
On: Being afraid

By |2012-07-30T21:37:18-04:00July 30th, 2012|English|

There truly is nothing for you to be afraid of Dear One.  We would love nothing more than to see you open up completely and embrace the idea of living, of being alive, without fear.   Try it and see.

Release your tight grip on the world and on yourself and trust, float for a little while Dear One.    It is not being lazy, or irresponsible or childish if you do.  We promise.

The river is there for you to interact with in any manner that you see fit.  You can walk in it.  You can run in it.  You can swim laps in it or you can choose to just let go and float and let the river carry you to wherever you are headed.  Be afraid if you want to be.  That is your choice.  But we are here to tell you that it won’t serve you the way that you think it will.  Fear does not slow things down or prevent thing from coming to pass. It only serves to diminish your ability to experience joy, peace and contentment in the moment.


On: Struggling

By |2012-07-29T21:33:27-04:00July 29th, 2012|English|

You have become so accustomed to struggling Dear One, that you have come to believe that it is a natural, unavoidable part of your life.  But we are here to remind you that life is not meant to be a struggle.

Take full responsibility for your choices, all of them, good and bad, let go of that which does not serve you and accept what is and you can put an end to your struggling.

But remember Dear One, that responsibility and blame are two very different things.

Don’t blame yourself or others, for what is.  Struggling persists when you resist what is.

Blame is resistant, damaging, accusatory, and segregating.  Responsibility is accepting, forgiving, allowing and inclusive.

When you take responsibility for yourself, your environment, your circumstances, your choices and stop blaming yourself or anyone else, for the place you now find yourself standing,  you will greatly reduce the amount of struggle in your life Dear one, and by extension, you will be greatly reducing the amount of struggle in the world as well.

A worthy pursuit, don’t you think?


On: Time

By |2012-07-28T21:32:18-04:00July 28th, 2012|English|

It’s all about timing Dear One.  And the time that should always hold the most significance for you is the present time – the now – this moment.

Part of what is so incredible about this physical reality that you are living, is that it allows you to break down eternity into moment-by-moment experiences.  It allows you to actively, fully and completely engage with each-and-every experience, one-at-a-time. That is what is truly miraculous about the gift of time, and so many of you are missing the boat completely on this one.

You, in this physical state, get to experience a sequential reality and not just a spectral reality, as is the experience of spirit.  That is one of the reasons you have come forth.  To experience one moment at a time.  So don’t be so quick to avoid doing so.  Don’t be so quick to toss moments aside.  Don’t be so quick to fill up each and every second to the point of distraction.  Don’t be quick to focus on “what next” instead of “what now”.  Don’t be so quick Dear One,  Period!

Don’t curse time for moving too fast or moving too slow. For prolonging your pain or cutting short your pleasure.  You are still the one in charge of how you choose to experience its passage.    That power has and always will rest with you, not with time.  Time is a gift Dear One.  Not a curse.   Make a choice to experience it with grace, ease and gratitude.  Use it.  Enjoy it.  Celebrate it, because the experience of it is one of the biggest reasons you have come forth.


On: Planning

By |2012-07-27T09:51:02-04:00July 27th, 2012|English|

Life does not always go according to plan Dear One.

Plan for that.

Count on it.

Decide ahead of time that you are going to be OK with falling off course – look forward to it even, so that when it happens, you are ready to enthusiastically, and excitedly embrace the opportunity and everything that comes along with it.

Remember – it’s the journey that counts.  You are not in search of a destination.  You are in search of new experiences.   And what better way to find something new, that you have never experienced before then to venture down a path that you have never ventured down before, that you didn’t even know was there.


On: What if

By |2012-07-25T23:53:54-04:00July 25th, 2012|English|

What an enormous waste of your precious time to spend even one more minute of it wondering  “what if” Dear One.  Who cares about what could have been?  It didn’t happen!  It wasn’t!  All of the wondering in the world is never going to change that – ever – regardless of how much of yourself you choose to sacrifice to the idol of regret.

What a shame it would be to miss out on something really fantastically wonderful in the moment because you were wasting your time looking backwards at your past.

It’s time to let go of the disappointment.  It’s time to let go of the notion that you lost out or missed out on something.  Because you haven’t.  Trust us.  Everything that is meant to be, will be.

Let it go – release yourself from the prison of “what if” and join us once again in the present moment of “what is”.  You’re the only one that can free yourself.  You are the only one with key.  Use it.  We promise you, you won’t be sorry that you did.


On: Beauty

By |2012-07-24T23:52:00-04:00July 24th, 2012|English|

Everyone is looking for/striving for/seeking beauty Dear One – Every single one of you, with no exception.  

The only problem is that more often than not, so many of you find yourself coming up short, frustrated with your search, not finding what you are looking for – left with the impression that beauty is rare or elusive.  Why?  Because many of you have no idea what beauty really is – so you look in all the wrong places, chase down all the wrong things trying to find it or create it.

Beauty is a feeling, an emotion, an energy.  It is the essence of who you are.  It is a state of openness, a state of trust and allowing, acceptance of the universe, of what is.  It is not flat abs and a shiny full head of hair.  It is not pouty lips, smooth tight skin or perfectly manicured nails .  Those things are all nothing more than limited physical attributes of the body.  True beauty is limitless.

To say that beauty is measured by how one looks – is like saying that intelligence is measured by how one smells.

Your eyes are not the determinate of beauty Dear One, your heart is.

True beauty is not about how you look – it is about how you see.

Choose to see beauty in everything around you Dear One and  you will.  It is there. It is built into everything.   As soon as you start looking for it, with your heart, you will find it and be in awe of its abundance.

May we suggest that you start with you.



On: Permission

By |2012-07-23T22:31:11-04:00July 23rd, 2012|English|

Today is the day Dear One, to stop asking for permission – to stop waiting for permission and begin behaving like the powerful, divine creator/divine spirit that you are.

This is your journey, to do with as you please.

So… what are you going to do with it?


On: Hypocrisy

By |2023-06-06T22:04:16-04:00July 22nd, 2012|English|

Hypocrisy: To say one thing and do another.  There are very few people in this world that are not hypocrites at one time or another Dear One.  And to this we say  BRAVO!  There are so many of you that say and talk about things that you wish you did, that you are wanting to do, but have not yet made not even the slightest effort to do them, and to this we say – OK.

Because we know it is coming.  We know that so often talking about a thing precedes actually doing a thing.  So if there are things you want to do, or beliefs you want to adopt, or causes you wish you were behind, we say – go for it – talk about them as if you are already doing them – Act as if you are virtuous if you want to be – Act as if you are loyal even if you are not yet.  Act as if you are charitable even if your actions don’t yet match up with the sentiments – because if the intention is there and the desire is there then the action just might follow.

Don’t be so quick to judge another for what they have said and not yet done Dear One.  Look instead at a person’s accomplishments, their successes, their virtues and if you must judge them, judge them based on those events.  Judge them based on the best in them not on the worst in them.

Raise the roof on the possibilities that exist for them in their lives.  Because as you know from experience, the expectations of others can and does have an influence on their behavior.   So, if your expectations are going to have an influence on those around you, wouldn’t you rather that your influence be a positive one instead of a negative one?

So if you feel you must judge, we say go right ahead and judge – but don’t judge people based on the worst of them – make your judgments instead based on the very best of them – after-all isn’t that what you are hoping you will be judged on?


On: Missing someone

By |2012-07-21T23:18:07-04:00July 21st, 2012|English|

It is OK to miss someone Dear One.  It is simply an indication of a space being open now inside of you where once it was filled.

You can choose to hold that space open and keep it void of something new for as long as you want.  But you should know that holding open an empty space in a universe that is fluid and full will require a great deal of effort – and could result in a great deal of heartbreak.

But in contrast to this – to missing – know that this space will not remain empty for long, if you don’t want it to.  The universe fills spaces.  It is one of the things that it does quite well – with elegance, grace and ease.  It will fill up the space with something wonderful, if you ask it to, if you will allow it to.

It’s OK to miss Dear One.  It’s OK to continue to hold on and remember.  But please don’t choose to spend too much time with you attention on the absence of what was.

When you are ready, choose instead to focus you attention on those thoughts, feeling and memories that bring you joy, that make you feel good, that bring a smile to your heart and to your lips.  And as you allow your energy to shift, allow yourself to start to get excited about what is yet to come –  about what is headed your way – right this very minute.  Because If you are looking forward to it with joy, love and excitement in your heart and a smile on your face – you can be sure that  when it get here, it is going to be oh so very good.


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