
On: The quickest route

By |2013-09-29T23:55:32-04:00September 29th, 2013|English|

When you doubt yourself Dear One, when you ignore your heart, your instincts, intuitions and hunches,  it is essentially the same as choosing to ignore the directions being given to you by the GPS system in your car.

What you want is your desired destination, and your instincts are the turn-by-turn directions being served up to you by your higher-self to get you there.

As you know very well from experience by now, there are an unlimited number of paths available to you that will get you to where you want to go.  There is no “right” path and there is no “wrong” path.

BUT there are more and less direct paths that you can follow.

Listen to your heart Dear One, follow your instincts, trust your intuition, and act on your hunches and you can proceed confidently knowing  that you are traveling the most direct route possible from where you are to where you want to be.


On: Storytelling

By |2013-09-29T00:58:03-04:00September 29th, 2013|English|

You can choose to be your stories greatest victor, or its most tragic victim.

The pen is in your hand Dear One.

How will you choose to write yourself today?




On: Getting proof

By |2013-09-27T00:09:13-04:00September 27th, 2013|English|

You are so much stronger than you think you are Dear One.

Trust us.

We know it.  We are absolutely certain of it.

Now it’s time for you to know it too.

And there’s only one way for you to do that.

You’ve got to prove it to yourself once and for all.

It really is time.


On: First things first

By |2013-09-25T00:23:46-04:00September 25th, 2013|English|

Before you do anything else today Dear One, stop and do something that makes you smile.

Think a happy thought, dance a jig, tell someone you love them, eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, anything at all will do.

If you can’t do it, if you can’t think of even one thing to do that will make you smile, stop, sit down, and do nothing else until you can.

Trust us Dear One, this will not be a waste of your time.

In fact, it just may be one of the most productive things you do for yourself all day.







Tema: La Salud

By |2013-09-24T00:24:59-04:00September 24th, 2013|Español|

Tema: La Salud

No hay mal que tu tengas que el tiempo no puede curar, mientras que no persigas la cura como si fuera un objetivo que tiene que ser logrado. La salud y el sanarte es parte del viaje, no un rumbo de por si. Seria como tratar the apoderarse del divertirse. La diversión no puede ser poseida para siempre. Es una experiencia – un obsequio del momento. Es lo mismo con la salud. Asi que aprende a disfrutar el momento porque todo lo que tu deseas esta en el momento, la diversion, la salud, el amor, el cambio, la prosperidad. Elíjelo en cada momento y estara contigo para siempre.


On: You

By |2013-09-23T00:57:31-04:00September 23rd, 2013|English|

  • Their breath is not your breath
  • Their eyes are not your eyes
  • Their skin is not your skin
  • Their lips are not your lips
  • Their heart is not your heart

Listen to what they have to have to say Dear One, ask for their advice, guidance, support and perspective, consider their point of view — if you think it will help.

But in the end, the experience of it will be yours and yours alone; seen by your eyes, sensed by your skin, touched by your lips, felt by your heart.

In the end, it is not about what they want for you Dear One, it’s about what you want for you – and you are the only one that can decide that.


On: Overcoming fear

By |2013-09-22T00:45:51-04:00September 22nd, 2013|English|

Contrary to popular opinion Dear One, action is not necessarily the best remedy for overcoming fear.

  • So you can stop trying to force yourself to do that thing that you are afraid to do.
  • You can stop trying to muster up every last bit of courage that you’ve got to “just do it”, when in your heart you truly believe that you can’t or that it is going to cause you harm.
  • You can stop repeatedly traumatizing yourself as a means to healing.

We would never ask that of you or encourage you to do so.


Because you know as well as we do that your beliefs create your reality.

So if not through action Dear One, then how do we recommend that you overcome your fears?

By changing your beliefs.

And that change can be as simple as moving from a mindset of “ I can’t” to one of “I can”.

And then once you have done so, once you have changed what you believe, then you can practice it, then you can prove it to yourself through action.


On: An opportunity

By |2013-09-21T00:58:37-04:00September 21st, 2013|English|

The next time you are feeling lonely, alone or disconnected Dear One, instead of feeling badly about it, instead of focusing on those feelings, which will only serve to exacerbate them, use them as an opportunity to grant yourself permission to take some time to go within.

When you do, you just may get a glimpse at the eternity, the universe, the divinity that lives within you, that connects you to everyone and every other living thing in your world.

And once you see that, it will be difficult for you to ever to feel lonely, alone or disconnected again.

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