
On: Making promises you can keep

By |2023-12-30T22:58:39-05:00December 30th, 2023|English|

Don’t promise that you won’t give up, Dear One.
– Promise that you’ll always do your best.

Don’t promise that you won’t be afraid.
– Promise to trust that all will be well.

Don’t promise that you won’t hate anymore
– Promise that you’ll try to forgive.

Don’t promise to stop doing that which you know does not serve you anymore.
– Promise to love and care for yourself, no matter what.

While they both may result in you choosing the same behavior, the difference between the two is night and day.


On: Without a doubt

By |2023-12-29T22:28:28-05:00December 29th, 2023|English|

We don’t doubt, Dear One, not even for a second, your ability to do or be or have or create anything that you want, and we never will.

Imagine if you can, how different your life, your relationships, your experiences, your choices would be if you didn’t doubt it either.


On: Changing the world

By |2023-12-28T22:51:35-05:00December 28th, 2023|English|

The world will change for you, Dear One, as soon as you are ready, as soon as you are willing to change the way you look at it, and not a moment before.


On: Changing how you feel

By |2023-12-25T22:35:14-05:00December 25th, 2023|English|

Do you want to know the secret to changing how you feel, Dear One?

We’ll tell you.

Take notice of the thought that are you thinking.

Pay attention to how it is making you feel.

If you don’t like the feeling, change it.

The thought we mean.

Pick one that makes you feel good, or better, or hopeful, or encouraged, or loved, or brave, or inspired instead!

Not easy, but simple.


On: Taking good care of yourself

By |2023-12-25T00:10:08-05:00December 25th, 2023|English|

Taking good care of yourself does not mean pushing yourself to extremes, Dear One, to do all that you want to do, and be all that you want you to be.  And it also does not mean sheltering yourself from challenges, protecting yourself from your fears, giving up, quitting, or walking away when things get tough either.

Taking good care of yourself means always remembering to love yourself enough to choose balance, to choose joy, to choose patience and compassion in every moment, knowing that doing so will not inhibit your progress along your path but will actually hasten it.


On: Being connected

By |2023-12-23T23:14:29-05:00December 23rd, 2023|English|

To connect or not to connect.

That is a choice that is available to you in each and every moment of your day, Dear One.

Source, God, spirit, energy, light, life force, prana, Qi, whatever you should choose to call it, is available to you, to all of you, in limitless quantities, equally, at all times, without exception.

The frequency, quality, depth, and intensity, of your connection to it has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with us, them, or it, and absolutely everything to do with you, and your desire and willingness to be open to it.

To connect or not to connect.

That is the question.

Now you tell us Dear One….What is your answer going to be?


On: When push comes to shove

By |2023-12-22T22:36:58-05:00December 22nd, 2023|English|

When push comes to shove, Dear One, you should know that sometimes the very best thing that you can do for yourself to get ahead is to step aside.

  • Let those pushing, push along without you.
  • Let those shoving, shove right by.

Believe us when we tell you that you really don’t want to end up where they are headed anyway.


On: Teachers

By |2023-12-21T23:25:07-05:00December 21st, 2023|English|

Everyone is a teacher, Dear One.

Everyone around you has something to teach you.

Yes, everyone.

But here is the thing.

The value, the importance, the significance, the impact of the lessons that they have to share with you has practically nothing to do with how good of a teacher they are, and absolutely everything to do with how of good of a student you choose to be.


On: How to not get carried away

By |2023-12-20T23:07:20-05:00December 20th, 2023|English|

Propaganda, Dear One, has a very specific purpose, serves a very specific function. And it is not to deliver a message.

Its function is to sway or move large (or very small) groups of people; to shift their energy/opinions/beliefs and ultimately, their actions, in a very specific direction, by any means necessary.

Propaganda is about the movement, not the message.

The message is nothing more than a means to an end. Don’t focus on the words if you want to discover their true motivation for using them.  The words are meaningless. They are nothing more than a tool.

Look instead, Dear one, at where they are leading you, at where they are trying to get you to go by engaging you in the conversation. And once you see, once you know, you will be in a much better position to decide if you really want to go there, or, if you would rather make a different choice.

Do this, Dear One, consciously become aware of the motives behind their words, and you will essentially be putting stakes in the ground, putting safeguards in place, that will make it virtually impossible for them to carry you away on their platform, without your full awareness and consent.


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