
On: The possibility of a miracle today

By |2021-02-27T00:43:59-05:00February 27th, 2021|English|

When you wake up each morning, Dear One, there are infinite possibilities available to you.  And these possibilities diminish only when you choose to dismiss them.  Only when you decide that something is impossible does it become impossible.

The truth is that anything is possible.  It is in large part a matter of belief that allows everything into your reality.

First you must believe, and then you will see.

So, don’t expect miracles to show up in your day if you don’t’ believe in them.  Expect reality, and you won’t be disappointed.  Expecting a miracle can be a very difficult thing to do if you don’t believe.  Expecting reality is much simpler, and much more logical thing to do.

But, if your belief of reality is that anything is possible, well then…..

See what you expect.  Expect more than what you see.  This is the key to creation.


On: Your relationship with power

By |2021-02-25T23:03:11-05:00February 25th, 2021|English|

Somedays you will be confident, and somedays you will be insecure. Somedays you will feel pretty and somedays you will feel plain.  Somedays you will be adored, and somedays you will be lonely.  Somedays you will be creative, and somedays you will be dull.  Somedays you will be kind, and somedays you will be cruel. Somedays you will do no wrong, and somedays you will do no right.

But know this Dear One, that in this life that is full of contradictions, full of realities that are true one minute and not true the next, one thing will never stop being true, and that is that you will never stop being powerful.

You can never stop being powerful.  It is who and what you are.

Now you can choose to use your power to create things that you want in this life, or you can choose to use your power to create things that you despise, or fear, or secretly think that you deserve.   But either way Dear One, no matter what, you can never stop being powerful, you can never give your power away, or run out of it, or lose it, or have it taken from you, ever.

You can be tricked into thinking it is gone, you can trick yourself into thinking it is gone too. But regardless of how you feel, what you have been told, or what you believe, you will still be powerful, you will still have the power that creates worlds running through you, at your fingertips, at all times, to do with as you please.  You will still be the one with the pen in your hand, writing your story, creating your world, with every thought that you think, word that you speak,  action that you take, and belief that you hold in your heart.


On: A realignment

By |2021-02-25T00:02:15-05:00February 25th, 2021|English|

When what you want is not what is showing up for you Dear One, a simple misalignment may be all there is to blame.

How do you know if this is the case?

Ask yourself if your actions, thoughts and beliefs are in alignment with your desires.

And remember:

  • You can’t reach abundance with actions motivated by fear, scarcity, or deprivation
  • You can’t reach joy with thoughts fueled by anger, regret or despair
  • You can’t reach love with a belief that you are not worthy of it

On: Seeing beauty in the darkness

By |2021-02-22T21:25:39-05:00February 22nd, 2021|English|

A dark, cloudy day holds just as much potential for you to witness something beautiful, Dear One, as a bright, sunny one does.

You have just conditioned yourself to look for it more in one than in the other.

The trick to overcoming this is simple.

Believe us, and start looking for it in both.

Once you do, once you discover for yourself that what we are telling you is true, your experience of darkness will never be the same again.


On: Coping skills

By |2021-02-21T23:13:32-05:00February 21st, 2021|English|

Don’t’ wonder if it’s all going to be okay in the end.

Know that it will be.


Because it’s true.

And because believing it will feel a whole lot better than not believing it while you are in the process of getting there.


On: What to trust in

By |2021-02-21T00:15:45-05:00February 21st, 2021|English|

When we ask you to trust Dear One, many of you ask; What is it that you want us trust in?

Well, we will tell you.

We want you to trust in well-being, in a universe dominated by well-being.

We want you to trust that well-being is not something that you must work to create for yourself, but something that you must learn to allow for yourself.

We want you to trust that when you let go of negativity, that when you stop trying to control the outcome of every single experience, situation, and relationship, that when you stop taking a defensive stance against life, that well-being, balance, abundance, joy, love, light, laughter, and renewal will rush in to take its place.

That would be a really good place to start.


On: Relieving anxiety

By |2021-02-19T23:53:12-05:00February 19th, 2021|English|

Unfortunately Dear One, avoidance is not going to help you to relieve your anxiety.

Neither is confrontation, bravery, denial, will-power, brute strength, comradery, or perseverance.

The only thing that is going to do it, that is going to bring you relief for any sustainable length of time is trust, is learning how to trust yourself again.

And how, you might ask, are you suppose to do that?

The same way that you learn how to do anything else.

You practice.


On: Pains purpose

By |2021-02-18T23:52:21-05:00February 18th, 2021|English|

As hard as it might be to believe Dear One, pain is not a punishment.  It is a teacher, a guide, a friend to you.  Its purpose in your life is not to hurt you, harm you, discourage you, frighten you, or weaken you. Quite the contrary actually.

Pain, Dear One, is a call for love, is a call for attention, it is a call for healing, growth, and expansion.  Pain is a teacher with a valuable message for you and it is not something to be avoided.  It is something to be acknowledged and embraced.

Run from pain and you will spend an eternity pressed up against an all too familiar wall that you are quite capable of walking around, climbing over, or breaking through.

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