
On: It’s not your choice

By |2014-12-31T00:19:14-05:00December 31st, 2014|English|

Please don’t waste any more of your time Dear One, trying to make the right impression, trying to fit in, trying to be accepted, trying to make them see, like, or love you.

Because no matter how hard you try, no matter how much you plan, no matter how much effort you put into it, no matter how careful you are, you are never going to be able to control what they think of you.

That is not your choice to make.  It is theirs and theirs alone.



On: Why you are here

By |2014-12-30T00:07:59-05:00December 30th, 2014|English|

  • You are not here to find “The One” Dear One — You are here to know true love.
  • You are not here to win awards — You are here to create, bravely, confidently, authentically, and from the heart.
  • You are not here to accumulate wealth — You are here to have an experience of abundance.
  • You are not here to achieve notoriety — You are here to learn just how powerful, creative, and capable you really are.

Are you starting to get the idea?



Tema: En este minuto

By |2014-12-28T23:51:29-05:00December 28th, 2014|Español|

Lo mejor que puedes hacer para tí en este minuto, Querido, es respirar profundamente, despejar tu mente. Conéctate conscientemente con tu corazón, haz que tus labios sonrían y confía en lo que él te esta diciendo.

On: Fixing it

By |2014-12-28T00:55:18-05:00December 28th, 2014|English|

What you do today matters so much more than what you did yesterday Dear One.

If you want to fix it, if you want to make things better, if you want to make things right, keep your attention, energy, and actions focused here instead of there.



On: Don’t forget to ask first

By |2014-12-26T23:36:56-05:00December 26th, 2014|English|

Before you make a decision Dear One, before you choose, always remember to ask yourself the following question first;

  • Which part of me is about to do the choosing?

Is it the wise part of me, or the insecure part me, the adventurous part or the frightened part, is it the confident, excited, joyful part, or the petty, angry, or hurting part?

We are sure that you can understand why it would always be to your greatest advantage to do so.



On: The answer to your question

By |2014-12-24T00:08:40-05:00December 24th, 2014|English|

When you are unsure of what it is that you are supposed to do next Dear One, when you just don’t have the answer to the question at hand, stop, take a minute, and ask yourself what it is that you really need to know.

Be as specific as you possibly can.

And then don’t think about the answer, don’t try to figure it out, or try to chase it down.

Calm your mind, open your heart, and listen for it instead.

Trust that it will come to you Dear One, allow it to, and it will!


On: You can’t have it both ways

By |2014-12-22T23:11:05-05:00December 22nd, 2014|English|

You can’t punish yourself for making a mistake, misjudgment, or misstep Dear One, and come back into alignment, return to your flow, make it right again, at the same time.

You’re going to have to choose, one or the other.

You’re going to have to decide which is more important to you, returning to well-being and restoring balance, or remaining self-critical.

What’s it going to be?


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