
On: No more

By |2023-06-06T22:04:07-04:00January 31st, 2017|English|

You say you want things to be different and yet you continue to bring the same attitude, beliefs, mindset, patterns, and expectations to the table each day. How can you continue to think, feel, speak, and act the same way and expect your experience to change?

Your circumstances are not what is holding you back Dear One.

You are.


Tema: Como creár el equilíbrio

By |2017-01-30T15:24:40-05:00January 30th, 2017|Español|

¿Quieres creár más equilíbrio en tu vida, Querido?

Tienes que hacer lo siguiente:
  • tienes que ser indulgente y aún disciplinado
  • tienes que ser fuerte y aún vulnerable
  • tienes que ser valiente y aún cauteloso
  • tienes que ser flexible y aún comprometido
  • tienes que ser festivo y aún trabajar duro.
Contrario a lo que puede que tu crees, el equilíbrio no se alcanza estando parado permanentemente en un punto medio.

On: Your toolkit

By |2017-01-30T04:25:20-05:00January 30th, 2017|English|

  • Choice is your gift
  • Connection is your cure
  • Consciousness is your spotlight
  • Your heart is your guide
  • Thoughts are your fuel
  • Desire is your driver
  • Love is your pleasure
  • Happiness is your choice

You’ve got everything that you need to get the job done, Dear One.

Now all you’ve got to do is remember to pull the right tool out and use it when you need it.


On: Depletion

By |2017-01-28T03:17:53-05:00January 28th, 2017|English|

No one can take more from you Dear One, than you willingly give to them, be it intentionally or unintentionally.

Your depletion has absolutely nothing to do with them, with their treatment of you, or their demands on you and your time, and absolutely everything to do with your treatment of you, your demands on yourself, and on your time.

If you are feeling depleted Dear One, taken advantage of, knocked around, and no longer in control of your own time and energy, look no further than the reflection in the mirror to see the face of the only one responsible for making you feel that way.


On: Regaining balance

By |2023-06-06T22:04:07-04:00January 27th, 2017|English|

If you feel as if you have lost your balance Dear One, if you feel as if you are having trouble getting both of your feet planted firmly on the ground, the single most important thing that you can do for yourself in this moment,  is to find it again.

How can you do that?

By asking yourself the following before every step that you take, and answering it honestly:

Will this choice, will this action, will this conversation, will this program, will this meal, will this purchase, will this person, will this decision, bring me closer to achieving a state of balance in my life or carry me farther away from it?

That’s how.


On: Making a decision

By |2017-01-25T05:10:10-05:00January 25th, 2017|English|

Making a decision Dear One, does not need to be such an amazingly complicated, confusing, stress inducing, emotionally painful experience, don’t you know.

The reason that it can feel that way, almost traumatizing at times, is that very often, before any action is even taken, you imagine the end result of every possible future outcome based on the decision that you are about to make, and you mourn the loss of every possible outcome that might never come to pass.  And that could drive anyone mad.

The truth is Dear One, that you have absolutely no way of knowing what tomorrow will bring, or the day after that, or the day after that.  And you have absolutely no way of knowing for sure what opportunities will or will not become available to you as a result of the choices that you do or do not make today.   So don’t waste your time stressing about it, trying to figure it out.  It won’t help.

But, what if, as an alternative to making yourself crazy when it comes time to making up your mind, you decided to make yourself happy instead?

Why?  Because any decision that you make joyfully, from a good feeling place, regardless of how impetuous or how well thought out it may be,  will always bring you closer to the joy that you are seeking than any made from a place of tension, stress, confusion, turmoil or emotional distress.



On: Your view

By |2017-01-24T15:39:21-05:00January 24th, 2017|English|

Focus your attention on everything that you don’t have, everything that is not working, everything that you have lost, not yet found, no longer wanted, or that scares you, and you know what you are going to get?

More of the same.

Focus your attention on all that you have, on all that is working, and all that you want to be, do, enjoy, and create more of in your life, and you know what you are going get?

More of the same.


What you are looking at matters Dear One.

And you are the one choosing the view.

Remember that.


On: Managing change

By |2017-01-23T04:36:07-05:00January 23rd, 2017|English|

Like it or not Dear One, change is coming.  And that means that you’ve got a decision to make.

You have to decide if you are going to choose to embrace it or reject it – If you are going to choose to consciously participate in the process, or not.

But you should know that change will come either way, regardless of what you decide.  Life will continue to flow, evolve, move and shift around you no matter what you choose.

And there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it from happening.

The truth of it is that you are participating either way.  Every thought, feeling, belief and emotion that you have is creating your point of attraction, is setting your vibrational tone.  And everything that comes your way, including change,  does so because it is a vibrational match to you.

You can create change consciously Dear One, or you can create change unconsciously, but either way, it’s coming.

How it comes however, is totally and completely up to you.

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