
On: Paying attention

By |2014-03-31T01:03:52-04:00March 31st, 2014|English|

Pay attention Dear One.

Take notice of what happens to your thoughts and your actions when you remember to remain fully present in all that you do.


On: Sinking or Swimming

By |2014-03-30T00:56:10-04:00March 30th, 2014|English|

Sink or swim Dear One.

Pick one.

It’s your choice.

And it’s a choice that is absolutely impossible for you not to make.

If you are not choosing one, you are choosing the other.

So, what’s it going to be?


On: Getting unstuck

By |2014-03-29T01:00:04-04:00March 29th, 2014|English|

Do you want to know how to get unstuck Dear One?


Make a choice.

Take an action.


Physically, emotionally, spiritually.

Doesn’t matter where you start.  Pick your point of least resistance if you would like.

Move one and you will be creating room, opening up space for movement to occur across them all.


On: More than enough

By |2014-03-28T00:48:16-04:00March 28th, 2014|English|

How can you be sure that you will always have enough love in your life Dear One?

That’s easy.

Love yourself enough.  Love yourself totally, completely and unconditionally. Love everything about you.  Love every part of who you are.

We do.

And here’s the best part.

When you do this Dear One, when you choose to love yourself enough, then all of the love that they have for you, any amount of love that they are able to shine your way, will be more than enough!

How great is that?


On: Being better

By |2014-03-27T01:00:45-04:00March 27th, 2014|English|

Today, right now, in this moment Dear One, you are as good as you are ever going to get.

You can never, you will never, be any better than you are right now.

How can that be so?

Learning, growing, creating, becoming wiser, and acquiring new knowledge and experiences makes you smarter, more creative, wiser, more knowledgeable and experienced, it does not make you better.

Who you are right now, exactly as you are, is absolutely perfect in the eyes of spirit.

Just because there is more for you to learn, figure out, do, and become, does not mean that you are lacking, broken or deficient in any way, shape or form.

So cut yourself a little slack, okay?




On: Causing trouble

By |2014-03-25T01:02:52-04:00March 25th, 2014|English|

It is not love that is causing you trouble Dear One, it is your expectation of love that is doing the trick.

Do this for us today:

  • Love without conditions
  • Love without rules
  • Love without fear
  • Love without hesitation
  • Love without any expectation of getting anything back in return
  • Love passionately, deeply, fearlessly, with your heart wide open, simply because it feels good to do so.

We know that we are asking you to give up a lot Dear One.

But trust us, what will be left over when you do, will be more than worth the effort.


Tema: Ser querido, adorado y apreciado

By |2014-03-24T00:59:41-04:00March 24th, 2014|Español|

Cuando hablamos del amor no trates de cambiarte, doblarte o alterarte para que álguien te quiera. Sería una perdida de tiempo y no te dará resultado. Cuando se habla del amor, lo importante no es lo que los demás piensan de tí sino lo que tú piensas de tí mismo.

¿Quieres ser querido? ¿Quieres ser adorado? ¿Quieres ser apreciado?

Entonces quiérete a tí mismo. Adórate a tí mismo. Apréciate a tí mismo.

Tu experiencia sera mucho mejor y tendrá más significado, más efecto y más impacto en tu vida cuando venga de tí en vez de los demás. ¿Si no crees que estas impresiones son dignas de nacer en tí, como podrás creerlas cuando vengan de otro?

Si quieres estas cosas en tu vida entonces dátelas a tí mismo. Date todo lo que has estado esperando y rezando que algún otro te de y verás el resultado.

En poco tiempo los demás te estarán dándote todo eso y al hacerlo, estarás experienciando lo que quiere decir ser tí mismo.


On: A force of change

By |2014-03-24T00:48:18-04:00March 24th, 2014|English|

There is no force in the universe strong enough to change you Dear One, if you are not ready to change yourself.

But once you decide that you are, there is no force strong enough to stop you.




On: Second opinions

By |2014-03-23T00:35:15-04:00March 23rd, 2014|English|

When it comes to determining your worth, your value, your perception of yourself Dear One, all that really matters, all that will ever really matter, is what you think of you, is your opinion of you.

You can ask for a second opinion, but we don’t think that it is going to be of much help to you.

What they think of you only matters if you agree with them.

Which brings it all right back to you again.

We think that you are amazing Dear One, that you are creative, powerful, and capable of doing, being or having anything that you want in this life.

But our opinion means nothing, unless you agree with us.

So, what do you think of you?

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