
On: Redefining this moment

By |2018-01-02T01:39:12-05:00December 31st, 2017|English|

Don’t make this the moment that you gave up Dear One. Don’t make this the moment that you decided that you failed, or the moment that you decided that you’ll never figure it out either. Don’t make this the moment that you didn’t get it done, that you didn’t measure up, that you could’t make it work, or that you realized that you were just too far off course to ever get yourself to the place where you really want to be.

Make this an empowered moment, a powerful moment, a triumphant moment.

Make THIS the moment that you decided that you were going to turn it all around instead.


On: A friendly reminder

By |2017-12-30T04:12:43-05:00December 30th, 2017|English|

In this moment Dear One, you have the ability to make a different choice, to have a different experience; to be brave, to take a risk, to let it go, to love a little more, to give a little more, to be a little kinder (to them and to you), to speak up, to trust, to try again, to forgive.

Just a friendly reminder, in case you had forgotten.


On: What we know that you don’t

By |2017-12-29T15:12:11-05:00December 29th, 2017|English|

  • What we know that you don’t Dear One, is the extent to which you are capable of healing yourself.
  • What we know that you don’t is the infinite beauty, power, strength and resiliency of your soul.
  • What we know that you don’t is that you are amazing, powerful, bright, and beautiful, just as you are.
  • What we know that you don’t is just how capable, strong, fierce, caring and compassionate you are, have always been, and always will be.
  • What we know that you don’t is that there is so much more to you than you have allowed yourself to believe, to experience.
  • What we know that you don’t is that everything is going to be ok, that every single thing is going to work out.
  • What we know that you don’t know is that the only force in the universe capable of stopping you from accomplishing anything is you.

We know the full extent of what you are capable of. We know just how far you can go.  We know just how wonderful your life could be, if you knew what we know Dear One.

And now, you know it too.


On: Facing your past

By |2023-06-06T22:04:05-04:00December 28th, 2017|English|

Childhood is over Dear One. You are no longer a little person living within an environment that you have seemingly no control over. You are an adult and whether you believe it or not, you are able to make decisions for yourself.

When faced with a trial that requires you to face your past, remember that whatever it is, it is no longer your current reality. You don’t have to bring it back into the present moment with you if you choose not to. Others might approach you on the subject with energy, impressions or patterns that used to exist back then. It may still be their reality.  That doesn’t mean that it has to continue to be yours.  Remember at those moments, that you can choose not to dive right back into old patterns with them. You can choose to stay right where you are, in the present moment and deal with the situation from where you now stand. Just because they are choosing to engage in old patterns, does not mean that you have to join them in this practice.

When facing the past Dear One, anchor yourself in the present first, for that is the only place from where you can impact change.   KNOW that what you have learned and accomplished for yourself since that time, no one can take away from you, ever.

In the present, you get to decide what your past means to you. You can assign a lot of meaning to it or no meaning at all. That is completely up to you and only you.


On: The day ahead

By |2017-12-27T03:58:29-05:00December 27th, 2017|English|

What are you thinking about the day ahead of you Dear One?

  • Are you looking forward to it or dreading it?
  • Are you anticipating the best from it or the worst?
  • Are you picturing it going very well or very poorly?
  • Are you feeling like everything you want is possible or that nothing that you want is?

Now, what do you think about your answers to these questions?

Just a reminder that if you don’t like them, if you are not enjoying the way that they make you feel, you can change them anytime you would like.


On: Cleaning it up

By |2017-12-26T16:34:27-05:00December 26th, 2017|English|

Clean up Dear One. There is an abundance of “clutter” around you that quite frankly, you would feel so much better without. There is an excess of uncertainty, restraint, and frustration in your life.  There is too much self pity, self-doubt, fear and need for approval.  It will be much easier for you to create the life that you want for yourself when your space is not full of all of the things that you don’t want.

Are you ready to let go and be rid of these things?  It is easier to do then you might think.  Here is the trick:  Do nothing.  That’s it.   That’s all.  Do nothing and all of the excesses in your life will fade away, diminish, be gone.

Do nothing to acknowledge them.  Do nothing to feed them.  Do nothing to indulge them or justify them or explain them or rationalize them.  Do not apologize for them.  Do not track how long you have had them.  Do absolutely nothing to, or for them anymore……and they will go away.

As soon as you stop feeding, fueling and acknowledging that which you no longer want, that which no longer serves you, it will cease to be.  It is your attention to something that causes it to grow, that gives it energy, that attracts more of it to you.  So instead of giving even the smallest amount of your attention to that which is unwanted, try instead, to give it only to that which is wanted.  And then watch those things begin to take on a place of dominance in your life.

Clean up your thoughts Dear One and you will begin to clean up your life.


On: Asking before you act

By |2017-12-23T02:51:57-05:00December 23rd, 2017|English|

Before you make a decision Dear One, before you choose and take action, always remember to ask yourself the following question first;

  • Which part of me is about to do the choosing?

Is it the wise part of me, or the insecure part me, the adventurous part or the frightened part, is it the confident, excited, joyful part, or the petty, angry, or hurting part?

We are sure that you can understand why it would always be to your greatest advantage to do so.


On: A gift for you

By |2017-12-22T04:21:20-05:00December 22nd, 2017|English|

If you let the fear of tomorrow fade away Dear One, and you let the regret of yesterday go with it, what are you left with?

Your present.


On: Choosing freedom

By |2017-12-21T02:42:06-05:00December 21st, 2017|English|

We want you to know Dear One, that regardless of whatever else you may have going on in your life right now, that you are absolutely free to choose to think any thought that you want to, anytime that you want to;

  • About yourself
  • About them
  • About what is
  • About what has been
  • About what could be

If you don’t like the one that you are thinking right now, if it is not bringing you pleasure, joy, contentment, hope, excitement, or relief, you are free to choose another.

Your thoughts determine your reality Dear One, they impact the quality of every single experience that you have, and they influence the quality of every single experience that you are about to have.

So please don’t be so quick to dismiss them and the significant power that this particular freedom of choice affords you.

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