On: Smiling and Laughing

By |2016-04-19T03:32:08-04:00May 30th, 2012|English|

Smile Dear One.  Smile big and smile often because in your smile is an energy that you project to yourself and to the world around you.  Even if no one is around.  Even if no one ever sees it.  Keep smiling.

Laugh.  Laugh out loud every chance that you get.  Don’t hold back.  Laughter is an elixir for you and it really can cure what ails you – because you are never more open then when you are laughing.  It is like standing outside in the rain and trying not to get wet.  That is what laughter is like for healing.  You can’t stand in the rain without getting wet and you can’t laugh without allowing wellness.

Smile and laugh today Dear One and you will be doing more for your health than any pill or doctor ever could.


On: Cycles

By |2016-04-19T03:31:49-04:00May 29th, 2012|English|

When the sun comes up in the morning, you know this is a part of a cycle.  When the sun sets in the evening, you know the cycle will continue.  You do not wonder when the sun disappears at the end of the day if it will rise again.  You count on it and act accordingly.

Whatever else is going on, there are certain cycles that play out in your life, over and over and over again.  Look for the other cycles in your life.  Are there cycles in love? prosperity? friendships?

When it gets dark in the evenings you adapt to that stage of the suns cycle.  You have learned to accept and adapt to periods of darkness.  You behave differently then you might when the sun is bright.

Witness the other cycles in your life and take note of how you adapt to darkness vs. light.

Try not to fret their passage.  Things will always change and change and then change again.  You can fight it, fear it, dread it or hate it or you can smile, accept it, embrace it and adapt, with the eager anticipation of waiting for the beauty of the next sunrise, knowing that things will change again.  The choice is yours.


On: Being you

By |2016-04-19T03:31:37-04:00May 29th, 2012|English|

The day does not require you to be brilliant, or funny, or witty, or charming or thin Dear One.  The day only requires that you do your best.  And that does not mean being better than anyone else or even better than you used to be.  It means doing the best that you can do, today.

Simply let go and allow yourself the freedom to be who you really are.  You’ll know it by how you feel.  Do that which comes naturally to you, and use your best judgement, all that you have learned to get  you to this place.  Living in the moment does not mean that you abandon all sense of reality.  It means that you use your reality to create a new reality – a better reality for yourself and for others.  You see it is not about right or wrong – better or worse – success or failure.  It never has been.  It is simply about the journey – having the experience.  And the sooner that you can except that, the sooner you will realize that it is of no benefit to you to ever be anything other than yourself.



On: Expectations

By |2016-04-19T03:31:50-04:00May 27th, 2012|English|

It would be absurd to begin each day wanting everything to go wrong.  And yet, that is exactly what you are  doing essentially when you start your day off with negative expectations. 


On: Things worth fighting for

By |2023-06-06T22:04:17-04:00May 26th, 2012|English|

Be fierce in your convictions Dear One as some things are worth fighting for and will require a fight from you to achieve.  But it is important that you are clear on what it is exactly that you are fighting.  Most often, it is not a fight against a cause, an injustice, a person or a perceived slight that will motivate you to action, anger or confrontation.  It is a fight against yourself and your own ability to find a shortcut out of any situation.   You must fight the urge to blame someone or something else for the place you now find yourself standing.  You must fight the urge to fall back and wait for someone else to come along and rescue you.  Because while rescues do happen, you must always remember to take responsibility for yourself – for the good and the bad.  After-all, you do most often play a role in creating both.

Responsibility is a big step.  One that can take a lifetime to learn.  But like all good things in  your life – it is a process – it takes time.  So open up and embrace the process.  It will be well worth it, we can assure you.


On: Getting there

By |2016-04-19T03:31:50-04:00May 26th, 2012|English|

When you look around and see all of the work to be done – don’t give up before you start Dear One. This is just a jumping off point.  You will get to where you are going the same way that you got to where you are –one day, one moment, one decision, once choice at a time.  You are right on course.  Not ahead and not behind.  You are exactly where you are meant to be.


On: Possibilities

By |2016-04-19T03:32:01-04:00May 24th, 2012|English|

When you wake up each morning Dear One, there are infinite possibilities that exist for you.  And those possibilities diminish only when you choose to dismiss them.  Only when you decide that something is impossible does it become impossible.  The truth is that anything is possible.  Anything, Anything.  It is simply a matter of allowing it into your reality.  Test this.  Find out for yourself.  Don’t just take our word for it because there is no better or more powerful teacher than experience.  First you must believe, and then you will see. It is worth the effort to prove this to yourself.

Don’t expect miracles if you dont’ believe in them.  Expect reality.  Expecting a miracle can be very difficult.  Expecting reality is much simpler.  But if your belief of reality is that anything is possible, well then…..

See what you expect.  Expect more than what you see.  This is the key to creation.

Enjoy it.  Play with it.  Have fun.




On: Now

By |2016-04-19T03:32:00-04:00May 23rd, 2012|English|

It’s not about tomorrow, or what’s next, or what was, or what may be.  It is about right now, as it is, in this moment. 

In this moment  – you have the ability to make a different choice, to have a different experience, to love a little more, to be a little kinder, to flourish, to be brave, to take a risk, to let it go, to live.  Now, in this moment –  you can choose to be confident – you can choose to take care of yourself – you can choose to impact the lives of others – you can choose to trust and try and trust and try again.  For it is the only thing that is real Dear One.  Now.

You keep forgetting and we will keep finding ways to remind you that now is the only moment that matters.  When you come to believe this, in your heart and in  your head and in  your soul, then you will be home.  The desire to be anywhere but exactly where you are will dissipate.  All questions will dissolve and you will find peace, contentment and satisfaction right where you are.   


On: Health

By |2016-04-19T03:32:00-04:00May 22nd, 2012|English|

There is nothing wrong with you that time can not heal, if only  you would stop chasing down healing as if were some goal to be reached.  Health/healing is a part of your journey and not a destination in itself.  It would be like trying to get to fun.  Fun is not some place to get to and hold on to forever.  Fun is an experience – a gift in the moment.  Think of health the same way.  You can’t get to fun and stay there forever.  Just like you can not get to health and stay there forever.  It is just not the way it works.  You see, you can make every moment fun though.  But it can’t be stored up.  Fun is a gift in the moment – as is health.  So cheer up and learn to play.  Eveything that you desire is in the present moment – fun, health, love, change, prosperity – all of it.  Choose it in the moment and it is  yours forever – if you choose it over and over and over again that is.


On: Feelings about feeling

By |2016-04-19T03:31:50-04:00May 21st, 2012|English|

You know there really is no reason for you to feel as if it is necessary for you to continually apologize for your feelings Dear One.  We wonder why it is that you walk around/pass your time feeling badly about the feelings that you are having instead of just, well, you know,  having them.  If you are sad, feel sad.  We can see absolutely no reason at all for you feel badly about feeling sad or happy or in love or whatever it is you are feeling.   What if you were to simply allow yourself to fully experience one emotional state at a time. Imagine that.  You really do not need to judge every single emotional state you are in.  Just allow yourself to experience them fully  so you can take full advantage of them and fully learn all that can be learned/experienced from them in the moment.


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