
On: Different but the same

By |2015-01-31T23:32:57-05:00January 31st, 2015|English|

Accepting who you are Dear One, understanding, trusting, believing, that you are energy, consciousness, a divine spirit having a physical experience, that you are an essential part of all that is, that you connected to everything and everyone, that you are a powerful creator responsible for the expansion of the universe, changes nothing.

  • Who you are will remain the same
  • Your face will not change
  • Your gifts and talents will remain exactly as they are
  • Your world will still be round
  • You will still wake up everyday, in your physical body, and need to tend to your physical needs

Accept who you really are and nothing will be different, except for your perception of what is, your belief of what can be, your understanding of your connection to all things, your awareness of how you are creating your world, and your experience of everything in it.

Everything will remain exactly the same Dear One, and nothing will ever be the same again.


On: A powerful prayer

By |2015-01-31T00:28:21-05:00January 31st, 2015|English|

“Show me all that is possible that will serve the greatest good of us all.”

Recite these words Dear One, recite this powerful prayer, let is resonate in your heart, only if you are really ready to see, only if you are really ready for the answer.

Because once you know, once the veil of ignorance is lifted, there is no going back.



On: Being punished

By |2015-01-30T01:05:35-05:00January 30th, 2015|English|

You should know Dear One, that there is no such thing as divine punishment.

God, spirit, light, chi, prana, life force, source, whatever you choose to call it, does not punish. It does not judge, accuse, blame, denounce, criticize, evaluate, or keep score either.

It only creates.

And you (consciousness) are the author, the artist, the architect of all that is created.

Life is the canvas, and your choices are the pen, the paintbrush, the chisel through which creation flows.

We will say it again Dear One, just so that there is absolutely no misunderstanding on the subject; Punishment is a construct of your own design, and is never something that originates from spirit, ever.


On: Is it love?

By |2015-01-28T00:09:10-05:00January 28th, 2015|English|

The only way to know for sure Dear One, what love really is, is to experience it for yourself. It is not something that you can learn, that you can come to truly understand from a book, a song, a movie, a poem, or a class.

And the best way to do that, to have a truly authentic experience of love, is to love yourself, purely, totally, completely, and unconditionally. That means  thinking, speaking, and acting lovingly towards yourself, all the time.

Do that, know that experience, give yourself the experience of knowing what unconditional love looks, feels, sounds, smells, and tastes like, and you will never again have to ask yourself or anyone else the question ‘Is this love?’, because you will know.

You will then know from firsthand experience what true love feels like, so you will be able to recognize if what you are feeling for them is love, and Dear One, you will know how to recognize if they are truly loving you in return.


On: Creative writing

By |2015-01-26T23:19:15-05:00January 26th, 2015|English|

You are the author of your own story Dear One.

You are the one, the only one, who gets to decide what kind of story it will be.

So what do you feel like writing about today?

  • Adventure, trust, love, compassion, forgiveness, bravery or perseverance?
  • Taking a risk, reaching out, starting a new relationship, or ending an old one?
  • Fear, guilt, getting by, playing it safe or making excuses?
  • Jealousy, anger, ego, hatred, frustration, giving up, or giving in?

You’ve got total creative freedom.

Write yourself well!


On: What’s missing?

By |2015-01-25T23:47:09-05:00January 25th, 2015|English|

Don’t worry that you have missed your chance Dear One, that you have missed out, that you are missing out.

You haven’t.

We promise.

You can’t.

It’s just not possible.

You are the only one who determines what experiences, what opportunities, what relationships you are, and are not meant to have in your life.

If it didn’t happen, if you didn’t choose it, then it was not meant for you.

Don’t regret, worry, or fret over that which you did not choose.

Instead, focus you time, energy, and attention on enjoying that which you did!

And if you find that you have made a choice that you are not enjoying Dear One, accept it, learn from it, and choose again.


On: Choosing the right answer

By |2023-06-06T22:04:11-04:00January 23rd, 2015|English|

There is no right answer Dear One.

There is no right place.

There is no right person.

There is no right time.

There is no right choice.

There is only right now.

Enjoy it!

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