
On: Giving up

By |2022-07-31T23:24:40-04:00July 31st, 2022|English|

Giving up is nothing to feel bad about, Dear One.  Did you know that it’s OK to want to give up from time to time?  That it can actually be good for you?  Giving up is the ultimate form of surrender.

When you have nothing left to lose – when you stop trying – when you stop resisting what is –  when you reach your point of surrender – anything can happen, if you let it.

Surrender does not need to be hopeless, devastating or an indicator of weakness.  It can be intentional, exciting and an indicator of strength. Don’t give up and expect the worst.  Give up and expect the best.  Give up control, fear, remorse, guilt, agitation.  Give up negativity.  Give yourself a break.  Try embracing surrender today and allow something unexpected to happen.


On: Ending disappointment

By |2022-07-27T00:22:33-04:00July 27th, 2022|English|

If someone that you love, Dear One, is not living up to your expectations of them, instead of being disappointed, instead of trying to change them, instead of trying to fix them, instead of trying to force yourself to stop loving them in order to put an end to your unhappiness, why not simply change your expectation of them instead?


On: Paying the price

By |2022-07-24T23:21:14-04:00July 24th, 2022|English|

We believe that the price of success is Connection, Trust, and Joy, Dear One.

What do you believe the price of success is?

Because whatever you believe, is what you are going to have to pay to achieve it.


On: Discipline

By |2023-06-06T22:03:56-04:00July 24th, 2022|English|

Discipline is a mindset, Dear One, an attitude, an approach, a guide, a commitment.

It is not a contract, a commandment, an order, a doctrine, or a law that must be followed.

Discipline is flexible, malleable, adaptable, and strong.

It is not hard, rigid, tough, and unforgiving.

Discipline is the boat on the water Dear One, not the rope tethering you to the dock.

It is the compass pointing your way, not the points plotted out on a map

It is the sail, and not the anchor.

Practicing discipline should strengthen you, empower you, guide you, help you to feel stronger, freer, more connected and in-synch with the world around you. Not frustrate you, weaken you, and leave you feeling depleted and restricted.

If what you are practicing is not not serving you in all of these positive ways Dear One, there is a very good chance that what you are practicing is not discipline at all, but that you are just being hard on yourself, and that is not the same thing.


On: How to change your world

By |2022-07-22T23:55:51-04:00July 22nd, 2022|English|

Our challenge for you today, Dear One, is for you NOT to try and change your world.

Our challenge is for you is to make the choice to simply change the way you see it.

Succeed, and you will discover first hand exactly how it is possible for anything/everything to change in an instant.


On: Sustainability

By |2022-07-21T23:54:03-04:00July 21st, 2022|English|

Do you want to know which of your relationships are sustainable, Dear One, and which are not?

If you do, ask yourself this question:

  • At its core, is the connection one that is based on a foundation of growth, or one of attachment?

One of the two is sustainable, and the other is not.

It’s just that simple.

But remember this; that letting go of the attachment does not necessarily mean letting go of the relationship.  It could mean that.  But it could also be the start of something new, something different, something really great.

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