
On: No end in sight

By |2012-12-31T00:04:21-05:00December 31st, 2012|English|

You’re never going to be finished Dear One. You’re never going to get it all done.  So you might as well stop trying.

Allow yourself to accept and be at peace with this reality.  Allow yourself to enjoy the fact that there is and always will be much for you to do – much for you to practice – much for you to learn – oh so very much for you to experience.

You can choose to allow your constantly expanding reality to be a source of stress in your life, or you can choose to embrace it, enjoy it, relax into it and be excited by the fact that change, growth and renewal are available to you in each and every moment.

You will never run out of choices.  You will never run out of options.  You will never run out of opportunities.  You will never get it all done Dear One.

You will never reach the end of what is possible for you.  Never.



On: The answer

By |2012-12-30T00:42:04-05:00December 30th, 2012|English|

Your world can be dominated by good feelings Dear One, by pleasure and joy and contentment and balance and love, if only you would allow yourself to experience these things without the belief that you must first pay a high price for them.

There is no posture or practice or mantra or diet or book or teacher or regimen that you must first master in order to be joyful, in order to be happy or peaceful or secure or content or compassionate or forgiving or to live a more conscious live.

The only requirement is that allow yourself to feel good.

And the surest way to do that Dear One is to focus your attention on that which makes you happy/feel good, on that which is possible, on that which is right, on that which you desire, on that which makes you smile, laugh, anticipate the best, on that which you are grateful for.

Yoga and meditation and exercise and a healthy diet, and spiritual practice are all ways that can help you to achieve balance in your mental,  physical and spiritual life Dear One.  And that balance will help you to feel good, to stay healthy, to feel strong and be more confident in yourself, in your body, in your ability to handle any situation, in your capacity for trust.

But they are just a means to an end.

The answer that you are looking for Dear One is simple –  Make choices that make you feel good.


On: Waiting

By |2012-12-29T00:06:40-05:00December 29th, 2012|English|

What exactly are you waiting for Dear One?

Stop waiting for your life to happen.  Stand up and make it happen.

You’re the only one who can.


On: What is the matter with you?

By |2012-12-28T01:06:29-05:00December 28th, 2012|English|

What is the matter with you Dear One?

What is the matter with your ideals? What is the matter with your face?    What is the matter with your friends?  What is the matter with your relationship?  What is the matter with your wardrobe?  What is the matter with your career?

Absolutely nothing or absolutely everything?

The answer is totally and completely up to you Dear One.

Absolutely no one else.



On: Finding a teacher

By |2012-12-26T22:50:05-05:00December 26th, 2012|English|

Your feelings are your best teachers Dear One.

Pay attention to them and you will always know if you are in a state of allowing or resisting well-being.

When you are feeling good, when you are happy, grateful, joyful, loving, compassionate, graceful, peaceful, content, you are in a state of allowing.

When you are feeling badly, when you are angry, frustrated, jealous, irritated, insecure, resentful, bitter, judgmental, tense, you are in a state of resistance.

In any moment Dear One, you never need to look any farther than your own feelings to discover if you are moving towards that which you are wanting for yourself or if you are holding yourself apart from it.



On: The secret to letting go, and holding on

By |2012-12-25T23:10:34-05:00December 25th, 2012|English|

Let it go, focus your attention elsewhere, talk about something else, allow your thoughts to move on, and it will move on from you Dear One.

Hold on to it, remain focused on it, keep talking about it, continue thinking about it, and it will remain with you.

It’s that simple.

Mystery solved!


On: The designated driver

By |2012-12-25T01:11:04-05:00December 25th, 2012|English|

Life is change Dear One. There is nothing you can do about that.

But there is much you can do to impact/influence the direction of that change.

Up. Down. Left. Right. Backwards. Forwards.

So many choices.  So many possibilities.

And the best part is, you get to decide which direction is right for you.

Remember Dear One, that regardless of where it is that you choose to sit, you will always be the designated driver in your own life.





On: Your shoes

By |2012-12-23T22:41:49-05:00December 23rd, 2012|English|

Never mind what you think anyone else would do if they were in your shoes Dear One.  Never mind what you think they would say, or how you think they would react, or what you think they would feel  — Because the truth is that it will never happen.  No one else ever could, ever will, be in your shoes.

You are the only one of you that there is, that there ever will be.  This is your life.  You are meant to experience it any way that you choose.  We hope that this knowledge boosts your confidence in your ability to make the right decisions for yourself.  Remember Dear One, you are the only judge on the panel whose opinion counts.

That does not mean that you should not ask others for their help or for their opinions.  In fact, we believe that doing so is very often a wise and useful thing for you to do.  And we encourage it, whenever you should feel inspired to do so.  There is much that you can learn from the perspective, from the experiences of others.  There is a great deal of benefit to be gained from seeing the world through someone else’s eyes.

Just don’t forget, that their choices, their experiences, their decisions were just that, theirs. They were right (or wrong) for them.  Learn from them, question them, consider them, but when the time comes to choose, to make a decision, your opinion, not theirs, is the only one that matters.

You are the worlds leading expert on you Dear One.  When you trust yourself, you have very good judgment.

Use it.


On: What’s coming

By |2012-12-23T00:29:32-05:00December 23rd, 2012|English|

What you believe, what you give your attention to, what you focus on, determines your point of attraction Dear One.

Like attracts like.

If you believe that you live in an abundant, forgiving universe filled with infinite possibilities, you will attract opportunities, situations and people that will confirm and support that belief.  If you believe that you live in a limited, unforgiving universe, that is filled with anger, deception and scarcity, you will attract opportunities, situations and people that will confirm and support that belief.

If you are focused on what you lack  – you are attracting opportunities to experience more lack.

If you are focused on what hurts – you are attracting opportunities to experience more hurt

If you are focused on joy – you are attracting opportunities to experience more joy

Keeping this in mind Dear One, we would like to ask you 3 questions;

  1. What do you think you are attracting to yourself right now?
  2. Will you be happy when it gets here?
  3. What, if anything, are you going to do about it?

On: What kind of day will today be?

By |2012-12-22T01:03:09-05:00December 22nd, 2012|English|

Decide right now what kind of day this is going to be for you Dear One.

Don’t wait and let your boss, your friends, your partner, your kids, the annoyingly loud guy on his cell phone, or all of the other drivers in front of you on the road decide for you.

It is much too much of an important decision for you to leave in someone else’s hands.

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