
On: A reality check

By |2023-06-06T22:04:16-04:00August 31st, 2012|English|

Stop trying to be the person that you think the world wants you to be and just be the person that you are Dear One.

The reality of you is infinitely more powerful, intelligent, interesting, fun, lovable, humorous, desirable, attractive, genuine – more everything – than any illusion of you ever could be.




On: Prudence vs. Fear

By |2012-08-30T22:01:06-04:00August 30th, 2012|English|

Your life can be as big or as small as you want it to be Dear One.  You decide which with every choice that you make.

You are smart.  You have good instincts.  Trust them.

There is a big difference between prudence and fear – between caution and fear.  You know what the difference is.

Only you can decide which you are going to let guide you and influence you most along your journey.

Are you being prudent or are you afraid?  Only you know for sure.

Big or small Dear One.  It’s up to you to decide.





On: Completing tasks

By |2012-08-29T22:44:10-04:00August 29th, 2012|English|

Creating the plan, doing the work, maintaining the relationships, finding what’s missing, fixing what’s broken, cleaning up the mess, etc.   If you view all of these things as nothing more than tasks that need to be completed in your life Dear One, then that is all they can or ever will be to you – things you need to get out of the way.

But the truth is that they can be so much more than that.

These are the events of your life.  These are your experiences.  You are truly missing out on something potentially wonderful if you are just enduring or getting through them.

To you today we say don’t waste one more second of your life simply getting through something Dear One.  Instead, choose to get engaged, choose to get involved, choose to actively and consciously participate in the process of creation/creativity with whatever it is you are doing.

No task – no matter how small or seemingly trivial or taxing or time consuming is without a creative possibility.  You simply need to find it, engage with it, open yourself up to it and to the inspiration that exists to help you complete it.  It is there.  We promise you that.

With every task that you take on, look, listen, open yourself up the creative possibility that exists in the process of completing it.

Remember, that the completion of every task that you take on is an act of creation/creativity, and every act of creation/creativity is a sacred act.


On: Letting go

By |2012-08-28T22:17:52-04:00August 28th, 2012|English|

Apologize Dear One, to those you have wronged or have treated unfairly.  Simply stopping the negative behavior is not always enough to turn it around – to let it go –  for either one of you.

Something very powerful happens when you shine a light into the darkness, when you acknowledge your actions, and give others the opportunity to do the same.

Apologize Dear One to release, to truly let it go.

You will be giving both yourself and the others involved a great gift.




On: Risk

By |2012-08-27T22:52:16-04:00August 27th, 2012|English|

It only feels as if you are risking something by stepping out into the unknown Dear One – going somewhere that you have never gone before, trying something that you have never tried before.

But the truth is that there is no safer place that you could possibly be than on the edge of something new, in the process of creation.

The same energy that creates worlds, creates healing, creates art, creates music, creates poetry, creates abundance, creates cupcakes.

What safer place could there be than standing fully present on the leading edge of yourself, on the leading edge of thought, completely engulfed in the limitless energy of creation?

The more you open up to it, the more you trust it, the more you allow it to flow to you and through you and all around you, the safer you will be.

Resistance is what causes risk Dear One.  Fear, hesitation and uncertainty pinch off the flow of creative energy to you.

So what we are saying to you is that holding back, hesitation, doubt, resistance and fear are greater sources of risks in your life than trying something new ever would be, ever could be.

Risk big Dear One.  Jump, Leap,  Soar in the unknown.   Trust us when we tell you that there is no safer place for you to be.


On: Picking up the pieces

By |2012-08-26T23:47:11-04:00August 26th, 2012|English|

Leave it all alone Dear One. Forget about trying to pick it all back up.  Truly.  Just let it all lay there exactly where it is for the moment.

And only when you are ready – start to pick back up the pieces – but selectively this time.  Choose intentionally.  Choose consciously.  Choose wisely. Pick up only those pieces that you truly want, that you truly desire, that you know will contribute to feelings of joy, love, laughter, connection and happiness in your life.  But do so, one-at-a-time.

If you keep on trying to carry the whole load with you everywhere that you go, you will only find yourself needlessly bogged down, yet again, incredibly overwhelmed, yet again and in a prime position to drop it all, yet again.

Do just one thing at a time Dear one, joyously, with an open mind and an open heart, and you will be right back on track – aligned with your life’s mission – to complete nothing and experience everything.

Remember, you never get it done.  You’ll never be finished. There is no finish line you are racing towards.  If you don’t remember to enjoy yourself along the way, then you will be missing out on the very best part of being alive, of existence.

Your life is meant to be a joy Dear One, and if the things that you are doing, from day-to-day-to-day, are no longer bringing you joy, then it is time to let them go.  Simply put them down or leave them down, and step away.


On: Alignment

By |2012-08-26T00:57:09-04:00August 26th, 2012|English|

Things can feel out of control Dear One, when your desires and your actions are not in alignment.

  • You can’t reach joy with actions fueled by regret or sadness.
  • You can’t reach contentment with actions fueled by impatience or frustration.
  • You can’t reach love with actions fueled by loss or desperation.
  • You can’t reach abundance with actions fueled by fear or scarcity.

Don’t be surprised when actions fueled by insecurity, obligation, fear or a sense of loyalty don’t yield the results you were hoping for.

Align your actions with your desires Dear One and you will find that there will be much less of a discrepancy between what it is you are wanting and what it is that is showing up for you.


On: Optimism

By |2023-06-06T22:04:16-04:00August 25th, 2012|English|

Optimism is a very powerful tool at your disposal Dear one and we would love to see you pull it out and use it a great deal more than you have been.

The thing about optimism is that it really is one of those all or nothing kind of things .  You are either optimistic or you are not.

This is a yes or no, a stand still or leap choice for you Dear One.  And we want to wholeheartedly and enthusiastically encourage you to jump, leap, soar right into optimism, completely, 100%, without any hesitation.

Decide right now that you are going to look for and see only the best in every person, situation or circumstance in your life.  Don’t think about it – just do it.

We can assure you, your life will be all the better for it.

What have you got to lose?

Pessimism, doubt and judgement will all still be there for you if you should find that you really just can’t live without them.


On: The present

By |2012-08-22T21:52:51-04:00August 22nd, 2012|English|

The world needs you in the present moment Dear One.  Your friends and love ones need you in the preset.  Your physical body needs you in the present. And we need you in the present – as that will always be our strongest point of connection.

The past is over Dear One.  There is nothing more for you to do there.   There is nothing more you can do there.  And the future does not yet exist.

Join us here, won’t you?

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