
On: Your daily requirements

By |2018-11-30T22:31:50-05:00November 30th, 2018|English|

The day does not require you to be brilliant, funny, witty, charming, or thin Dear One.

It does not require you be as good as, or better than anyone else.

It does not even require that you be as good as or better than you were yesterday.

The only thing that it requires Dear One, is that you be you, and do the best that you can do, today.


On: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow

By |2018-11-29T21:21:50-05:00November 29th, 2018|English|

Do you feel good about the decisions that you made for yourself yesterday Dear One?

Are you satisfied with your choices?

  • Did you choose to spend time with people that you love?
  • Did you choose to do things that you enjoyed, that made you happy?
  • Did you choose to care for, honor and respect yourself?

We hope so. They were your choices to make.  No one else did or could have made them for you.

If don’t feel good about the choices that you made yesterday Dear One, then we ask you, what do you plan on doing about it today?

Will you decide to choose differently?

Your response will determine how you will be able to answer this question tomorrow.


On: Why change can’t be forced

By |2018-11-28T22:32:09-05:00November 28th, 2018|English|

You can’t force change Dear One, upon yourself or anyone else.

You (they) will change only when you (they) are inspired to do so. When you (they) believe that doing so will be to your (their) greatest advantage, to your (their) greatest benefit.

That is why people can and do endure the pain, discomfort and effort that can sometimes accompany change.

Not because they like it, not because they enjoy it, not because it is easy for them, not because they believe that they should or have something to prove.

They do it Dear One, because they know that doing so is going to serve them.

Enduring pain and discomfort on an inspired path to change is an empowering and joyful experience. It builds strength, endurance, and confidence.

Enduring pain and discomfort in the name of change when it is forced upon you, by yourself or by someone else, without a solid belief or knowing that it is for your greatest good, is a depleting experience . It only serves to weaken you, frustrate you, discourage you, and contribute to greater imbalance in your life.

That Dear One, is why change can’t be forced.


On: Why wait?

By |2018-11-27T21:11:18-05:00November 27th, 2018|English|

You are worthy of great, big, unconditional, uncompromising, all encompassing, forgiving, limitless, boundless, joyful, love Dear One.

And absolutely nothing less.

If you don’t already love yourself this way, we can think of no better time for you to start than right now.

There is nothing that you can or will ever do that will ever make you any more worthy than you are right now.  The simple fact that you exist makes it so.

So, why wait?


On: Consent

By |2018-11-26T22:40:18-05:00November 26th, 2018|English|

Nothing happens in your life without your consent, without your permission, without you either consciously or unconsciously agreeing to it, allowing it, inviting it in. Nothing.

You want to have a different experience Dear One?

Stop consenting to this one.


On: Being honest

By |2018-11-25T22:18:49-05:00November 25th, 2018|English|

Tell the truth Dear one.  Be honest.

Not because it is the right thing to do.  Not because you think you should.  Not because doing so will bring you closer to the divine.  Not because someone is keeping score.  (We can assure you, they are not.)

We encourage to you tell the truth Dear One because it feels good to do so – because doing so feels better than not doing so.  We encourage honesty because of the way it makes you feel, because it allows you to live a more open, genuine, authentic life.  Because it allows you to feel brave, worthy, honorable and at ease with yourself.

We want you to tell the truth Dear One not because it serves us or the greater good or your fellow man for you to do so, but simply because it serves you to do so.


On: Body language

By |2018-11-24T23:32:23-05:00November 24th, 2018|English|

You know it is time to rest when you feel tired.  You know it is time to eat when you feel hungry.  You know it is time to move when you feel restless.

Listen to your body Dear One.  Trust its wisdom.  Take action on its behalf – and you will experience a much greater sense of ease keeping it in balance.

It knows what it needs and it is always telling you.  It is not shy or coy.  It does not manipulate or play games, or try to confuse you or teach you a lesson.

Your physical body only knows how to speak and express truth.

Trust it.  Listen to it.  Take action on its behalf  and expect to feel a whole lot better a whole lot quicker as a result.


On: Please don’t wait

By |2018-11-23T23:01:41-05:00November 23rd, 2018|English|

We need you to trust yourself and speak up Dear One, now.

Please don’t wait for all of them, some of them, or even one of them to agree with you first, before you share your perspective, before you choose to act on it and expose it to the world.

Because that may never happen.

And what a shame it would be, for both you and for them, if your brilliance, your insights, your point of view, your thoughts, ideas, and opinions were never heard because someone else didn’t think of them first.


On: You know

By |2018-11-22T23:06:18-05:00November 22nd, 2018|English|

There is nothing wrong with you Dear One.  You are not broken.  You don’t need to be fixed.

You are simply not making the choices that bring you the greatest amount of joy, laughter, health, comfort, balance, peace, contentment, connection.

You know what they are.

You know how you feel when you choose them.

You know what to do.


On: Getting what you want

By |2018-11-21T22:26:49-05:00November 21st, 2018|English|

You are the creator of your world, Dear One. What you give out is what comes back to you. It is a universal law. Give out insecurity and you will attract insecurity. Give out caution, fear and distrust and you will attract caution, fear and distrust in the people, events and circumstances that surround you. Give out joy, creativity, inspiration, generosity, compassion, confidence and love and guess what you’ll get back?

What you put out there is what you get back. Pay attention and you’ll see.

You are much more in control than you think you are.

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