
On: It’s about time

By |2017-04-30T04:22:42-04:00April 30th, 2017|English|

Your time is your own Dear One, to do with as you please.

Don’t worry about running out of it – you can’t- you are eternal.

Don’t worry about wasting it – you can’t – you are divine – all that you do is significant.

  • Spend it taking risks, loving, laughing, creating, helping, enjoying yourself, being brave
  • Spend it fulfilling obligations, doubting, playing it safe, worrying, struggling, being afraid
  • Spend it doing things that you love, or spend it doing things that you hate.

Spend it any way that you would like.

But know this Dear One, that no one can take it from you, and no one can spend it for you.

Time is yours, to do with as you please and what you do with it is totally and completely up to you.

So how are you going to use it to please yourself today?


On: Paying it back

By |2017-04-29T01:43:38-04:00April 29th, 2017|English|

Sometimes the very best way that you can pay it back Dear One, that you can show your gratitude and appreciation, is to say thank you, mean it, and continue forward, joyously on your journey.


On: Once in a lifetime

By |2017-04-27T20:44:01-04:00April 27th, 2017|English|

When you find yourself on the receiving end of something so amazingly wonderful, so fantastically terrific, so unexpectedly delicious that you can hardly believe your luck, do you think to yourself, this is a once in a lifetime experience that will surely never come my way again? We’ll, if you do, you’d be right!

However, if you instead see these “once in a lifetime” experiences as gifts, as reminders, as demonstrations of the potential for greatness, joy, abundance and happiness that exists in every single day, hour and moment of your life, then you just might find them becoming not be so far and not so few between.

Your expectations have an enormous impact on your reality Dear One. You see what you expect to see. You see what you are looking for. If at your moments of greatest joy, you think that things could never be this good again – they might not be. BUT, if you instead use those moments to allow yourself to get over the moon excited because you now know just how good things can get, you will be opening yourself up to receive more of the same….and then some.

Change your expectations and you can change your reality.


On: Using protection

By |2017-04-27T02:44:28-04:00April 27th, 2017|English|

Building up your defenses Dear One, putting up a wall, is one way that you can try and protect yourself from the world. But you should know that is far from the best or most effective way to do so.

Cutting yourself off, hiding yourself away, indulging in suspicion, fear, doubt, anger, and defensiveness are all actions that will, above all else, only serve to weaken you over time.  The more you indulge in them, the more they will wear you down, the more disconnected you will feel, the more vulnerable you will be.

If you really want to protect yourself Dear One, you’ve got to the do the exact opposite. You’ve got to open yourself up, trust, let life in. You’ve got to make new connections, build up your confidence, and allow yourself to joyfully engage with the world.

If you feel as if you really need protection Dear One, build bridges not walls.


On: Got a bad feeling?

By |2017-04-26T02:24:34-04:00April 26th, 2017|English|

Do you want to know the best way to get past a bad feeling as quickly as you can possibly can?

  • Don’t fight it
  • Don’t fear it
  • Don’t ignore it
  • Don’t try and stop it, change it, hide it, or run  from it

Getting mad at it won’t work either.

If you want to get past a bad feeling Dear One, let it come.

And then once you do, let it go again.

The sooner that you let it in, the sooner it can be on its way.


On: You’ve always got a choice

By |2017-04-25T02:33:31-04:00April 25th, 2017|English|

Fear is not a choice Dear One.

Anger is not a choice either.

Neither is resentment, guilt, hatred, doubt, insecurity, remorse, jealousy, lust, or despair.

They are all feelings.

And feelings do not dictate actions Dear One.

Your choices do.


On: Forgiveness, Simplified

By |2017-04-24T03:00:38-04:00April 24th, 2017|English|

[NOTE: Posted as requested]

We want to make this as simple for you as we possibly can Dear One.

Forgiveness has absolutely, positively, nothing what so ever to do with them.

It is simply the act of releasing your connection to something that no longer serves you,  releasing your bond with something that you no longer want to remain connected to.

It is letting go of the rope, removing your hand from the hot stove, exiting the burning building.


On: Hate

By |2017-04-22T03:35:03-04:00April 22nd, 2017|English|

Hate is a powerful emotion Dear One, one that is often felt very deeply.  And if you are feeling it, we are sure that you have your reasons.

Hate can be a difficult thing to let go of, even if you want to, especially when you feel that you have justifiably earned the right to feel it.

We will not ask you to stop hating Dear One. We would never ask you to do something so difficult.  We would never ask you to do something that you do not want to do.

But what we will ask of you is that you stop giving hate your attention.

What we are asking of you is that you not spend even one more minute of your  time, your thoughts, your energy,  your life, focused on that which you hate, and instead choose to focus on that which you enjoy, on that which you love, on loving each other instead.

You see Dear One, hate only serves to bring more hate into the world, nothing more.  It doesn’t fix anything, heal anything, even any score, or make things right, and it never will.

But love on the other hand has the power to transform, to heal, anything, even hate.


On: Reducing your suffering

By |2017-04-21T03:04:23-04:00April 21st, 2017|English|

If your goal is to extend your suffering Dear One, to make it worse, add to it, expand upon it, and invite as many people as you possible can to join you in it, then by all means keep talking about it, beating yourself up about it, focusing on it, and judging yourself harshly for whatever it is that you believe that you have done or have had done to you.

But, if what you want is find relief, heal from it, improve upon it, distance yourself from it, change it for the better, move past it, and in every way possible, get over it as quickly as you possibly can, then you’re going to want to stop doing all of those things and choose positive, loving, compassionate, hopeful and forgiving thoughts, feelings, and behaviors instead.

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