
On: Being depleted

By |2023-01-29T23:30:13-05:00January 29th, 2023|English|

No one can take more from you, Dear One, than you willingly give to them, be it intentionally or unintentionally.

Your depletion has absolutely nothing to do with them, with their treatment of you, or their demands on you and your time, and absolutely everything to do with your treatment of you, your demands on yourself, and on your time.

If you are feeling depleted, Dear One, taken advantage of, knocked around, and no longer in control of your own time and energy, look no further than the reflection in the mirror to see the face of the only one responsible for your feeling that way.


On: What is meant to be

By |2023-01-28T21:08:48-05:00January 28th, 2023|English|

  • Don’t worry that you have missed out, Dear One.
  • Don’t worry that you made the wrong choice, waited too long, or missed the boat.
  • You have not. You did not. You can not.

Do you know what the universal force is that dictates the experiences, people, and relationships that you are and are not meant to have in your life?

You are it!

If it didn’t happen, if you didn’t choose it, then it was not meant to be.  It’s just that simple.

So don’t worry, regret or fret over that which was not, Dear One.

Instead enjoy, give your attention to, celebrate that which was, that which is, instead.

And if you should find yourself in the all too common situation where you have made a choice that you are not enjoying – accept it, learn from it, and choose again.


On: How to know if you can trust them

By |2023-01-28T00:12:42-05:00January 28th, 2023|English|

When it comes to trust, Dear One, there really is only question that you need to know the answer to.

And it is not the one that you have been asking.  It is not; How do you know if you can trust them?

The only question that you really need to know the answer to, Dear One is; Do you trust you?


On: Doing a 180

By |2023-01-26T23:20:51-05:00January 26th, 2023|English|

You want to know how to turn things around, Dear One?

Well the truth is that you don’t actually need to.  You can keep right on heading in the direction that you are heading and still end up exactly where you want to be.


While your experience of creation may feel like a linear one to you, we can assure you that it most certainly is not.

By changing your perspective, by changing what you give your attention to, you will change the road before you, you will change what lies ahead.

Focus on the darkness and the decay, and your path will grow darker.  Focus on the light, the beauty, the growth that you see, even if it is just the smallest little bud, and your path will begin to grow brighter and more full of life right before your eyes.

You don’t need to exert the (potentially considerable) effort that it would take to fight the momentum of what is and turn yourself around.  Instead save that energy use it to focus on the path ahead, and trust that when your stay on the lookout for that which is wanted, over that which is not, that it will always, always, always lead you in the direction of your gaze.


On: When in doubt

By |2023-01-25T23:27:50-05:00January 25th, 2023|English|

When you are in doubt, Dear One, and don’t know what to do next,  what choice to make next, what direction you want to move in next, instead of getting caught up in an exhausting cycle of uncertainty, choose to be grateful instead – find something to be grateful for instead– and trust that when you make room for it, the answer that you are looking for will come to you.

And if it does not come to you right away – at least the time you spend waiting will be time well spent.


On: Putting it into context

By |2023-01-22T22:13:24-05:00January 22nd, 2023|English|

Attitudes, Dear One, are what put any event, situation, or circumstance into context.

It is not the event, the circumstance, or the situation itself so much that is the primary determiner of your reaction to it, as much as it is the attitude that you hold towards it, the disposition that you are wearing when the situation arises.

We are telling you this, Dear One, not so that you will blame yourself for bad feelings that may arise when “something” terrible, troubling, or undesirable happens.  But simply to make you aware, and not so quick to blame the “event” itself entirely for how you are feeling, or put a great deal of effort into trying to change the “event”, the or external circumstances that created it, in order to help yourself feel differently or better about it.

Examining the attitudes that you have about it, and the lens through which you are viewing it, is where the real power for change lays, and will have a much greater impact on helping you to navigate your way through your feelings about it, or the feelings that come up for you as a result of it.




On: Giving it a rest

By |2023-01-22T11:12:15-05:00January 21st, 2023|English|

Sometime healing does not require a new herb, potion, tonic or pill, Dear One.  Sometimes it does not require a new way of thinking, moving, eating, or behaving. Sometimes it does not require a new mantra, meditation, massage or treatment.  Sometimes it doesn’t even require compassion, understanding, insight or forgiveness.

Sometimes, Dear One, the only thing that is required to heal, is rest.

So, before you go off in search of a new answer, a new technique, a new practice, a new method, a new plan for healing your body, for healing your mind, for healing your life, why not give resting a try first and see how you feel.

What does that look like?  Sleep. Make it a priority.  No excuse.

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