
On: Your greatest good

By |2018-09-30T22:26:32-04:00September 30th, 2018|English|

When you are unsure Dear One, about the decision you are about to make, take a minute and ask yourself this question:

  • Will this choice, will this action, will engaging in this relationship, will moving forward in this direction, will investing my energy here, serve my greatest good?

And then don’t think about the answer, listen for it instead, and then you will know.


On: Different day, different….

By |2018-09-30T00:05:49-04:00September 30th, 2018|English|

When your behaviors are no longer serving you Dear One, when they stop yielding the desired results, when your actions are no longer in alignment with your thoughts, feelings,
and desires – don’t start doubting yourself, your choices, your abilities, or your judgment. Don’t get angry, frustrated, or hopeless.  Don’t start looking for something or someone to blame.

Instead, try remembering that life is constantly changing, and so are you.

If the beliefs, routines, rituals, patterns and behaviors that brought you comfort, security, health, relief and joy yesterday, do not do so today – it may simply be time to change them.


On: Just say no

By |2018-09-26T22:49:38-04:00September 26th, 2018|English|

Trust us Dear One, they won’t stop loving you if you say “No” when you need to.

We know it can be tough to do when you so very much want to help, when you so very much want what’s best for them.

When someone that you love is telling you that they are in need, that they are hurting, scared, or confused, their attention is going to be mostly focused on themselves; on their discomfort and pain, on figuring out how they can relieve it as quickly as is possible, which is completely understandable.

But here’s what they are not telling you; they still want what’s best for you too.


On: A few important questions

By |2018-09-24T22:55:39-04:00September 24th, 2018|English|

  • Do you like hiking, gardening, and being outdoors?
  • Do you like movies, theatre, and literature?
  • Does your life have value, meaning and significance?
  • Are you smart enough, strong enough, clever enough, and brave enough?
  • Are you special?  Are you worthy? Do you matter?

What do all of these questions have in common Dear One?

The answers that you give to them are the only answers that matter.


On: One less thing to worry about

By |2023-06-06T22:04:02-04:00September 23rd, 2018|English|

You are here to have an experience of being alive Dear One.

You can’t get it wrong.

Just like you can’t order the wrong flavor of ice cream.  No flavor is wrong.  Each flavor is just different.

The more you order – the more flavors you will get a chance to taste –  the more you will discover what your personal preferences are.  Some flavors you will like, some you will love, and some you will discover that you don’t like much at all.

But with each choice Dear One, you are learning.

As long as you keep choosing, as long as you continue to taste all that you want to taste, and allow yourself to continue to have new experiences, you can’t get it wrong.  We promise you that.

You now officially have one less thing to worry about!


On: Your future

By |2018-09-22T22:42:01-04:00September 22nd, 2018|English|

Right now, in this very moment Dear One, you are in the process of creating your future.

You are doing so with every thought that you think, every word that you speak, every action that you take, with every single decision that you make.

Your every thought, word, action, and choice is working like a powerful magnet, right this minute, attracting to it more of the same, more events, circumstances, people, ideas, and opportunities that are a vibrational match.

So stop, take notice, and ask yourself, do you want your future filled with more of what you are thinking, saying, doing, and choosing right now?

If the answer is yes, carry on.

But if the answer is no, then now would be the time to make a change.


On: Arrival times

By |2018-09-21T22:51:31-04:00September 21st, 2018|English|

Now that you have asked for what you want Dear One, we suppose you’ll also want to ask when you can expect for it to get here?

And we’ve got an answer for you.

It depends.

While you are waiting, do you plan on spending your time looking for evidence of its arrival or do you plan on spending it looking for evidence of its absence?

Your response will directly determine its rate of travel towards you.

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