
On: One or the other

By |2018-08-31T22:06:14-04:00August 31st, 2018|English|

You can berate yourself for stepping (or falling) off course Dear One, or congratulate yourself for being conscious enough to recognize it.

But you can’t punish yourself and step back into the flow at the same time.

You’re going to have to choose one or the other.

So what’s it going to be?


On: Stop holding on

By |2018-08-29T23:10:46-04:00August 29th, 2018|English|

We watch you struggle day after day in your effort to hold-on Dear One – hold-on to your job, hold-on to your relationships, hold-on to your health, hold-on to your security, hold-on to your control, hold-on to that which you know, understand and trust.

And we ask ourselves why.

Why do you try so hard to hold-on Dear One when you can let go and float, fly, sail along your path instead?


On: Forcing change

By |2018-08-28T22:36:01-04:00August 28th, 2018|English|

You should know Dear One, that there is no force in the universe that is strong enough to change you if you are not ready to change, if you are not willing to change yourself.

But once you decide that you are, you should also know that there is no force in the universe that would, could, or will ever be strong enough to stop you.


On: When you first wake up

By |2018-08-27T22:53:44-04:00August 27th, 2018|English|

When you first wake up, when you first open your eyes in the morning Dear One, this is the time to begin creating the day that you want for yourself.

This is the time to anticipate with excitement, be hopeful about, look forward to, and get ready to move towards and embrace all that you want – and for nothing else.


On: Knowing your limits

By |2018-08-26T22:01:10-04:00August 26th, 2018|English|

You should know Dear One, that all of your limits have been taught to you.

Every single one.

Every limit that you think that you have, that you believe in, that you perceive to be true for yourself, has been learned.

A friend, a family member, a boss, a mentor, an enemy, a stranger, a book, a movie, a song, an accident, someone, something, somewhere has led you to believe it was true.

But here’s the thing Dear One, it is not.

The truth is that if you had not been taught otherwise, you would know and believe yourself to be that which you really are – which is limitless.

Want to know the best way to help yourself to unlearn any limiting belief Dear One?

Test it.


On: Contrast

By |2018-08-25T22:14:11-04:00August 25th, 2018|English|

You are not better than, worse than, taller than, shorter than, smarter, slower, blonder, balder, funnier,  more talented or enlightened than, anyone in any way that matters or holds any true significance, to anyone other than you Dear One.

The contrasts that you perceive in your life everyday have true meaning and value only to you – to help you find/see clearly that which you are wanting more of in your life and that which you are wanting less of.

The more or less, has relevance only to you Dear One,  and is in no way a reflection of your worth, value or significance as an individual, a citizen or as a soul.

You are all of equal value, quality, significance, worth and height in the eyes of spirit.


On: The path to freedom

By |2018-08-24T22:58:53-04:00August 24th, 2018|English|

If you want to know what freedom feels like Dear One, if you want to know what it feels like to be free, to fly — you’ve got to be willing to jump.

There is no other way.


On: Before you do anything else

By |2018-08-23T22:23:09-04:00August 23rd, 2018|English|

Before you do anything else today Dear One, stop and do something that makes you smile.

Think a happy thought, listen to your favorite song, hug someone you love, eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, anything at all will do.

If you can’t do it, if you can’t think of even one thing to do that will make you smile, stop, sit down, and do nothing else until you can.

Trust us Dear One, this will not be a waste of your time.

In fact, it just may be one of the most productive things you do for yourself all day.


On: What’s wrong with the world?

By |2018-08-22T22:14:07-04:00August 22nd, 2018|English|

If you want to know what’s wrong with the world Dear One, and your response to the anger is anger, to the outrage is outrage, to the violence is violence, and to the hatred is hatred, you should know that regardless of how good your intentions are, that you need not look any further than yourself to find the answer.

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