
On: Understanding your emotions

By |2017-03-31T02:47:46-04:00March 31st, 2017|English|

You feel the way that you feel Dear One, because you think the way that you think, you act the way that you act, you behave the way that you behave, you choose the way that you choose, you speak the way that you speak, and you believe the way that you believe.

Can you see that?

We are not saying that you are to blame for the way that you are feeling, but we are saying that you are responsible for it.

And the beauty of believing us, the beauty of accepting that what we are telling you is true is that once you do, once you accept that responsibility, you will never again have to feel victimized by your emotions because you will know that you have the ability to change them, or to react differently to them, anytime you would like.


Tema: El Ser Vulnerable

By |2017-03-28T12:30:52-04:00March 28th, 2017|Español|

Podemos entender que quieres protejerte Querido, que quieres no correr peligro, que quieres hacer todo lo posible para que no te hieras a tí mismo, físicamente tanto como emocionálmente, y quieres protejerte en contra los demás. Nosotros queremos lo mismo para tí.

También queremos que sepas que te haces vulnerable cuando te cortas de tu fuente, cuando cierras tu corazón, cuando ignoras tu intuición, cuando te limitas porque tienes miedo.

Cuanto más confíes Querido, cuanto más te abras, cuanto más te permitas amar, conectarte y avanzar con un corazón abierto, mas protejido estarás.


On: Permission to let go

By |2017-03-28T01:52:49-04:00March 28th, 2017|English|

You can choose to focus your attention on what’s wrong Dear One, on that which is making you feel badly if you want to, but you should know, that you absolutely don’t have to.

It really is ok for you to just let it go.


On: Why practice patience?

By |2017-03-26T15:58:01-04:00March 26th, 2017|English|

Practice patience Dear One.

  • Not because it is a virtue
  • Not because we are asking you to
  • Not because it is the adult, enlightened or spiritual thing to do

Practice patience Dear One, because impatience only serves to hold you apart from that which you are wanting, from that which you are waiting for.

Practice patience because once you have achieved clarity and reached a good feeling place when thinking about what it is you desire, patience is one of the most effective ways of allowing it to reach you.


On: Losing it all

By |2017-03-25T03:29:11-04:00March 25th, 2017|English|

Just when you think you’ve lost it all Dear One, or when you are afraid that you are about to, remember this:

You’ve always got another choice to make.


On: The way home

By |2017-03-24T02:36:09-04:00March 24th, 2017|English|

Remember Dear One, whenever you feel scared, chaotic, lost, or out of control, that your center, your home,  is always only ever one slow, deep breath away.


On: Welcoming challenges

By |2017-03-23T02:52:48-04:00March 23rd, 2017|English|

Did you ever ask yourself where would you be without challenges Dear One?

Challenges push you, pull you, bend you, throw you, turn you inside out. And when you choose to take them on, motivate you like nothing else.

When you are faced with a challenge, and you choose to take it on, you push yourself beyond your own comfort level, you generate new energy, you discover creative solutions, you seek out help and make new connections , and sometimes even sever old ones. You generate passion and courage for yourself to do something that you have never done before, to face something that frightens you, to create something new.

Can you think of any other thing that propels you forward like this besides a challenge?

It can be done. We know it’s possible. We know you can do it.  But do you? If there was no urgent need that threatened your comfort, your security, your pride, your sense of self, would you push yourself beyond your edges to grow?

If you decide that the answer is yes, then you will no longer need challenges to be a catalyst for growth in your life Dear One. You will instead let love, curiosity, passion, a desire to experience change and motion be your motivator and propel you to identify and confront your fears head on, to push you to grow, to show you what your limits are and catapult you past them.

Challenges are just a tool Dear One. And an effective one at that.  Try to see them as such.  Let them serve you, not unnerve you.  And if you want to embrace change without the accustomed aches, pains, turmoil and tumult of a challenge, make a conscious decision to push yourself forward when you are not challenged. Demonstrate to the universe that you are ready to learn another way, and you will be shown one.


On: How to make it stop

By |2017-03-22T02:51:32-04:00March 22nd, 2017|English|

As soon as you stop feeding it Dear One, with your thoughts, with your words, and with your actions, and with your beliefs, it will cease to grow.

Keep it up long enough, and it will disappear all together.

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