On: Got a bad feeling?

By |2023-05-30T23:06:13-04:00May 30th, 2023|English|

Do you want to know the best way to get past a bad feeling as quickly as you can possibly can?

  • Don’t fight it
  • Don’t fear it
  • Don’t ignore it
  • Don’t try and stop it, change it, hide it, or run  from it

Getting mad at it won’t work either.

If you want to get past a bad feeling, Dear One, let it come.

And then once you do, let it go again.

The sooner that you let it in, the sooner it can be on its way.


On: Allowing transformation

By |2023-05-29T20:06:08-04:00May 29th, 2023|English|

You are not messing up, Dear One, you are letting go.

Although we can understand how you could get the two confused when you are increasingly finding yourself in unfamiliar situations, having unfamiliar experiences, with unfamiliar people, and unfamiliar emotions.

Our wish for you is that as you allow yourself to venture into the unknown that you will be brave, that you will be trusting, that you will be gentle on yourself, and that you will allow transformation to occur.

You can always choose to turn back, and resume familiar patterns, familiar behaviors, and familiar beliefs if that is what you would like.

But you already know where that path will lead you.

Before you make that choice we would like you to ask yourself, is back really where you want to go?


On: Going home

By |2023-05-28T22:14:57-04:00May 28th, 2023|English|

Remember, Dear One, whenever you feel scared, chaotic, lost, or out of control, that your center, your home,  is always only ever one slow, deep breath away.


On: Today’s contribution

By |2023-05-27T23:13:15-04:00May 27th, 2023|English|

What contribution are you going to make to the world today, Dear One?  What are you going to toss into the pot?

You choose with every decision that you make, every word that you speak, every action that you take.

Are you going to contribute to the worlds frustration, fear, anger, selfishness, self-loathing, jealousy, denial, defeat, despair or complacency?

Or are you going to choose to contribute something that everyone, yourself included, might need, enjoy and benefit from a whole lot more, like compassion, bravery, tolerance, laughter, confidence, levity, well, you get the idea?

When choosing what you want your contribution to be today, Dear one, choose wisely.

Remember, you live there too.


On: Choosing to let go

By |2023-05-26T22:37:26-04:00May 26th, 2023|English|

You can choose to say goodbye, Dear One, to all of the people, places, ideas, and beliefs in your life that no longer serve you, and mean it, and make room for something new, or you can decide to make a different choice.

But either way, in every moment, you must choose, you are choosing, to say goodbye or to hold on.

In this moment, what’s it going to be?  What are you going to choose to do with whatever it is you are facing right now?

Let it go, or hold on to it?


On: Why go with the flow?

By |2023-05-25T22:26:00-04:00May 25th, 2023|English|

As you already know very well from experience, Dear One, trying to stand still in the constantly flowing river of life creates resistance, and requires so much more effort than trusting, letting go, and allowing yourself to go with the flow does.


On: Breathing

By |2023-05-24T23:22:05-04:00May 24th, 2023|English|

  • Choose what comes in
  • Choose what goes out


  • Choose to hold on
  • Choose to let go


  • Choose what you want more of
  • Choose what you want less of


  • Choose what is worthy of your attention
  • Choose what is not


  • Choose what matters
  • Choose what does not


Your choices are the breath of your life, Dear One.

They sustain you. They nourish you.  They replenish or deplete.

They determine the pace, quality and depth of the days, months and years of your life.


Like your breath Dear One, your choices are more powerful when given the benefit of your full attention.


On: Finding balance

By |2023-05-23T23:06:05-04:00May 23rd, 2023|English|

In your search for balance, Dear One, are you:

A:  Aligning yourself with what feels good to you, your passions, your priorities, your needs, your wants, your desires, your vision for your life?

B:  Aligning yourself with what you think is suppose to feel good , with what you think your priorities are supposed to be, with what you think you are supposed to want, need and desire for yourself or with what they want, need or desire for you?

If you are continually finding yourself out of balance, out of alignment, Dear One, your answer to this question may help you to understand why.


On: Those little pricks

By |2023-05-22T23:44:32-04:00May 22nd, 2023|English|

We know that you are tough,  Dear One and we know that you are strong, and clever, and resourceful tool.  We know that you are extremely capable of coping with, adapting to, accepting, and working around obstacles, difficulties, and pain.

But the truth is that we don’t want you to be.

What we want for you Dear One, is that when you first feel that splinter go in, when you first feel that little prick of pain, when that alarm sounds and you experience those first pangs of concern, distress, discomfort, hurting, or dis-ease, that you give your coping skills a rest for a change.

We don’t want to see you reach for your usual box of Band-Aids and show us and the rest of the world just how well you can adapt to it, cope with it, rationalize it or downplay it and keep on going.  What we want Dear One, is to see you reach for the tweezers instead.

We don’t want you getting better, and becoming more practiced at learning to live with the little pricks in your life.  We want you getting better at removing them, while they are still small, before they have a chance to take root, evolve, spread, and grow and into bigger ones.

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