decide to choose differently today?

The only reason we are asking Dear One, is because how you respond now is going to determine how you will be able to answer this question tomorrow.


On: Change is hard enough

By |2015-10-28T00:57:05-04:00October 28th, 2015|English|

Choosing to change can be hard enough Dear One, so if you are going to go for it, why not choose to leave the judgment out of it.

What does that mean?

  • It means no beating yourself up for wanting, needing or having to change in the first place, for not doing it sooner, perfectly, or as good as, or better than anyone else.
  • It means no harsh or negative self-talk while you in the middle of it (or at any other time either for that matter).
  • It means no could have’s, should have’s, or would have’s if only I had……
  • It means not using someone’s else’s path, experience, or success as an opportunity to diminish your own.

Think about how much more energy you could put into the process Dear One, you could  have available to you to dedicate to your work, to yourself, to the changes that you are trying to make, if you left the judgment out.

Trust us.  It’s a lot.


On: Intimidation

By |2015-10-27T00:18:10-04:00October 27th, 2015|English|

Know Dear One, that they are not better than you.

They are not more valuable, worthy, or important than you are either.

Their words, actions and beliefs are not more significant than yours.

The story of their life does not matter more than the story of yours, regardless of how they may act or what they may say.

And they are most definitely not, in any way, shape or form, more divine than you are.

They may have acquired more knowledge than you on a particular subject, they may be more practiced than you at a particular skill, they may be more educated, physically fit, or have a greater understanding of how to accumulate wealth than you do, but that just makes them different Dear One — not better.

Remember that the next time you are feeling intimated.

Remember that in that moment instead of giving into your feelings of intimidation that you can choose to see the situation for what it really is; an opportunity for you to be inspired by or learn something new from someone who is in every way that matters– your equal.




Tema: Comprobandolo

By |2015-10-26T11:01:43-04:00October 26th, 2015|Español|

Tú eres más fuerte, más poderoso, más creativo y irreprimible de lo que tú crees, Querido.

¿Porque no usar este día para comprobártelo a ti mismo de una vez por todas?


On: Just a thought

By |2015-10-24T23:54:25-04:00October 24th, 2015|English|

What thought could you think right now Dear One, that would bring you the greatest amount of joy, the greatest amount of pleasure, the greatest amount of happiness to think?

Are you thinking it?



On: What to trust in

By |2015-10-24T00:14:25-04:00October 24th, 2015|English|

When we ask you to trust Dear One, many of you ask; What is it that you want us trust in?

Well, we will tell you.

We want you to trust in well-being, in a universe dominated by well-being.

We want you to trust that well-being is not something that you must work to create for yourself, but something that you must learn to allow for yourself.

We want you to trust that when you let go of negativity, that when you stop trying to control the outcome of every single experience, situation, and relationship, that when you stop taking a defensive stance against life, that well-being, balance, abundance, joy, love, light, laughter, and renewal will rush in to take its place.

That would be a really good place to start.


On: How does it feel?

By |2015-10-23T00:04:06-04:00October 23rd, 2015|English|

Whether you are painting pictures, writing poetry, baking bread, balancing spreadsheets, fixing cars, teaching Spanish, selling stocks, playing the flute, designing skyscrapers, or sketching tattoos – what you do today Dear One, is of less importance to us than how you feel while you are doing it.

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