
On: Building courage

By |2021-06-28T21:59:51-04:00June 28th, 2021|English|

Act courageously today, Dear One; say what you think, do what you feel, honor your heart, act on its behalf.

And then celebrate the fact that you have done so – regardless of the outcome.

This is not a practice designed to get you to take bigger strides, its an exercise to help you feel good about consciously making more authentic ones.


On: What the evidence is telling you

By |2021-06-27T23:19:22-04:00June 27th, 2021|English|

You find what you are looking for, Dear One.


  • Are you finding evidence of abundance in your life or are you finding evidence of a lack of abundance?
  • Are you finding healing or are you finding evidence of a lack of healing?
  • Are you finding love or are you finding evidence of a lack of love?
  • Are you finding opportunity or are you finding evidence of a lack of opportunity?

If you are not finding what you are wanting Dear One, try paying closer attention to what it is that you are really looking for.


On: Making decisions

By |2023-06-06T22:03:57-04:00June 27th, 2021|English|

If you want to start feeling better about the decisions that you are making in your life Dear One, stop asking other people for their opinions about them.

You are here to have a personal experience of you, not a duplicate experience of someone else. There is no one that can ever know what is best for you better than you can.

Trust yourself a little bit more, your gut, your instincts and act accordingly. Make conscious decisions that make sense to you and soon you will find yourself living in a reality that is much more you then ever before.

What do you see/feel when you look around you Dear One? Do you see the life that you want for yourself unfolding before your eyes, or do you see someone else’s version of the perfect reality?

Give yourself some time to adjust to the fact that you are the creator of your own reality if you need to. But start trusting yourself and making decisions based on your desires, your experiences and your instincts right away.  There is no reason at all for you to wait.  Note how each decision makes you feel so that you can learn more about yourself and your preferences with each one that you make.


On: What you are up against

By |2021-06-25T22:29:17-04:00June 25th, 2021|English|

What we know, Dear One, that you might not, is that the only force in the universe that is capable of preventing you from doing, being, having, accomplishing, creating, or completing anything that you want, is you.


On: Sustainability

By |2021-06-24T23:41:46-04:00June 24th, 2021|English|

Do you want to know which of your relationships are sustainable Dear One, and which are not?

If you do, ask yourself this question:

  • At its core, is the connection one that is based on a foundation of growth, or one of attachment?

One of the two is sustainable, and the other is not.

It’s just that simple.

But remember this; that letting go of the attachment does not necessarily mean letting go of the relationship.  It could mean that.  But it could also be the start of something new, something different, something really great.


On: Patience

By |2021-06-24T00:18:22-04:00June 24th, 2021|English|

Be patient, Dear One.

  • Not because it is a virtue
  • Not because we are asking you to
  • Not because it is the adult, polite, enlightened or spiritual thing to do

We want you to be patient Dear One, because the energy of impatience only serves to hold you apart from all of the things that you have been wanting, needing, hoping, and praying for.


On: It’s about time

By |2021-06-23T01:25:08-04:00June 23rd, 2021|English|

Your time is your own, Dear One, to do with as you please.

Don’t worry about running out of it – you can’t- you are eternal.

Don’t worry about wasting it – you can’t – you are divine – all that you do is significant.

  • Spend it taking risks, loving, laughing, creating, helping, enjoying yourself, being brave
  • Spend it fulfilling obligations, doubting, playing it safe, worrying, struggling, being afraid
  • Spend it doing things that you love, or spend it doing things that you hate.

Spend it any way that you would like.

But know this Dear One, that no one can take it from you, and no one can spend it for you.

Time is yours, to do with as you please and what you do with it is totally and completely up to you.


On: Extinguishing fear

By |2021-06-21T21:12:17-04:00June 21st, 2021|English|

It is only scary before you try, Dear One, before you know.

If you want to move past the fear, you’re going to have to do it, you’re going to have to start.

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