
On: It’s not personal

By |2023-06-06T22:04:12-04:00April 30th, 2014|English|

Think about what motivates your own poor, rash, unkind, thoughtless, fearful, impulsive, or aggressive behavior Dear One.

Is it an intentional desire to hurt, upset, inconvenience, or distress those around you, or is it something else?

Just something to consider before you take their words, actions, or behaviors personally.


On:  How to serve

By |2014-04-29T22:43:09-04:00April 29th, 2014|English|

Sometimes there is no better or more useful way to serve, to be service Dear One, then to take really good care of yourself, to honor yourself, to nurture yourself, to prioritize yourself, to enjoy yourself, to shine, and show them how it’s done.


On: What to trust in

By |2014-04-28T22:49:43-04:00April 28th, 2014|English|

When we ask you to trust Dear One, many of you ask; What is it that you want us trust in?

Well, we will tell you.

We want you to trust in well-being, in a universe dominated by well-being.

We want you to trust that well-being is not something that you must work to create for yourself, but something that you must learn to allow for yourself.

We want you to trust that when you let go of negativity, that when you stop trying to control the outcome of every single experience, situation, and relationship, that when you stop taking a defensive stance against life, that well-being, balance, abundance, joy, love, light, laughter, and renewal will rush in to take its place.

That would be a really good place to start.



On: The right choice

By |2023-06-06T22:04:12-04:00April 27th, 2014|English|

Do yourself a favor, and stop trying to make the right choice all the time Dear One.

Trust us.  The right choice is not the one you want to be making anyway.

Figuring out what is “right” requires you to be judgmental.  It requires you to look at a person, an event, a situation, and judge it as right or wrong, instead of just taking it for what it really is.

Judgment only serves to disconnect, to cut you off, to separate you from your greatest source of strength, inspiration, and joy — your connection to all that is.

So today, instead of trying to make the right choice Dear One, why not choose better than that for yourself, and make the loving choice, the compassionate choice, the honorable choice, the generous choice, the kind choice, or the joyful choice instead?



On: Some wonderful news

By |2014-04-26T22:28:44-04:00April 26th, 2014|English|

The people, circumstances, events, and relationships in your life are not the problem Dear One.

It is your reaction to them, your expectations of them, your behavior towards them, your beliefs about them, that is causing most of your discontent.

Isn’t that wonderful news?

You don’t have to wait, hope, pray or push for them to change in order for things to get better.

You can change you, and make things better right now!



On: Taking care of yourself

By |2014-04-23T22:09:33-04:00April 23rd, 2014|English|

Taking care of yourself does not mean pushing yourself to extremes Dear One.  And it does not mean giving up, quitting, or walking away when things get tough either.

It means remembering to love yourself enough to choose balance, to choose the kinder,  gentler option that is always available to you.






On: How long does change take?

By |2014-04-22T22:35:53-04:00April 22nd, 2014|English|

How long does change take Dear One?

That depends.

  • How long are you planning to continue to hold on to what is?
  • How long are you planning to continue to remain stagnant, motivated by fear, insecurity, doubt, and uncertainty?
  • How long are you planning to continue to think that experiencing well-being requires great effort?
  • How long are you planning to continue to not trust?
  • How long are you planning to continue to hold on to the idea that change is hard?

How long does change take Dear One?

You tell us.

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