
On: Tough decisions

By |2022-01-31T01:06:26-05:00January 31st, 2022|English|

Making tough decisions is a part of life, Dear One.

Living is choosing. You know this very well.

You are forced to make tough decisions everyday, and today is no different.

  • Choose with your heart, connected to your source, open to the vast possibilities and wisdom of the universe, and your choice, regardless of what you decide, will be an empowering one for you.
  • Choose with your head, out of fear, based on logic, experience and expectations grounded in the past, disconnected from your source, and your choice, regardless of what you decide, will be a limiting one for you.

So there you have it.

Does this help to make your tough decision a little less so?

We hope so.


On: What matters

By |2022-01-30T01:05:25-05:00January 30th, 2022|English|

We have been asked time and time again, Dear One:

  • Does religion matter?
  • Does politics matter?
  • Does the news matter?
  • Does art matter?
  • Does their criticism matter? (or their praise)
  • Does a lie matter?

And every time we are asked our answer is always the same – we have absolutely no idea at all what so ever.   It is not for us to say.

But what we can say to you with absolute certainty is this:

  • Your opinions matter
  • Your ideas matter
  • Your beliefs matter
  • Your actions matter
  • Your feelings matter
  • Your heart matters
  • You matter

On: Forgiveness, simplified

By |2022-01-28T01:16:26-05:00January 28th, 2022|English|

We want to make this as simple for you as we possibly can, Dear One.

Forgiveness has absolutely, positively, nothing what so ever to do with them.

It is simply the act of releasing your connection to something that no longer serves you,  releasing your bond with something that you no longer want to remain connected to.

It is letting go of the rope that is dragging you, removing your hand from the hot stove that is burning you, abandoning the sinking ship.


On: It’s all in the telling

By |2022-01-26T01:31:06-05:00January 26th, 2022|English|

You are the teller of the story of your life, Dear One.  You are the one who decides what kind of story it will be.

You choose (where) YOU want the emphasis to be p-l-a-c-e-d in the telling of it.

  • Do you want to emphasize the parts that you like or the parts that you don’t?  All that you have, or all that you lack?
  • Do you want to tell a story about your strengths or your weaknesses?  About those things that you love, or those things that you hate?
  • Do you want to bring attention to all that you are proud of or those things that you regret most of all?  To the parts of yourself that are hurting or the parts that are healing?
  • Do you want to emphasize your triumphs, your successes, and your victories?  Those moments that you were brave, that you summoned courage that you didn’t think you had? Or those moments that paralyzed you, that paralyze you still, where you gave into fear, resignation or defeat?

What’s it going to be, Dear One?

What story are you going to choose to tell yourself, and all those around you, today?


On: Achieving mastery

By |2022-01-25T00:09:45-05:00January 25th, 2022|English|

Mastery is not about perfection, Dear One, or doing, being or creating something that is the best or better than anyone else.

To achieve mastery is to achieve a state of being fully present, of being fully aware of what is happening around you and within you, and what is available to you in each and every unique moment of your life, acknowledging it, taking it in, allowing it to inspire, inform, motivate, shape, and influence your thoughts, actions and beliefs from moment to moment.

Masters are not superior beings Dear One, they are not better people than everyone else.  They are simply more practiced at living in the now and taking advantage of all of the gifts that are available to them in the present moment.

They don’t try to create exceptional, superior, or richer work, but being fully present, they have  a deeper, richer, more connected productive and fruitful experience of each moment, and that experience gets expressed, gets translated into all that they do.

If you want to achieve mastery, Dear One, don’t try to be better at what you do, try to be more present while you are doing it, and you will be on  your way.


On: Your relationship with power

By |2022-01-22T00:25:50-05:00January 22nd, 2022|English|

Somedays you will be confident, and somedays you will be insecure. Somedays you will feel pretty and somedays you will feel plain.  Somedays you will be adored, and somedays you will be lonely.  Somedays you will be creative, and somedays you will be dull.  Somedays you will be kind, and somedays you will be cruel. Somedays you will do no wrong, and somedays you will do no right.

But know this Dear One, that in this life that is full of contradictions, full of realities that are true one minute and not true the next, one thing will never stop being true, and that is that you will never stop being powerful.

You can never stop being powerful.  It is who and what you are.

Now you can choose to use your power to create things that you want in this life, or you can choose to use your power to create things that you despise, or fear, or secretly think that you deserve.   But either way Dear One, no matter what, you can never stop being powerful, you can never give your power away, or run out of it, or lose it, or have it taken from you, ever.

You can be tricked into thinking it is gone, you can trick yourself into thinking it is gone too. But regardless of how you feel, what you have been told, or what you believe, you will still be powerful, you will still have the power that creates worlds running through you, at your fingertips, at all times, to do with as you please.  You will still be the one with the pen in your hand, writing your story, creating your world, with every thought that you think, word that you speak,  action that you take, and belief that you hold in your heart.

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