
On: How to let it go

By |2019-04-30T22:22:39-04:00April 30th, 2019|English|

You want to learn how to let it go Dear One?

We’ll tell you how it’s done.

You don’t do it by force. And you don’t do it with distractions.

You don’t do it by dismissing your feelings, trying to rationalize them away, or by punishing yourself for having picked them up in the first place either.

You do it by remembering that every thought that you think, word that you speak, action that you take, and belief that you maintain, is attracting more of exactly the same directly to you, every minute, of every hour, every day that you think it, speak it, do it, or believe it.

That’s how.


On: Jumping hurdles

By |2019-04-29T23:28:15-04:00April 29th, 2019|English|

The energy, action, and effort required to jump a hurdle, cross a barrier, or break down a wall Dear One, is not the same energy, action, and effort required once you are on the other side of it.

Once you make it over, across, or through, remember to stop jumping, pushing, and swinging for a little while, and enjoy the place where you now find yourself.

Once you are on the other side, it is time for you to relax, allow, and go the flow of the new space you have just crossed into.

It is of absolutely no benefit to you Dear One, to keep jumping once you are in the clear.


On: Things you should know

By |2019-04-28T23:17:15-04:00April 28th, 2019|English|

  • You don’t have to wait until you are sick to take time to heal, Dear One.
  • You don’t have to wait until you are in trouble to ask for help.
  • You don’t have to wait until you are lonely or afraid to invite someone to keep you company.
  • You don’t have to wait until you are perfect to be worthy of love.
  • You don’t have to wait until the end to decide to begin again.



On: What you put in

By |2019-04-28T00:03:40-04:00April 28th, 2019|English|

Create from an angry, stressed out, frustrated, put upon place Dear One, and no matter how hard you work, how hard you try, how good your intentions are, the very best that you are going to be able to do is create more of the same.

You can’t make a blueberry pie out of apples.



On: The lengths you must travel

By |2019-04-26T23:41:28-04:00April 26th, 2019|English|

Take one step forward at a time Dear One, joyfully, intentionally, mindfully, feel good about where you are going, and you will be traveling faster towards your desired destination then if you ran full steam ahead towards it motivated by frustration, sadness, anger, fear or insecurity.

Mindful choices guided by good feelings are infinitely more powerful than those guided by loss, lack, obligation, fear or desperation.

It is not the amount of space between where you are and where you want to be that determines the length of your journey Dear One.

The length of your journey is determined by the distance that you must travel from where you are, to feeling good about where you want to be.

And how long that takes, is entirely up to you.


On: A human being

By |2019-04-24T23:24:47-04:00April 24th, 2019|English|

You have come forth into this life Dear One, to be a human being, not a human trying, a human struggling or a human judging.So stop trying, struggling and judging so hard, and allow yourself to just be.

  • Be yourself. Be authentic. Be honest.
  • Be loving.  Be caring. Be compassionate.
  • Be inspiring.  Be creative. Be brave.
  • Be sad.  Be angry.  Be confused.
  • Be imperfect. Be flawed. Be uncertain.
  • Be whatever it is that is in your heart to be.
  • Be whatever it is that makes you happy, content and peaceful.
  • Be right where you are.

Be what you have come forth to be Dear One.



On: Avoiding pain

By |2019-04-23T23:30:11-04:00April 23rd, 2019|English|

As hard as it might be to believe Dear One, pain is not a punishment.  It is a teacher, a guide, a friend to you.  Its purpose in your life is not to hurt you, harm you, discourage you, frighten you, or weaken you. Quite the contrary actually.

Pain Dear One, is a call for love, is a call for attention, it is a call for healing, growth, and expansion.  Pain is a teacher with a valuable message for you and it is not something to be avoided.  It is something to be acknowledged and embraced.

Run from pain and you will spend an eternity pressed up against an all too familiar wall that you are quite capable of walking around, climbing over, or breaking through.


On: Which would you prefer?

By |2019-04-23T00:12:11-04:00April 23rd, 2019|English|

Which would you prefer?

  • To live in an abundant universe filled with unlimited resources, or one filled with shortages and lack?
  • To have an unlimited number of choices available to you in every situation, or only one?
  • To live in a reality that is fluid, forgiving, changeable, and influenced by all those who live in it, or one that is linear, solid and unforgiving, that you are powerless to change?

Choose your answers wisely Dear One, because once you do, you are going to have to live with them, you are going to have to live in the reality that they create as a result.


On: No choice

By |2019-04-21T23:28:22-04:00April 21st, 2019|English|

Fear is not a choice Dear One.

Anger is not a choice either.

Neither is resentment, guilt, hatred, doubt, insecurity, remorse, jealousy, lust, or despair.

They are all feelings.

And feelings do not dictate actions Dear One.

Your choices do.

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