
On: Being self-destructive

By |2023-07-31T23:20:30-04:00July 31st, 2023|English|

We are not going to try and stop you from making self-destructive choices, Dear One, repeating self-destructive patterns, or engaging in self-destructive relationships.

This is your life and you are free to choose to live it any way that you please.

But what we are going to do is try and help you to become more aware of the fact that you are doing so.

We want you to think about and be conscious of every single choice that you make.  We want you to choose purposefully, deliberately, and with intention.

If you are making choices that are harming you, we would like for you to be fully aware of the fact that you are doing so.

This is your life, Dear One, and you are free to make any choice that pleases you.

If, however, the choices that you are making are not pleasing to you, then we are going to do all that we can to encourage you to start making different ones.


On: Optimal conditions for growth

By |2023-07-30T21:39:38-04:00July 30th, 2023|English|

A flower does not ask why, or how, or when to blossom, Dear One.  It just happens.

Circumstances and conditions dictate the rate, and speed, and timing of growth, as well as the characteristics of the individual seed.

The flower does not choose them, it discovers them.

You’ll flourish under the right circumstances , Dear One. Just pay attention; to what feels good and what feels better.

Some plants flourish in direct sunlight, and others in the shade.

You are not a less beautiful or less valuable flower if direct sunlight causes you to wilt.

The optimal conditions for you will not be the optimal conditions for them.

Let them bloom where they are most nourished, and allow yourself to do the same, without guilt, shame, or remorse.

Embrace your optimal conditions, Dear One, and don’t you dare for one minute feel badly that they are not for everyone. They are not feeling badly for you.

When the conditions are right for you, you’ll know it.  There is no need for you to question them.  Your only job is to embrace them, enjoy them, and to allow yourself to flourish in them when you discover them. And to grow.




On: Counting your blessings

By |2023-07-28T22:59:39-04:00July 28th, 2023|English|

Today we want you to count your blessings, Dear One.


Because when you are counting your blessings you are not counting your challenges, your struggles, your heartaches, your disappointments, your fears, your pains, your mistakes, or your losses.

That’s why.


On: Living simply

By |2023-07-27T23:04:04-04:00July 27th, 2023|English|

Life really is simple, Dear One.

It is made up of a series simple decisions, simple choices, simple tasks, and simple relationships, that all come together to create your experience.

If what you are going through right now is anything other than simple, then you can be sure that there is another way, another option, another path available to you in this moment that you can follow that will make it so.

We promise you, Dear One, it ‘s there.

You just need to stop and give yourself the time and space to look for it, simply.


On: Getting wise

By |2023-07-27T11:04:46-04:00July 26th, 2023|English|

Wisdom, Dear One, is not gained by acquiring an understanding of something wise.

And wisdom is not gained by observing someone else demonstrate their understanding of something wise.

Wisdom can only ever be gained, Dear One, through living, through first-hand experience, by walking through the mess.

So keep reading. Keep observing. Keep listening.  Keep searching for inspiration.

But know that eventually, if you really want to get wise, you are going to have to dive-in, head-first, and get dirty.

It really is the only way.



On: Creative writing

By |2023-07-25T21:15:42-04:00July 25th, 2023|English|

You are the author of your own story, Dear One.

You are the one, the only one, who gets to decide what kind of story it will be.

So what do you feel like writing about today?

  • Adventure, trust, love, compassion, forgiveness, bravery or perseverance?
  • Taking a risk, reaching out, starting a new relationship, or ending an old one?
  • Fear, guilt, getting by, playing it safe or making excuses?
  • Jealousy, anger, ego, hatred, frustration, giving up, or giving in?

You’ve got total creative freedom.

Write yourself well!


On: Going cold turkey

By |2023-07-24T21:39:31-04:00July 24th, 2023|English|

Do you think that you could decide right now, Dear One, that you are going to look for, acknowledge, and speak of, only the best in every person that you interact with today?

It probably won’t be an easy thing for you to do, but we promise you that what you’ll discover on the other side will totally be worth it.

Are you up for the challenge?


On: Flipping the switch

By |2023-07-23T22:43:13-04:00July 23rd, 2023|English|

Did you know that it takes just as much effort to create a connection to source, Dear One, as it does to lose one?

If you should find yourself in a state of disconnection, please don’t be intimidated or discouraged by the effort that you think it will take to reconnect.

Because the truth is that the only effort that is required is the effort that it takes for you to become aware of your state of disconnection and make up your mind to flip the switch.


On: Creating what you want

By |2023-07-23T00:11:07-04:00July 23rd, 2023|English|

Imagine if you can for a minute, Dear One, things exactly as you want them to be.

Imagine having everything that you want, having everything that you need, having every single thing that you desire for yourself, and then some.

Are you doing it? Are you picturing it? Are you imagining what that would look like, feel like, and be like for you to have it all?

Is the thought making you smile?  Making you feel good?

Good. Keep doing that!

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