
On: An experiment

By |2023-10-31T23:26:24-04:00October 31st, 2023|English|

If you are up for the challenge, Dear One, we would like you to make a commitment to yourself today to only speak your truth, and to take notice of how it feels to you to do so.

What does that mean?

  •  That you will remain conscious, that you will think before you speak
  • That you will only answer questions from you heart, and not from habit
  • That you will only say what you really mean, and not what you think they need you to say or expect you to say.

Do you think that this is a silly experiment, Dear One, and that you are already living your truth?

We’ll there is one way for you to find out!


On: Not making it worse

By |2023-10-30T23:46:56-04:00October 30th, 2023|English|

Why struggle, when you can trust, Dear One?

Why pretend when you can be yourself?

Why fight when you can accomplish so much more by allowing?

Why be hard on yourself, when you can choose to be loving, caring, nurturing, and supportive of yourself instead?

You can’t stop all hurts from ever reaching you Dear One, but you can stop making them worse for yourself when they do.


On: Getting what you deserve

By |2023-10-29T23:49:02-04:00October 29th, 2023|English|

Honor yourself and acknowledge your own divinity, with every thought, with every word, with every choice, with every action and with every interaction that you have today, Dear One.


Because you are deserving of nothing less.


On: You

By |2023-10-28T22:52:13-04:00October 28th, 2023|English|

  • Their breath is not your breath
  • Their eyes are not your eyes
  • Their skin is not your skin
  • Their lips are not your lips
  • Their heart is not your heart

Listen to what they have to have to say, Dear One, ask for their advice, guidance, support and perspective, consider their point of view — if you think it will help.

But in the end, the experience of it will be yours and yours alone; seen by your eyes, sensed by your skin, touched by your lips, felt by your heart.

In the end, it is not about what they want for you Dear One, it’s about what you want for you – and you are the only one that can decide that.


On: What are you waiting for?

By |2023-10-26T22:31:47-04:00October 26th, 2023|English|

Trust yourself, Dear One.  Now.

Don’t wait for the “them” to agree with you first.

Because that may never happen.

And what a shame it would be, for both you and them, if your brilliance, your perspective, your thoughts, your ideas, your opinions, were never shared because someone else didn’t think of them first.


On: The right time to quit

By |2023-10-25T23:21:28-04:00October 25th, 2023|English|

Do you want to know when the right time to quit is, Dear One?

We’ll tell you. It’s right now.

  • Quit talking about everything that is not working
  • Quit focusing on that which does not serve you
  • Quit biting off more than you can chew
  • Quit feeling sorry for yourself
  • Quit behaving like a victim
  • Quit putting yourself last
  • Quit pretending like you don’t have a choice

Just quit it.

Make today the day.


On: A costly mistake

By |2023-10-25T00:58:16-04:00October 25th, 2023|English|

Do you know the difference between a limit and a boundary, Dear One?

  • A boundary is self-imposed and can be changed
  • A limit is a finite physical reality

You may not want to get on an airplane because you have a fear of flying.

You may not want to jump off of a cliff and try to fly (unaided) because you don’t have wings.

Do you see the difference?

  • Limits should be honored.
  • Boundaries should be pushed, stretched, or broken down every chance you get.

Mistake one for the other and you run the risk of unnecessarily cutting yourself off from a whole world of amazing possibilities, joys, pleasures, and experiences.

Not having feathers is a good reason not to try and fly, being afraid is not.


On: Claiming your freedom

By |2023-10-23T23:58:16-04:00October 23rd, 2023|English|

Freedom comes to you, belongs to you, is yours, Dear One, when you take ownership of it.

  • Own your choices
  • Own your time
  • Own your fears even

Whatever it is you are feeling today, once and for all, claim it as your own. Not as something someone gave to you. Not as something someone forced up on you. Not as something you inherited. And definitely not as something you were tricked into picking up.

Own it, Dear One. Totally and completely as your own.

Because if you are feeling it, it already exists within you, it’s already a part of you, it’s already yours.   And THAT ownership, Dear One, is not debatable.

And once you own it, accept it, claim it as your own, acknowledge that it belongs to you, then, and only then will you have the power to decide what to do with it, will you be able to decide what will become of it, will you be free to do with it as you please.

And not a moment before.



On: Living inside out

By |2023-10-22T00:37:00-04:00October 22nd, 2023|English|

Open your heart, Dear One – Not so that you can let love in from somewhere outside of you.  We want you to open your heart and look within for the love that you already hold within you –   that you are made up of – that you are.

Open your heart and let that love out.  Let it flow through you and from you out into the world.  You are the source, Dear One, that you are longing to connect with/re-connect with.   The light of the universe, of all that it is, shines through you.

Live your life from the inside out.  Shine your brightest.  Let the light of who you are radiate out of you and fall on anyone within its reach.

Live from the inside out, for within you is more than you will ever need, more than you could ever conceive of, more than you will ever fully know/realize until you open up to it.

Live from the inside out and you will never know from a shortage of love, or connection to source again.

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