Tema: Como amar la vida

By |2017-05-31T12:32:08-04:00May 31st, 2017|Español|

Estas aquí para amar tu vida Querido, y no para simplemente tolerarla. No es una experiencia para solo aguantarla.
  • Te hay una cantidad infinita de opciónes disponibles.
  • Te hay una cantidad infinita de experiencias que puedes elejír.
Por lo tanto, ¿porque no elejir las cosas que tú quieres, las que te interesan, las que te inspiran y te conmueven, las que te motivan, las que te agradan y te alivian, las que te dan satisfacción o alegría?

Esta vida no te permite decidir todo lo que te toca, pero puedes decidir mucho más de lo que tú crees.

¿Entonces, que es lo que te estamos tratando de decir?
No te conformes.

On: Something is coming

By |2017-05-31T04:06:47-04:00May 31st, 2017|English|

Something is coming Dear One.
Something wonderfully unexpected is headed your way.
Something that will delight, excite, and thrill you.
Something that is going to make you very happy, and bring you lot and lots of joy.

Get excited, feel excited, be really excited about it Dear One, because it is almost here!

And once you are there, once you are in that place, once you are in a state of glorious, giddy, delightful anticipation, stay there, until it arrives.


On: How to reduce the stress

By |2017-05-30T02:53:34-04:00May 30th, 2017|English|

The thought of being overwhelmed Dear One, the anticipation of not being able to handle it all, can actually be more stressful then the stress of doing all that you need to do.

So what can you do to reduce the stress?

Eliminate the anticipation.

  • Instead of telling yourself “I can’t”, tell yourself “I can”
  • Instead of telling yourself “it’s going to be a nightmare”, tell yourself  “everything is going to work out for the best”
  • Instead of telling yourself  “I don’t have all the answers”, tell yourself  “I know all of the answers will come to me”

And believe it.

Life is stressful enough Dear One.

There really is no need for you to add to it.


On: What can you do?

By |2017-05-29T02:40:15-04:00May 29th, 2017|English|

Do your choices, thoughts, beliefs, and actions reflect your desires Dear One?

Do they match up?

  • If you want more joy in your life, are you making choices, thinking thoughts, maintaining beliefs, and taking actions that make you feel joyful?
  • If you want more freedom in your life, are you making choices, thinking thoughts, maintaining beliefs, and taking actions that make you feel free?
  • If you want more love, abundance, peace, or beauty in your life, are you making choices, thinking thoughts, maintaining beliefs, and taking actions that make you feel loved, abundant, peaceful and beautiful?

So now do you see Dear One?

If what you want, is not what you’ve got, now you know what you can do about it.


On: Would it make a difference?

By |2017-05-27T02:04:40-04:00May 27th, 2017|English|

What if, in this moment Dear One, you decided to love yourself unconditionally, to nurturer yourself, to honor yourself, to forgive, care for and prioritize yourself, to accept yourself exactly where and as you are, to be a peace?

What if, in this moment, you decided to remember that you are worthy, that you are divine, that the reason that you are here is to have a joyful experience of being alive?

If you did this Dear One, would the next choice that you make, the next answer that you give, the next action that you take, the next words that you speak, the next thought that you think, be any different?


On: When $%!# happens

By |2017-05-26T02:13:06-04:00May 26th, 2017|English|

People make mistakes Dear One (yourself included).  It happens.

Berating them for it, making them feel badly about it, attempting to scold or punish them for it, is not going to help, fix, or undo it,  is not going serve anyone or anything in any positive way.

Bitching, complaining, ranting, raving, and acting out, while it may feel good and appropriate in the moment, will not help them or you to turn things around, or improve the situation at all. But, focusing your attention and energy on the desired outcome, on identifying a solution, on making things better, on how to improve things from here,  will.


On: No second chance

By |2017-05-25T03:17:13-04:00May 25th, 2017|English|

We thought that you should know Dear One, that regardless of what you have heard, read, or been told in the past, there are no second chances.

And there are no third, or fourth chances either.

There are only opportunities, and choices to be made.

And you will never run out of either.

We promise.

So don’t sweat it!


On: Right where you are

By |2017-05-24T02:10:41-04:00May 24th, 2017|English|

Be at peace with where you are Dear One – as the place where you are now standing is a pretty remarkable one.
Why?  Because you are there.

You are a blessed being, divine, an expression of spirit in the physical.  Do you have any idea just how remarkable it is to get to be in the physical – on the leading edge of creation – on the leading edge of all that is?  Well, we’ll tell you, it’s pretty remarkable.

There is so much going on around you and within you, in every moment, that we are constantly amazed that you are not constantly amazed.   You have access to an unlimited number of experiences, a constantly changing stream of them; one, and then the next, and then the next – and you have the remarkable ability to contribute to the creation of each one, to allow them or resist them, and to interact with them in any way that you choose.

So now do you understand?

The place that you are standing is a pretty remarkable one. Why?  Because you are there.


On: Forgiving your past

By |2023-06-06T22:04:06-04:00May 23rd, 2017|English|

Don’t feel badly about that which you did not know yesterday Dear One.  Rejoice in all that you do know today.

Be gentle, loving, kind and forgiving of yourself as you learn and grow and make progress along your path.

You know more today then you did yesterday – and you will know even more still tomorrow.


The same holds true for those around you.   So  try to remember to be gentle, loving, kind and forgiving of them as well.

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