
On: Bracing for the storm

By |2017-08-31T02:22:54-04:00August 31st, 2017|English|

You don’t have to fight the brewing storm Dear One, or fear it, run from it or hide from it.

There is another option you know.

You can simply allow it to come, and trust yourself enough to know that you can handle it, whatever it may be.

Truth is, your opinion of it, your feelings about it, your actions towards it, your awareness of it, are all feeding it, are all adding to it, are all attracting it towards you Dear One.

If you are giving your attention to it, you are making a contribution to it.  So we would like for you to choose with great intention what you would like that contribution to be.

You can speed it up or slow it down,  you make can make it stronger and more fierce or kinder and gentler, or you can add levity, compassion, calm and peacefulness or you can add anger, fear, confusion and angst.  You can even turn it around or stop it all together if you should choose.

And before you ask, yes, you are that powerful.


On: Laughter

By |2017-08-30T02:56:23-04:00August 30th, 2017|English|

Laugh Dear One.  Laugh out loud, every chance that you can.  Don’t hold back.


Because laughter is an elixir and it  can cure what ails you.  Because you are never more open, more receptive, or more free then when you are loving and laughing.  It is like standing outside in the rain and trying not to get wet.  That is what laughter is like for healing.  You can not stand uncovered in the rain without getting wet, and you can’t laugh without allowing well-being to flow to you, through you and from you.


On: The effort required for sameness

By |2023-06-06T22:04:06-04:00August 29th, 2017|English|

The path of least resistance does not lead to sameness Dear One, it leads to change.


We’ll explain.

The world is constantly changing, all the time.  Everything within and around you is always in a state of change.  It is either growing or decaying, without exception.

In each and every moment of your life you are changing too, you are different, you are not the same person, in the same environment that you were the moment before, and therefore do not have the same perspective that you had the moment before.

So therefore while you may think that doing nothing will lead to nothing and will result in everything remaining unchanged, it is just not true.  The truth Dear One, is actually that if you do nothing, absolutely nothing but allow life to flow and yourself to flow along with it, no moment, no day, no experience in your life will ever be the same, could ever be the same, as it was the moment before.

Can you see that?

Sameness requires effort. Sameness requires action. Sameness can only happen if you choose to create it, if you choose to do, and be, and say, and think something over and over and over again in an environment of constantly changing conditions.

Can you see that?


On: When we are with you

By |2017-08-28T01:40:35-04:00August 28th, 2017|English|

Trust, believe, connect, keep an open heart and an open mind, and you’ll feel us with you every step of the way Dear One.

Don’t, and we’ll still be with you, only you just might not be able to feel it.


On: Your idol

By |2017-08-26T15:32:46-04:00August 26th, 2017|English|

The only thing that makes their path more significant than yours, their potential more powerful than yours, their successes more important than yours, their accomplishments more meaningful than yours Dear One, is you deeming it so.

Nothing more.


On: Something you can’t change

By |2023-06-06T22:04:06-04:00August 25th, 2017|English|

Are you any less spiritual Dear One, when you skip yoga, don’t meditate, pass on the weekly service, don’t make the donation, cut in line, think bad thoughts, do not want to help, or forget to give up your seat on the subway, bus, ferry, or train to the passenger that is older, weaker, needier, or more pregnant than you?

Absolutely, not.

You are a spiritual being no matter what you do.

But it is your belief, your consciousness, your level of acceptance of the fact that you are a part of something larger than yourself, that you are one part of a whole, that you are divine, and are at once a reflection of the world around you as well as the creator of it, that determines your level of awareness of this fact.

You can choose to be a spiritually aware person Dear One, or you can choose to be a spiritually unaware person, and that choice can change from day to day, but you cannot, not matter what, regardless of what you do, think, say or believe, choose to be anything other than divine at all times.


On: Requirements of bravery

By |2017-08-24T02:16:44-04:00August 24th, 2017|English|

Being brave does not require that you be physically or emotionally strong Dear One. It does not require that you be fearless or aggressive either. Nor does it require you to take a risk, be courageous, or …  just-do-it.

All that is required for you to be brave Dear One, is trust.


Tema: No hay excusa

By |2017-08-23T13:29:22-04:00August 23rd, 2017|Español|

Como tú te sientes no es la cuestión Querido. Tus sentimientos casi nunca son la fuente de tu problema.

Asuntos, conflictos, desafíos, dificultades no se presentan simplemente a causa de tener sentimientos.

Casi siempre estos obstaculos se presentan cuando tú respondes en una manera no favorable.

El tener un mal sentimiento no es una excusa para elejír mal.

Ojalá que te acuerdes de esto antes de reaccionar la próxima vez que te sientas mal. Si lo recuerdas, puede que te ahorres mucho dolor, a tí y a los que te rodean.


On: A gift

By |2017-08-23T22:44:15-04:00August 23rd, 2017|English|

Before you take even one more step forward Dear One, forgive yourself, for whatever it is that you did yesterday that you regret, that you wish you had not done, that you wish you had done better, that you wish you could take back, change, erase or undo.

Forgive yourself – no questions asked, without judgment, without condition, without threat of punishment or fear of condemnation.

Just forgive yourself.

Give yourself this gift today.

You deserve it.

And those around you deserve it too.

All of your  thoughts, words, actions, and connections will be all the more powerful, genuine, authentic and meaningful Dear One, when you are fully present, when you are no longer holding yourself hostage in your past.


On: Negative expectations

By |2017-08-22T02:08:51-04:00August 22nd, 2017|English|

It would be absurd to begin each day Dear One actively trying to make things go wrong.  Wouldn’t you agree?

And yet, that is exactly what you are  doing essentially when you start your day off with negative expectations.


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