
On: Putting it into context

By |2021-08-31T10:45:01-04:00August 31st, 2021|English|

Attitudes, Dear One, are what put any event, situation, or circumstance into context.

It is not the event, the circumstance, or the situation itself so much that is the primary determiner of your reaction to it, as much as it is the attitude that you hold towards it, the disposition that you are wearing when the situation arises.

We are telling you this, Dear One, not so that you will blame yourself for bad feelings that may arise when “something” terrible, troubling, or undesirable happens.  But simply to make you aware, and not so quick to blame the “event” itself entirely for how you are feeling, or put a great deal of effort into trying to change the “event”, the or external circumstances that created it, in order to help yourself feel differently or better about it.

Examining the attitudes that you have about it, and the lens through which you are viewing it, is where the real power for change lays, and will have a much greater impact on helping you to navigate your way through your feelings about it, or the feelings that come up for you as a result of it.




On: When to take their advice

By |2021-08-29T01:27:43-04:00August 29th, 2021|English|

Nobody, and mean absolutely no one, Dear One, can or will ever know your body, your needs, your heart, what is right for you, what is best for you, better than you.

Have you noticed yet that your whole life has been a series of events all strung together just to help you realize that?

The only advice, the only answers, the only direction that anyone can ever have for you, that anyone will ever have for you, that will truly serve you, that you can trust to unequivocally guide you towards that which is best for you, will point you back in the direction of trusting yourself.

If their wise words, their sage advice, their informed, well intentioned guidance does that, well then you should definitely follow it.

But, if what they are advising suggests that you should do anything other than that, it would be our wise advice to you, to thank them for their words and then simply let them fall away.



On: Understanding obstacles

By |2021-08-29T01:27:14-04:00August 28th, 2021|English|

“Obstacles” don’t exist, Dear One, to test you, harm you, inhibit you, or throw you off course.  Their purpose is not to challenge you, mess with you, piss you off, or annoy and frustrate you.

Truth is, Dear One, that what you perceive as obstacles are simply aspects of reality that you have either A) never encountered before or B) that you have just not figured out how to handle, manage, or engage with yet, in productive ways.

For example, fire, Dear One, is not an obstacle that is put in someone’s path to burn then.  It is simply another reality of your physical world. If you were to encounter it for the first time, without knowing what it was, it could appear dangerous, and it could cause you and those around you great harm.  When approached without understanding and skill, about what it is, its properties, and how to best interact with it, (and how best not to) it can be a significant threat.

But fire is not a challenge, Dear Child, it is not an obstacle; it is a tool, an element, an energy, that when understood, holds great potential for those who become knowledgeable about what it is and how it works, and learn how to interact with it and use it, safely.

Try and see all of the other elements, the obstacles in your life, Dear One, in the same light, in the same vein, and your whole world might begin to feel a bit less treacherous, and a lot more promising, manageable, and full of potential.



On: Who deserves what?

By |2023-06-06T22:03:57-04:00August 27th, 2021|English|

“Deserve” is not a word that makes sense to us, Dear One.  It is not a word that has any value or meaning to us at all.

Why?  Because you all are equal in the eyes of spirit. And so the idea that one person could be more deserving, and one person could be less deserving, just does not compute with us.

From our perspective, what you have (or don’t have), Dear One, is of your own design, is the result of your own creating, is your own creation. Whether you created it consciously or unconsciously matters not. The outcome is still the same.

You are who you are, and have what you have because you allowed for it, because you created it, because you found alignment with it, and granted yourself access to it.

It is absolutely NOT because some wish was granted, or some punishment was doled out based how deserving you are, based on what you (or they)  do or do not “deserve”.





On: The bright side

By |2021-08-26T01:03:25-04:00August 26th, 2021|English|

We want you look on the bright side today, Dear One.


Because doing so will feel so much better than not doing so, and we want you to feel better.

That’s why.


On: Your new diet

By |2021-08-25T01:21:12-04:00August 25th, 2021|English|

If it isn’t clean, cleansing, or nourishing, Dear One, don’t eat it, don’t take it in.

This applies to every consumable in your life; food, information, energy, and people.

Any questions?


On: Your weakest link

By |2023-06-06T22:03:57-04:00August 24th, 2021|English|

Don’t compartmentalize your life, Dear One. Don’t compartmentalize who you are, or where you think you belong, based on your strengths and weaknesses today.

ALL of you belongs everywhere.

There is no shame in slowing down to accommodate the parts of you that that need more help, that need more nurturing, that need more guidance, that need more attention.  That is where your attention belongs. That is where your attention should be.

You, Dear One, are a whole person.  There is absolutely no benefit to you to choose to sacrifice one part of yourself to support another, to sacrifice a weaker part of yourself to support a stronger part. To press on with your strengths and leave your weaknesses in the dust.

The truth is that it is the reverse of that that will ultimately be to your greatest benefit.
You want to allow the strongest parts of you to protect the weakest. Not the other way around.

Why?  Because those parts of you that are weak now, that are in most need of healing, hold for you the greatest potential for wisdom, for learning, for growth. Hold the greatest potential for adding value to the whole.

You don’t want to banish them in their infancy, Dear One.  You want to nurture them to their full capacity. And then watch, as the tables turn.

Those lessons, those values acquired through learning, through healing, once strengthened, will one day lead the charge by bring up the rear, by healing other parts of you that may fall behind.

In short, take the time to mend the weakest links, Dear One, don’t cut them loose, because in time, doing so, will serve to greatly strengthen and lengthen your chain.




On: Is it worth the fight?

By |2021-08-23T00:58:48-04:00August 23rd, 2021|English|

How do you know if you should let it go, Dear One?

Ask yourself; is investing your energy in that emotion, in that relationship, in that exchange, in that conflict, in that fight, a worth wild investment for you?

That is how you know.


On: Acknowledging that you’re already on your way

By |2021-08-22T01:03:15-04:00August 22nd, 2021|English|

Today, Dear One, we want you to believe, to strongly believe, to know, that the life that you want, that you have always believed was waiting for you, can be yours, shall be yours, will be yours.

And that you are, right now, already on the path that will lead you to it.


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