
On: How to feel better

By |2014-01-30T00:03:09-05:00January 30th, 2014|English|

Do you want to start feeling better Dear One, right now?

If so, then follow these 3 simple steps:

  1. Choose a better feeling thought
  2. And then another
  3. And another

*Repeat as often as is necessary until desired results are achieved.  


On: Fighting back

By |2014-01-29T00:33:46-05:00January 29th, 2014|English|

You don’t have to fight the brewing storm Dear One, or fear it, run from it, hide from it or prepare to brace yourself against it.

You’ve got another choice you know.

You can simply allow it to come, and trust yourself enough to know that you are strong enough, wise enough, and resilient enough to handle it, and whatever it may bring your way.

Because you are.


On: A limited time offer

By |2023-06-06T22:04:12-04:00January 28th, 2014|English|

You have a unique opportunity available to you today Dear One, that will not be available to you tomorrow.

Today, you have the opportunity to make THIS day unforgettable.

  • You can make it the day that you risked it all, or the day that you that you played it safe.
  • You can make it the day that you finally spoke up, spoke your truth, or the day that you remained silent.
  • You can make it the day that you gave up, or the day that you asked for help.
  • You can make it the day that you changed your life, or the day that you remained the same.

This opportunity will not be available to you tomorrow Dear One.

So you better take advantage of it, while you still can.



Tema: Pregúntate

By |2014-01-27T00:05:37-05:00January 27th, 2014|Español|

Pregúntate qua haras ahora. Pregúntate que tiene el futuro para ti.

Pregúntate como querer mas profundamente y sin límites. Pregúntate que vas a desayunar – con curiosidad, anticipación y entusiasmo. Considera sin límites todas las posibilidades de tu vida y todas las opciones que tienes. Pero no te quedes preguntando por mucho tiempo porque sino perderas el benficio del preguntarte.

El preguntarte te ayuda a motivarte, a tomar acción, a ampliár tus horizontes. Pero sirve solo en moderación. Es como la gasolina para tu carro. Una vez que llenas el tanque, hay que irse, hasta la próxima vez que necesites gasolina. No pierdas el tiempo sentado en la gasolinera.

Hay tanto para exeperienciar en este camino que llamamos ‘la vida’.

Cuando tu tanque este lleno…..vete!


On: A realignment

By |2014-01-26T00:40:00-05:00January 26th, 2014|English|

When what you want is not what is showing up for you Dear One, a simple misalignment may be all there is to blame.

How do you know if this is the case?

Ask yourself if your actions, thoughts and beliefs are in alignment with your desires.

And remember:

  • You can’t reach abundance with actions motivated by fear or scarcity
  • You can’t reach joy with thoughts fueled by regret or sadness
  • You can’t reach love with a belief that you are not worthy of it



On: Sticking around

By |2014-01-25T00:56:52-05:00January 25th, 2014|English|

As soon as you stop feeding it with your thoughts, acknowledging it with your words, and reacting to it with your actions, that which you no longer want, which no longer serves you, will begin to fade away Dear One.

You should know that it is your continued focus on it, your continued attention to it, that is causing it to stick around.


On: Your Daily Requirements

By |2014-01-23T00:23:20-05:00January 23rd, 2014|English|

The day does not require you to be brilliant, funny, witty, charming, or thin Dear One.

It does not require you be as good as, or better than anyone else.

It does not even require that you be as good as or better than you were yesterday.

The only thing that it requires Dear One, is that you be you, and do the best that you can do, today.

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