
On: If you only knew

By |2019-11-30T23:14:23-05:00November 30th, 2019|English|

Don’t give up now Dear One.

You’re so close.

Right this minute, right where you are, you are only one thought away from feeling so much better.


On: Securing your future

By |2019-11-29T23:30:31-05:00November 29th, 2019|English|

The very best way to secure a positive, productive, and prosperous future for yourself Dear One, is to make the choice to make feeling good right now your top priority.


On: An explanation for your low self-esteem

By |2019-11-29T11:08:48-05:00November 29th, 2019|English|

Do you ever wonder Dear One, how it came to be exactly that you have such a low opinion of yourself when it comes to…… (you fill in the blank)?

  • Your appearance
  • Your intelligence
  • Your creative abilities
  • Your potential
  • Your contributions
  • The value of your opinions
  • Your accomplishments and achievements

We can tell you.

It is because at some point in time you decided to believe that your worth or value was determined by the look that you saw in someone else’s eyes, or the words you heard spoken from someone else’s lips.

Somewhere along the line, you came to believe that the truth of things was determined not by you, but by those around you.  And you decided to give more weight to their criticism, judgment, an opinions than to your own.

But good news! There is a quick remedy to that Dear One.

Stop looking in their eyes to determine your worth.  Stop listening to their words to hear your value.

Know that you are a divine spirit who’s appearance, intelligence, creative abilities, potential, contributions, opinions, accomplishments and achievements are beautiful, valuable and significant, regardless of what they think.

It is not a matter of opinion Dear One, it is a fact.

Now all you have to do, is believe it.


On: Performance anxiety

By |2019-11-28T00:10:13-05:00November 28th, 2019|English|

Don’t put any unnecessary pressure on yourself to perform today Dear One.

Your only job is to show up, be yourself and experience as much joy as you possibly can.

That’s all.

You don’t have to try to do, be or have anything else.


So be kind to yourself, lighten up on yourself, and remember to have some fun.


On: What to do when you reach the edge

By |2023-06-06T22:04:01-04:00November 26th, 2019|English|

You know that you have reached your edge Dear One, when the place that you are standing feels new, foreign, or unfamiliar to you (and maybe even just a little bit scary).

When you get there, when you reach that place, that edge, there are a number of choices available to you.  You can…..

  • Stop and turn around
  • Rest yourself comfortably upon it
  • Slowly inch yourself over it
  • Confidently walk through it
  • Break it down with thunderous applause

There is no right answer, only a choice to be made.  And the choice of course, is entirely yours.

But we are here to tell you that thunderous applause is a whole lot more fun then advancing with quite confidence – Although both are preferential to standing still or moving backwards.

Do it your way Dear One, not anyone else’s.

Don’t look around to others for answers or for acceptable protocols or codes of behavior for how you should proceed.  Because the truth is that you are never going to find any that will ever serve you better than the ones that you create for yourself.


On: The price of admission

By |2019-11-25T22:17:04-05:00November 25th, 2019|English|

Sometimes a little turbulence can be the price of admission Dear One.

When you begin to tread a new path, one that you have never taken before, know that the ground might feel rough, bumpy or uneven to you at first.  It may continue to feel that way until you cross over it a couple of times, clear out a path, make an impression, and become familiar with your new surroundings.

Bumps in the road do not mean that you are going the wrong way.  They do not mean that you have chosen incorrectly, made a wrong turn or that you need to go back.   Sometimes they are just the experiences that come along with going somewhere you have never gone before.

If the road gets bumpy, when you are traveling a path that you felt guided to travel, don’t doubt Dear One, trust, get excited, because the turbulence that you are feeling may very well be the entry point into someplace new.  You just may be on the verge of discovering the very thing that you have been searching for, that you have been asking for.

How do you know for sure?

You listen to your heart, you trust your instincts, you have faith in yourself and all that brought you to this point.

And then, if you should feel so inclined, you leap.


On: Pushing through

By |2019-11-24T23:45:00-05:00November 24th, 2019|English|

Toughing it out, pushing through, trying harder, sacrificing more, working smarter, powering on, or fighting the good fight will never be a more efficient or effective approach for helping you to get there, for helping you to achieve your goals, Dear One, as getting happy will.


On: This is not a test

By |2019-11-23T22:38:12-05:00November 23rd, 2019|English|

This is not a test Dear One.  And it is not some puzzle to figure out either.  Challenges are not trials.

This is your life.  YOUR life, to do with as you please.

There truly are no have to’s. There are only choices, and they are all yours to make.


On: Not being good enough

By |2019-11-22T23:47:50-05:00November 22nd, 2019|English|

What do you think would happen Dear One, what do you think the result would be, if you refocused all of the energy that you have been exerting on trying to be good enough, to being happy instead?

We are not going to give you the answer to this one.

If you really want to know, you’re going to have to try it and find out for yourself.


On: Achieving balance

By |2019-11-22T00:09:06-05:00November 22nd, 2019|English|

Balance is…

  • being indulgent and disciplined
  • being strong and vulnerable
  • being brave and cautious
  • being selfish and generous
  • being flexible and committed
  • being playful and working hard

Balance is not achieved by standing still on the point in the middle.

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